11-18-2002, 01:12 AM
If you have got so far you would have noticed that once you have done away with Kuja this necron thing turns up wanting to end everything too.
Is it me or is this necron turning up out of the blue stupid cos he just turns up! wouldn't it be better to have ended it with kuja or another form of kuja like the end bosses on ff7 and ff8?

11-18-2002, 09:47 AM
*Shrugs* I don't know... It just depends I guess.

I guess it makes the final battle of FF9 more interesting and unique as you don't know what will happen next and the final boss syatem is different from the others. So to put my post in a short form, no =P

Bahamut ZERO
11-18-2002, 10:52 AM
I think the idea behind Necron was that Kuja's actions gave it the power to act. Kuja was hellbent on destroying the crystal, hence destroying creation and the Universe itself. Your party tries to stop him, but he succeeds, and releases Necron, an entity that believes that Kuja's actions speak for all life, and that life as a whole must return to the zero world, ie nothing. In a way, Necron is Kuja's goal bought to life, and Zidane and company have to fight it and suppress it in order to stop it from ending creation.

Either that or Square did it to annoy us...

11-18-2002, 07:13 PM
Exactly, Bahamut ZERO. Couldn't have summed it up better myself.

However, I thought Necron's (i.e.: Kuja's) goal of returning everything to 'nothingness' sounded a lot like X-Death from FFV. Perhaps Necron was just another tip-of-the-hat to the earlier FF's?

11-21-2002, 09:06 PM
Necron had in fact some stuff in common with Neo-Exdeath from FFV... Grand Cross, for example. How I loathe this attack.

I... actually found it nice to have this Necron thingy. I�t can be seen as a metaphor. Like Bahamut Zero said in such simple, beautiful words,...
He... rather it represents the wish to end everything, and the heroes must fight this wish, and prove they love life and existence.

I would have complayed if he had been the real final enemy, but hell, he was not, it was still Kuja, Necron was just this idea of nothingness...


11-24-2002, 08:24 AM
i agree it should've just ended with kuja. the whole game you think kuja's the bad guy. and then out of no where necron comes.

when he came i thought i missed someth9ing in the story, but he has nothing to do with the story.... well he kinda does....

11-24-2002, 08:10 PM
Well, I can't really add much else, but I thought Necron was a good change of pace. It was almost like the ending of FF8, since you were, in essence, fighting Necron the entire time. In this case, it was just that Necron wasn't known about like Ultimecia was.

I thought they could've beefed Necron up a bit though. I mean she's hardly a tough boss, especially when you can perform the ultimate moves. It would have been better if she was far more stronger than anything else, and because of her job, she should have been. Don't you agree?

11-25-2002, 05:07 AM
it was very easy. but all of my friends say how hard it is. i'm only level 57 on ff9, and one of my friends is level 80 and he cant beat it.....

11-28-2002, 10:32 AM

I thought the whole idea of Necron was a bit stupid at first but then after the ending I sort of got an idea of why Necron was there.

After you beat the crap out of Kuja and Necron, you go and find your "bro" Kuja and try and save him. Without Necron Zidane would have beaten the shit out of Kuja and then saved him the very next minute. Necron gave Zidane a reason for going down and helping Kuja and trying to save him. So without Necron the ending would have been more stupid than many people thought it already was.

11-29-2002, 03:30 AM
I agree that the necron thing makes sense and with everything that Bahamut ZERO said. I do think he came too much out of the blue though, they should have at least hinted at it somewhere.

11-29-2002, 11:54 AM
I don't know about anyone else but i disliked the final battle. I mean, who the hell are you necron? Sure the ending was good, but MAN necron is so lame. Square did it to annoy us for sure...

the one
12-07-2002, 01:08 PM
i think it was a bit stupid,he was jus about never mentioned in the story ever and then appears thinkin hes mad tryin to end everything,lol,defo should have ended with kuja

12-08-2002, 12:54 AM
i like ff9 ending, so please don't hate it