11-13-2002, 11:47 PM
or is this quiz little against Aeris? When I read it, it seemed kind of rude towards her character. (They said at the end "you're a little ditzy" when you get Aeris. Aeris isnt ditzy!)


11-14-2002, 04:56 AM
Oh, I got Tifa!! *Is perky about that fact* It means that I care a lot about other people like my family (or something) which is true.

As soon as you meet I will be either ranting on how ruley my mum is or how weird my brothers are but they're still kick ass as well. *Hugz her lovely but abnormal family* And I argee (sp) with CE when she said she thought Aeris wasn't ditzy as she actually made some pretty smart choices even if she uh, (how do I put this?) ended up in a rough ditch -_-

11-14-2002, 05:09 AM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Sephiroth</U><BR> You are a sadistic bastard, who burns things down, and really dun give a shit about anything about anything about others. But, hey, you're danm sexy, so we'll just overlook it! </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

Whipee, I get Sephy! And I looked at the other results...

<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Aeris</U><BR> You may be a little in the airheaded side, and you are a flirt, but you are still appealing to people. </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

THey make Aeris sound more like Rinoa....and it's not true....Aeris is much better than that...::Cuddles with his chibi-Aeris doll:: ^__^

11-16-2002, 10:26 AM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Cloud</U><BR> You try to seem like a cold person, who really doesn't give a crap. But some people look beyond your cold exterior and find out what a cutie you truly are. </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

w00t Cloud. I wanted Cloud too. How sweet.

Neo Xzhan
11-17-2002, 10:50 PM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Cloud</U><BR> You try to seem like a cold person, who really doesn't give a crap. But some people look beyond your cold exterior and find out what a cutie you truly are. </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

Hmmm kinda what I expected.

God of HellFIRE
11-17-2002, 11:47 PM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Sephiroth</U><BR> You are a sadistic bastard, who burns things down, and really dun give a shit about anything about anything about others. But, hey, you're danm sexy, so we'll just overlook it! </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

er.... Am I THAT BAD??

11-18-2002, 06:33 AM
Eh, this is a little weird... but I got Tifa? o_0 I'm a guy, though... but I guess I am a little bit like her personality wise...

11-20-2002, 03:52 PM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Cloud</U><BR> You try to seem like a cold person, who really doesn't give a crap. But some people look beyond your cold exterior and find out what a cutie you truly are. </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

I am one of the many who got Cloud.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
11-20-2002, 07:10 PM
I would have preferred to be Sephiroth, but I got ....

<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Cloud</U><BR> You try to seem like a cold person, who really doesn't give a crap. But some people look beyond your cold exterior and find out what a cutie you truly are. </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

but I don't mind, he was kind of cool through FF7

11-20-2002, 07:32 PM
The whole quiz seems to be somewhat different.... if you ask me :B o.o
Fun seeing it though, the boring formal stuff gets old after 2 quizzes of FF7. This one is more unique.

11-21-2002, 06:56 AM
Bleh, this one option kinda disturbs me, I wear no clothes...

Anyways, I got Tifa. I don't think I'm much like her...but I do care about the people I love.

But yeah it does kinda make Aeris seem ditzy in that quiz...

11-21-2002, 08:13 PM
Yuffie rules OKAY???

<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Yuffie</U><BR> You are very optimistic. You always get what you want, and you are not afraid to express your oppinion. You are really a really fun person ;D </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>


11-21-2002, 08:20 PM
Yuffie is soooooooo cool plus she's my sis too so I would have probably got her anyway!!
:p :D

<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Yuffie</U><BR> You are very optimistic. You always get what you want, and you are not afraid to express your oppinion. You are really a really fun person ;D </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

11-22-2002, 01:27 AM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Vincent</U><BR> You are a very mysterious person, who is really appealing to the opposite [and maybe even your same] sex. You are suffering over your past, and that angsty personality just makes you sexier ;D</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

But it isnt too bad b/c vincent is of course one of the many hard asses it the game... although my counter ego is much like sephiroth too.

I think that the quiz weighs heavily on who you pick for your lover and such...:notgood:

11-22-2002, 02:47 AM
gah, i'm so generic

i got seph......... grrrrrr i wanted Red XIII.

11-22-2002, 04:48 AM
naah its just u.

11-22-2002, 08:13 PM
Isn't Vivi a boy? Hello? But Vivi rocks so there!!!!

<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are vivi</U><BR> You are very shy, yet very powerful. You care about others a lot too. You are a real sweetheart. ^_^
</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9)</font></center>

11-23-2002, 02:49 AM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Sephiroth</U><BR> You are a sadistic bastard, who burns things down, and really dun give a shit about anything about anything about others. But, hey, you're danm sexy, so we'll just overlook it! </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

A sadistic bastard? Damn sexy? These are my results? Are you sure this test is accurate? o_O

So answer me honestly: Who answered the clothing question with "I don't wear clothes"? :D

Kool Ranch
11-29-2002, 01:03 AM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Cid</U><BR> You are the tough-talkin, typical bad boy.You really couldn't care less, but you just go along with it. You are no afraid to say when something bothers you either. </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

Sweet, I love Cid!

