Dr. Lucien Sanchez
11-11-2002, 08:38 PM
I heard from my friend (he's a VERY big Nintendo fan) a few days ago, that Nintendo were being sued for price fixing in Europe. So while the people in mainland Europe were being ripped off, the UK was getting cheaper prices for the games.

Personally I don't like Nintendo much, because well....they're pretty fucked up after the SNES.

But how many of you feel about this (this is mainly for Mainland Europe Nintendo fans i'm talking to here)

David F
11-12-2002, 08:31 AM
I don�t like Nintendo very much so this news comes as amusing to me.

11-15-2002, 02:47 AM
ya its funny but they shouldnt have ripped people off thats just cruel

11-15-2002, 10:05 AM
Damn Europe. Nintendo are kewl. Maybe they just got angry cause they couldn't pirate Nintendo games but they can pirate PS2 and Shit Box.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
11-20-2002, 08:43 PM
@Cloud, well you shouldn't really have a go at Europe, because Nintendo brought it on themselves and got what they deserve.

11-28-2002, 08:53 PM
Nintendo should be sued for cruel and unusual marketing. First the GameBoy, then the GameBoy Pocket. Oh, it's so cool, look how it fits into your pocket...two days later after everyone's spent their money on another GameBoy, WHAM! GameBoy..COLOR. oooh....so everyone buys a third Gameboy. Yay. One day later there's the new GameBoy Advance. Wowie! Nintendo's victims now own four GameBoys, three of which are now obsolete.

If you read my post over in the FFT Thread I mention the brand new GameBoy Pocket Color Advance...but I wouldn't waste my money on it if I were you. Wait for the GameCubeBoy Color Pocket Advance....with a night light!!!!

grr...Nintendo deserves it!!

11-29-2002, 01:18 AM
Ahem, remind me to laugh at everyone at the end of this post.

See, people are afraid of this. Why are they afraid? Because they have no sense of time whatsoever. The time spread between Gameboy, GBP, GBC, and GBA are widespread. I had a GB, never bought a GBP because there was no REAL need, GBC I got, 3 years later I got a GBA.

Is GBC obsolete? Not entirely, I still use it for Link Battles with my GBA (Pokemon and some stuff). Heck I was glad they released a GBA so I could transfer my stuff around to another game.

Is the GB obsolete? More than so yes... that is, if you look at it in a different Point of View. The Gameboy's Speaker is the loudest of the rest of the 4, not to mention that the batteries last longer. Some games were also meant to be played with that Green Cabbage screen.

Now we have the future of videogames here. PS3 is being planned but there is no real idea of what it can do. Another Nintendo system will follow up with the GameCube and the GBA... and Microsoft is doing godknowswhat. o_O As we all grow up and go on with our lives, time passes quickly. The SNES/Genesis was the fruit of our young age, that was when we truely didn't care about whats up outside.

With how Technology is nowadays, you got to also keep up with that as well. You can choose to stay behind... but you won't... yet you're bitching about it being too fast. Okay, you don't have to catch up now..... but you're still bitching about it..... okay.... quit bitching about it and play games, okay? :P

Going back to Nintendo ripping off Europe...

Thats your Nintendo you're blaming and not ours.. so HAH!

There is really only one thing I can think of that could result in more pirating Gamecube games. Fork up money for a Qube (which is about 400 bucks) and make DVD format work with the Qube or find some way to hook up an external DVD drive to a Gamecube and do all this nasty stuff would result in more money being thrown about.

Of course, I'm not accusing NOE of being the type of people who are eyeing Mainland Europe of hacking and pirating stuff. It could be just simple price arranging according to where they are. Gamers in UK are mostly of English Language and pay less compared to a German player who needs the German Language option just to play the game. Then again, I could be wrong, heck I don't trust the European company branches at all (Example: Squaresoft, Nintendo, Sega). Europe isn't a place for Video Games in my opinion...

(Commences Laughing at all European Countries that have been ripped off by Companies.)

And to add, Nintendo released 5 Gameboy Systems... one stayed in Japan.

Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
11-29-2002, 02:01 AM
i hope nintendo loses evrything for ripping people off, i nvr really liked nintendo, most of thier games are sequals and stuff, no new titles.i find this very humorous

Safer Sephiroth
11-29-2002, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by Sephiroth W/ K.O.F.T.R.
i hope nintendo loses evrything for ripping people off, i nvr really liked nintendo, most of thier games are sequals and stuff, no new titles.i find this very humorous

I've always liked nintendo ever since I was 3 years old. And Nintendo isn't the only company making sequels to all their old games, take a look at Sony why doncha. They are making lotsa sequels and remakes of their classic games still.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
11-29-2002, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Safer Sephiroth
I've always liked nintendo ever since I was 3 years old. And Nintendo isn't the only company making sequels to all their old games, take a look at Sony why doncha. They are making lotsa sequels and remakes of their classic games still.

But you have to agree Mario has gone on for too long now, and they should be abit more creative.

11-29-2002, 07:40 PM
If you think about it, Nintendo is really the only one that had a mascot in the beginning.... eventually Sonic came in..... then Sony just gained and lost mascots (heck, they don't even have one o_O). Then Xbox is just a new system.

Nintendo actually has a foundation of ideas to build upon. If you have the power, just do it. It would be logically right to bring back newer versions of our old heroes, especially if it's on a new system. This is what Nintendo was trying to do in the first place, keeping our memories intact so we can live on through these years thinking "Hey, I remember that Mario dude!"

I often find myself going back and forth from New School to Old School, that is why I bought myself an old NES and bought some more SNES games lately.

Nintendo is by far my favorite company (second is Squaresoft), not because of the systems, not because of the games, but what is inside these games is what I will treasure most.