11-15-2002, 02:26 AM
I discovered something about the word Otaku. While to us it means simply obsessed with anime. To a Japanese person it means 'house' or someone who sits at home all day basically watching anime. But there is more to the connotation of this word. If you call yourself an otaku in japan, basically they will think you are pervert who rapes and kills children. Here is the full article
I just had to warn people about this. Up till this point if I went to Japan I might have called myself that. So for all shriners who call themselves Otaku, this is a warning about the word.

11-15-2002, 02:58 AM
actually i find that new description to fit me quite perfectly actually. :D

so if you dont mind, i'll go ahead and continue to call myself that. :p cause i'm so perverted and TWISTED!:eye: :cool: lol

11-15-2002, 05:16 AM
I knew about most of that,I wasn't sure on the "rape" subject,but I think it fits with most of what I have observed,and the "kill" part is new to me,I never heard that till now,but the "perverted" part is pretty obvious to me,if you ever look at anime related japanese sites,it's pretty obvious.....

David F
11-15-2002, 07:48 AM
Yea I knew that like years ago, even to this day I still laugh my ass off when someone calls em self �Otaku!� Freakin' funny.

11-15-2002, 08:22 AM
Heh, I didn't know that actually but thankies for informing me OnlySquared. It's very useful information for when I go to a Japan exchange trip with my school in a few years time, hopefully... Heh, it would be pretty funny if someone actually said that though, lol =O

11-15-2002, 02:44 PM
Knew about that a while, kinda not smart if you just asume every meaning of a foreign word :E Always check up with the word ;) To prevent such things as this xD

11-16-2002, 02:47 AM
Many meanings, I consider normal otakus people like me. Liking and appreciating anime (y'know not just the surface) and not being totally obsessed with it and having a social life.

What you described i consider a Hardcore Otaku.

11-16-2002, 04:13 PM
o.o i had no idea. I understand then, OS. Always call yourself an otaku in Japan. j/k

^_^ im glad i found out what that means, vampy said it once and wouldnt tell me what it meant ;)

Crazy Chocobo
11-16-2002, 10:55 PM
I never called myself an Otaku anyhow...

11-17-2002, 09:59 AM
Eh, what else is new? I've known this for quite a while.

I wouldn't call myself an otaku anymore, even if I didn't know about this. I'm just not as obsessed with anime anymore. In fact, I'm not as obsessed with anything anymore.

11-17-2002, 10:42 AM
How funky...not like I ever would have said that to anyone, be it in America, Japan, Austrailia, Russia, Canada, etc....I wouldn't call myself an otaku, even though i love all sorts of anime..

Geeze, the article reminds me of a bunch of other stuff I've read that happens here in America...another sick, twisted freaky person...

Originally Posted by Tact

I actually i find that new description to fit me quite perfectly actually.

so if you dont mind, i'll go ahead and continue to call myself that. cause i'm so perverted and TWISTED! lol

There's no harm in liking hentai, but I know you wouldn't do what that dude in the article did..

...Would you...? o.O;;

11-17-2002, 10:09 PM
thats the question!

*tries to scare koenma*


*makes that scary wide eyed face*



11-18-2002, 04:11 AM
Heh, well, some people didn't know. A friend told me this (after they found out from someone else) so I checked it out and found out it was true. Now I know why there are so many hentai lovers at Otakon...(Convention of the Otaku Generation). lol, even more ironic that it's one of the most popular ones.

otaku in japan has a bad connoation basically. Saying your a lazy bum who sits around watching anime all day and (because of other people like this) probably goes after children.

I think I'll go to japan now and yell, "I AM AN OTAKU!" in the most public place I can to see what happens...I'd probably get taken away as some nut. Anyway, this should be useful knowledge for any anime fans who think they may have some kind of future in japan. I don't think it would be a good idea to say, "I consider myself an otaku" when at a job interview for some animation studio...unless you're applying for hentai...

11-19-2002, 12:31 AM
Haha, nice piece of info, i'm glad to be informed. Now when I hear some call themselves an otaku i will laugh ehehe =).