The Wandering Knight
11-29-2002, 05:46 AM
Here's what I got...
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Vincent</U><BR> You are a very mysterious person, who is really appealing to the opposite [and maybe even your same] sex. You are suffering over your past, and that angsty personality just makes you sexier ;D</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>
But actually,,I wanted Cloud...so I cheated :p but I still didn't get him:p...
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Sephiroth</U><BR> You are a sadistic bastard, who burns things down, and really dun give a shit about anything about anything about others. But, hey, you're danm sexy, so we'll just overlook it! </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>
Gee....what's he doin' here?..:p

Neo Xzhan
11-29-2002, 05:17 PM
Just wondering, there is one question that asks if you wear clothes. If you anwser no you'll prolly get Cait Sith right?? Since he isnt wearing any clothes.... at all. I think it's easy to cheat in this test. None the less the questions were fun =).

11-29-2002, 09:27 PM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Vincent</U><BR> You are a very mysterious person, who is really appealing to the opposite [and maybe even your same] sex. You are suffering over your past, and that angsty personality just makes you sexier ;D</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

yay I got Vincent!

12-08-2002, 02:47 PM
My FF9 Character is Garnet!

<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are garnet</U><BR> You sometimes seem like a snobby and bossy person, but really, you are always thinking about other people before thinking about yourself.
</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9)</font></center>

12-11-2002, 09:44 PM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are tifa</U><BR> You are a very sweet person and you care a lot about the people you love, and will do anything to protect them. But if they piss you off, you just kick their asses!</a></font></center>

it is really sad becuase i'm a guy, I answered the questions truthfully too.

01-10-2003, 12:31 AM
Yeah, it sounds like they are trying to make her sound like a bad character.

Nanaki XIII
01-10-2003, 02:12 AM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Vincent</U><BR> You are a very mysterious person, who is really appealing to the opposite [and maybe even your same] sex. You are suffering over your past, and that angsty personality just makes you sexier ;D</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

Whoa didnt see that coming, I dont even like Vincent.

02-01-2003, 09:05 PM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Yuffie</U><BR> You are very optimistic. You always get what you want, and you are not afraid to express your oppinion. You are really a really fun person ;D </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>
Sweet!! I always look at the other results and laughed my head off at the Seph 1. My bro got Seph every time as for 9 I got
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are eiko</U><BR> You are extremely cute, though you can also be tricky. You aren't afraid to express your feelings. You oftenly feel lonely.
</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9)</font></center>

LinkVivi over and out

02-08-2003, 08:35 AM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Red XIII</U><BR> You love thinking about yourself. You seem very mature for your age, but you are jusr a child inside. You take things too seriously sometimes, which leads you to worry too much.</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

I took the test twice, first I got Cid, and then I got Vincent, but when I checked out what it said for RedXIII, I thought that he was the best one for describing who I am. I guess maybe I'm a mix of Cid, Vincent, and Red. They all kick ass anyways.


<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are vivi</U><BR> You are very shy, yet very powerful. You care about others a lot too. You are a real sweetheart. ^_^
</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9)</font></center>

Master Vivi. Yeah. Me.

02-08-2003, 08:49 AM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Vincent</U><BR> You are a very mysterious person, who is really appealing to the opposite [and maybe even your same] sex. You are suffering over your past, and that angsty personality just makes you sexier ;D</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

FFIX I got...

<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are amarant</U><BR> You aren't much of a talker and you sometimes come across as a rude person, but really, you are just misunderstood.</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9)</font></center>

I expected those results, and that did seem a bit against Aerith...

02-11-2003, 11:10 PM
I ended up with Tifa, how? I don't like her? I wanted Aeris ;_;

02-12-2003, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Cloud</U><BR> You try to seem like a cold person, who really doesn't give a crap. But some people look beyond your cold exterior and find out what a cutie you truly are. </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

Hmmm kinda what I expected.

Same here.. The results that you got Sander are so correct it scares me. Heh, I took the FF9 the other day and I got Vivi =D

go me, etc etc etc~ =P

02-12-2003, 02:04 PM
<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are Cid</U><BR> You are the tough-talkin, typical bad boy.You really couldn't care less, but you just go along with it. You are no afraid to say when something bothers you either. </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff7)</font></center>

I got cid. I guess i fit his personality.

<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are kuja</U><BR> You love thinking about yourself. You are very evil too >3 Something gets in your way, you just destroy it. But really, you are a nice person deep inside ;P </TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9)</font></center>

got that for nine, how the hell? I dont think that matches cid's character very acuratly. O_O

Neo Xzhan
02-12-2003, 05:51 PM
So I took the FFIX test aswell.

<TD><a href=http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9 target=_new>
</Td><TD width=200>
<font face=veranda><font size=1>You are vivi</U><BR> You are very shy, yet very powerful. You care about others a lot too. You are a real sweetheart. ^_^
</TD></TR></table><BR>take this quiz! (http://www.murasaki-tenshi.net/ff9)</font></center>

</font>Shy true, caring about others is also true. Sweetheart is up to you to decide, yet powerfull I am not.

02-13-2003, 02:00 AM
Dude. Aeris is completely ditzy.