11-13-2002, 09:14 PM
*sighs* how many times a day do I have to tell every one that the best anime is, by far *deep breath* Dragon Ball Z!:p

Exiled Archangel
11-14-2002, 12:26 AM
"One Piece"...That's the best..;) :D

11-14-2002, 01:06 AM
All based on people's tastes and maturity..

I emphasize maturity because of *cough* DBZ *cough*

My favourite is Petshop of Horrors

11-14-2002, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by Exiled Archangel
"One Piece"...That's the best..;) :D

One Piece is pretty damn good, isn't it.:D It's one of my favorites too.

Unfortunately, I can't pick a favorite anime... There's just too many to choose from.

David F
11-14-2002, 02:31 AM
I like Akira it�s a favorite of mine and though it missed out some parts of the manga the feature film defined what animes should be.

11-14-2002, 06:14 AM
Well, I have to say either Card Captor Sakura or Sailor Moon as they are both fairly popular and have all the um, requirements a good Japanese anime has to have which is: Kawaiiness, ruliness, prettiful costumes and lots of Japanese culture hidden here and there ^_^

David F
11-14-2002, 08:24 AM
You forgot panty shots Arwen, lots and lots of panty shots.

11-14-2002, 02:01 PM
Just to clarify.. When you say an anime *is* the 'best', you're saying it wrong. It's supposed to be "I *think* this and that anime is the best". :B

*scratches head* I really can't chose just one. There are so many good animes out there, and you really can't compare 'em all. So um.. Yea. @_@
Yami no Matsuei and Gundam Wing are my favourites right now.

Exiled Archangel
11-14-2002, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Nymph
Just to clarify.. When you say an anime *is* the 'best', you're saying it wrong. It's supposed to be "I *think* this and that anime is the best". :B

*Exiled Archangel bows to Nymph.*You're right like always :D ;).
Now,what about Berserk and Ninja Scroll?They are...*coughs*...I think they are preety awesome too!:D

EDIT:I like Sakura too.

11-14-2002, 06:43 PM
@David F
If you�re a fan of panty shots, the best anime for you (and only for you, hehe) would be Agent Aika. :P

Like sooo many others in this and all the other "What is the best anime"-threads have said, there is no such thing as the best anime, it depends on what you like about an anime.

Maybe you should at least add why you like the anime, what a good anime must have (in your opinion) and stuff... o.o

As for me... as for me... I don�t know enough anime to tell you about this all. I still love the one-and-only great Kenshin OVA, more than any other animes I have seen... It is indeed the only part of RK where I think I prefer the anime adaption over the original manga. Those who know me might understand that this means it is really good. XD

11-14-2002, 07:45 PM
*Feeling really stupid*
OK, OK, Forget the best anime thing.
My FAVOURITE anime is Dragon Ball Z cos I think its better than all the others and it has cute guys on it... *closes eyes and begins to dream about Gohan and Vegito*
Now tell me your favourite (not the best) anime.

11-14-2002, 08:07 PM
Does that mean I can close this now? There is already a "favourite anime" thread in this forum:

Okay... do you all think that it is possible to lead a discussion about what anime is best in your opinion, that will not turn out as a clone of the thead linked above?
If yes, PM me to reopen the thread.
If no, you can continue your discussion in the old thread... and this one will be closed...

*a bit confused today... erh...*