08-29-2010, 08:33 PM
I was able to find an old remix that I had of the Holy Orders (Be Just or Be Dead) tune from Guilty Gear sitting on an old MP3 player. For whatever reason, though, my old player won't let me transfer the tune to my PC, and I don't have the original file. (And this remix is not of any album, as far as I know, and I've searched most of the albums listed here on FFShrine.) The most that I was able to do was record it playing - which obviously resulted in a slight loss of quality.

If anyone has this file on hand, would you be so kind as to share it with me? It would be much appreciated, I've been searching for this remix for years now.

This is the remix I've managed to rip from my old player. Please use it for comparison.

RapidShare: Holy Orders (Ichu).mp3 (

Here's a second link in case the first one goes down:

Mediafire: Holy Orders (Ichu).mp3 (

("Ichu" is in the name because that's how I originally found the file from long ago. I tried searching the same way I had before, but to no avail.)

09-02-2010, 03:45 AM

Let me know as well if the links stop working, and I'll be sure to reupload when needed.