11-12-2002, 08:14 AM

Well, as you know, FF10 is getting a sequal...

Square is breaking their age old tradition of abstaining from making direct Final Fantasy Sequals. What will they call it? I don't know, but it's currently being called FFX-2 by alot of people online. Oh, and before I go any further, if you don't know what I'm talking about or you just don't believe me, feel free to go to, or read any gaming magazine (like EGM's December issue).

Why would they make a sequal to FFX and not make a FF7 sequal? I don't know, really, and it isn't up to me to tell Square what to do. But, IMO, X is a much lesser game than 7 was, and even if you left FF7 only 1 disc long (not like made it shorter, but just stopped devloping it and you killed Sephiroth at the end of Disc 1, following Aeris' death) it would be a better game still. So why then Square, why?

Well, firstly, FFX heralded a new era in Square gaming. It was the first FF game for the PS2, and it was one of the first FF games that really broke out into the main stream. I can remember back in 96/97 seeing commercials for FF7, and FF7 did open up Square RPG's for alot of gamers who had previously viewed 1-6 as only cult favorites, but not in the sense X did. X seemed to define Square as what it is, and seeing as Square is short on cash these days (following its movie bust and a series of poor investing), I think that they decided to cash in on FFX as much as they could.

FFX will follow Yuna and two undiscolsed comrades; and it will be a direct sequal.

Why shouldn't FF7 have this? I, for one, have mixed opinions on FF7 sequals (of which there are none, and there are no plans to make one that I am aware of or have been released to the public).

First, I would most definately buy FF7-2 if it ever was made. I would play the whole game, no matter if it sucked like a hoover vac. But, I'm not sure that I want the game to be made.

If they made a FF7-2, then it would certainly have some major expectations to live up to - maybe, impossibly high. What would it talk about? What conflict would there be? There's not much left open - basically, meteor hits and things do eventually turn out ok for Planet (we see Red 13 and kids). So what would the conflict be?

FFX has an obvious conflict - what happened to Tidus? And so that defines a base for the rest of the game. FF7 lacks this. Granted, we could jump onto a "let's revive Aeris" bandwagon, but before we do, we should examine our wants - do we really want that?

Aeris' death brought with it an undescribable...."thing." That "thing" was what defined FF7 as not just a great game, but as a timeless game. If we were to bring her back, would that not destroy much of the pain in FF7? Because if you think about it, it would be lost knowing that, hell, you can revive the chick in the sequal.

Still, FF7 had some huge plot holes (but but no means plot "defects") that could serve as focal points for the sequal to pivot on. Tell us more, O Square, about JENOVA. Or the Cetra, if you please - we'd like to know more about the battle they waged with the crisis from the sky.

So, that's the deal with FF7-2.

Now what about a PS2 REMAKE of FF7? I don't think that would be such a bad thing. If they finished the parts of the game that they could not (there were many, many, many unfinished sections of the game due to time constraints), if they upped the graphics to Kingdom Hearts (have you seen Cloud/Sephiroth/Aeris/Cid/etc. in there? They look GREAT!) or FFX level graphics, and if they threw in a few extra materias and cutscenes I think Square would find itself a little richer.

I don't know about voice overs - in fact, I'd prefer that they didn't give them any voice overs. I don't think Cloud's voice in Kingdom Hearts was that great, and I haven't heard Sephiroth's (Lance Bass....shudder), but I think that Square would try to use the same people for FF7 if they re-did it with voice overs, and I don't really want to see that.

I think it'd also be great if they expanded the world. If they made towns a little bigger, more detailed, and with more people in them, that would be another plus in my book. Gold Saucer could stand to have a few more games, as well.

But, more importantly, are the mysteries that FF7 left. One that comes to mind is the "ghost" of Aeris in the church upon your return to Midgar. We would finally know what that meant. And we would know what Cloud and Tifa were talking about when they said "we can meet her there." Speaking of the ending, I'd like to see the REAL ones that were planned (there were originally four - one w/ Yuffie, no Vincent, one w/ Vincent, no Yuffie, one w/ neither, and one w/ both), as well as extensions on it on the whole.

Zack stuff could also be cleared up - that guy in the pipe early on in Midgar. Is that Zack? Perhaps the sequal could have a little side quest you could go on before you get to that part which would clear up who he was later on in the game (like you make him feel better, and then you leave the pipe; "he has to recover," says Aeris; on Disc 3 you get to talk to someone who was caring for him who thanks you for helping him [although he still left to go to the Reunion like he does in the non-remake] and tells you what he knows about him or something).

I don't know, those are just my thoughts.

Oh, and the FF7 REMAKE was a reality until Square "scrapped" the idea due to monetary constraints... but, if we got like 4000 or 5000 signatures on a petition we could probably persuade them to at least remake, if not make a sequal for it like FFX....

5000 x $50 = $250,000
And that's just with the petitioners - if they made it, there'd be many more people who'd buy it.

"Square, you jerks! You made FFX-2, a game that isn't nearly as good as FF7, so make FF7-2 now!!!"

And btw, I thought I'd save it for last:

IGN (or GayGN as my frineds and I call it), RPGgamer, and other sources have confirmed that square is "thinking" about a sequal to FF7... Good times for gamers if they make it. I'll be getting my Halo 2 as well as FF7-2 right in time for senior year next year.... so much time... so much gaming... I think I'll die; it's too much for one man to handle!!


11-12-2002, 05:31 PM

<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">There's a topic already discussing plans for a FF7 sequel, so next time look for a nearby similar topic first, umkay?
