11-18-2002, 01:36 AM
The game starts out rite after meteor hits, the gang heads into midgar to find survivors, they are ambushed by the survivors of Shinra (Turks, soldiers, and a burned and scared but not dead Rufus). The group is killed off one by one, Cloud is horrible wounded. The Shinra's goal was to capture Red XIII, they do and use him for his longevity genes. Cloud is later found by Hojo(not dead, he's the master of cloning how could he be dead) Hojo takes Cloud into an underground lab, He puts him into a cryogenic chamber and injects him with Jenova cells, He realizes that Cloud was always a stronger specimen then Sephiroth ever was. 500 yrs later Red and he's cloned kids break out of the Neo-Midgar, they head back to midgar for Red still senses Clouds presence on the earth. The scene at the end of FF7 is them reaching Midgar. They find Cloud who is still frozen and looking a lot more like Septhiroth with the long grey hair. They soon join up with New- Avalanche lead by Marlene who had stolen longevity cells from Neo- Midgar. Throughout the game Cloud battles off the Jenova cells which are slower transforming him into the PERFECT specimen that Hojo dreamed of. The reason all the humans are still alive is because Holy "had the opposite effect". Does this sound good? please gimme your opinions

11-18-2002, 02:11 AM
I think it sounds good so far. You should add more to it and post it, I'd like to see what all yer thinkin about for this story of yers^-^

11-18-2002, 11:05 PM
I'm kinda unsure, is it an outline of the plot?

If so, it's very imaginative and creative as and idea and will make a great story!

Try breaking up the paragraph into several smaller ones to help the reader read with more ease.

11-19-2002, 12:09 AM
My honest opinion... If well written, it would make a nice Alternative Story Line, but otherwise it will suck vulgarities I don't feel like saying and the moment. (Such as ass, cock, dick) <---- Laugh It's called Irony.

I can't really judge a story that hasn't been written yet. So I honestly don't have an opinion... Yet somehow I had the urge to post. My only suggestion to you is. Go through with it. Whether it will suck or not, is up to you, but the story that will always suck is the story that is never written. But if you really want to kill everyone off, you better make it an alternative storyline rather than a sequal. (even if it is based right after the ending.)

That's my two cents. Forty-nine more posts and you'll have a buck from me.

P.S. Jello!

11-19-2002, 02:21 AM
well aite cool, i guess i'll start writing this thing, i'll post the first chapter as soon as i write it.

11-20-2002, 01:39 AM
Chapter 1: The Night Midgar Died

The sky lit up in a ball of light then suddenly, dead silence. Cloud slowly began to open his eyes fearing what he might see. Through the glass windows of the Highwind the town of Midgar could be seen below. The city lay in ruins. Mako was showering over the town like snow, adding a peaceful yet disturbing effect. Suddenly sounds began to become more clear, after the ringing in Cloud�s ears had stopped. Alarms and cries could be heard throughout the city of chaos.
�What the hell are we waiting for,� Barret looked around in shock, �let�s get down there�
Without hesitation Cid began to land the ship.

The group quickly ran through the front gates of what used to be the Sector 4 slums to meet Reeve who was anxiously waiting their arrival.
�Finally! What took you all so long? We need your help.� Reeve began to lead them into the heart of the city where a few survivor lay screaming in torment. � WE GOTTA HELP THESE PEOPLE!� Reeve shouted over the noisy city.
The group quickly began to race through the streets finding any survivors they could. After about half an hour the group met back up where they started.
�ANY SURVIVORS?� Tifa shouted. She looked around at the group who had all lowered their heads in an act of shame and embarrassment. Tifa quickly glanced through the group again.
�Where�s Reeve?� She asked .
Cloud raised his head, his face was covered in a dark lair of ash.
Cloud quickly grabbed at the sharp pain that rushed through his shoulder. His glove quickly became soaked with his blood. He spun around to see a Shinra soldier standing with his gun aimed and still smoking. He quickly turned back around to see that the rest of the group also surrounded by members of Soldier. Barret�s face went dark red as he was filled with a feeling of anger and failure.
As Barret lifted his gun-arm to begin releasing his rage he began to feel the sharp pain of bullets ripping through his skin. He dropped to his knees and let out a horrific scream. More bullets were unloaded on him and he dropped to the ground his face hitting the dirt.
�BARRET!� Tifa jumped to his side and wrapped her arms around his head. He looked up at her with bloodshot eyes and they began to fill with tears. With his last breath he uttered his daughter�s name.
Within seconds after Barret had died, the rest of the group was knocked off, until only Cloud and Red XIII were left standing in shock. Cloud could here laughing coming from behind him. He slowly turned around. From out of the shadows of the ruined city and into the light provided by a nearby house-fire stepped Rufus Shinra. His cloths were ripped and stained in his own blood and his face was scared with burns.
�Leave him for me,� he said as the grin on his face widened.
Rufus slowly crept towards Cloud. Cloud felt the cold barrel of Rufus�s gun on his chest.
Cloud fell to his back and lay soaking in his own blood.
�Now I�ll leave u to die slowly, the way I was left� Rufus screamed as he began to slowly walk away. �Grab this one, we need him,� Rufus pointed towards Red XIII. �I have plans for you.�

Cloud began to fade in and out of eternal slumber. As he began to drift off he could hear footsteps getting closer to him. He then felt he was being dragged for what seemed like forever and no matter how hard he tried, he could not open his eyes to see what was going on. Before long Cloud began regaining consciousness and found himself in a glass tube with his shirt off. His wound was stitched up and a roman numeral was tattooed on his bicep. The Number was 0.
�Where am I?� he shouted, but his voice was muffled by the glass that surrounded him. Suddenly Hojo stepped in front of him with a grin across his face.
�YOU! But you�re dead� Cloud demanded.
�That was one of my clones, surely you know I�d have a clone or two, being the master of cloning� Hojo said jokingly.
�What am I doing in this thing?� Cloud asked bluntly.
�Simple, because I put you there. I have injected your body with a vast number of Jenova cells. You are the one, the PERFECT specimen. You have been all along, you were always stronger than Septhiroth, I don�t know how I didn�t see it before.�
�Your insane!� Cloud shouted.
�That may be, but I won�t be alive long enough to find out. I am cryogenically freezing you. Only the future will know if I was crazy. But you better hope I am or else they are in for a lot of trouble.�

Red XIII sat in the back of a Shinra vessel headed for an unknown destination. He was soon joined by Rufus Reeve and the Turks.
�Well I bet your wondering why your hear,� Reeve asked.
�YOU TRAITOR!� Red shouted with tears in his eyes.
�Shut up, I was never on your side� Reeve snapped back.
�Enough!� Rufus said, � The reason your hear is simple, we need your DNA cells. Building Neo-Midgar in the Promised land will take years, far more then the human lifespan is. That is why we need your DNA, for your longevity. We will extract your cells and become no slave to time. Then we will create Neo- Midgar.�
The man turned around and exited the room laughing.
Red plopped himself on the floor and sighed, �God Save Us.