08-18-2010, 09:55 PM

09-16-2011, 07:10 PM
Would love a re-upload of this! The link is dead. Thanks in advance! :-)

09-17-2011, 09:35 PM

09-19-2011, 04:31 AM
Thanks Alpha! You are indeed THE MAN!!

I hope you don't mind, but I had a couple of questions about the names of the tracks included in the streamed PS2 source.

There are ten tracks that have file names that are very different from all the others.

Four of the tracks are these: B3_SSTRM_33 ~ lp.ss2, C2_SSTRM_09 ~ lp.ss2, F2_SSTRM_16.ss2, and F3_SSTRM_26.ss2.

The remaining six tracks are named like these examples: ge_normal_02 ~ A1_SSTRM_38.ss2, ge_normal_03 ~ A1_SSTRM_41.ss2, etc.

Just wondering, were these tracks named differently in the game code, or did you have to name them yourself? It seems strange that they don't match the naming conventions of the other files. It looks like those last six tracks actually have two names?

Any light you can shed on this would be appreciated!!! THANKS!!

09-19-2011, 05:04 AM

09-19-2011, 07:08 PM
Thanks for the explanation Alpha. Pretty interesting!

This may be more discussion than you want on this topic. :)

To my ears, two of the GameCube exclusive tracks sound identical to PS2 tracks:

-- "c3_20_mix ~ GameCube Version.dsp" seems to be the same as "c2_31_mix.ss2."

-- "fe_boss_01_f ~ GameCube.dsp" seems to be the same as "F3_SSTRM_26.ss2." The latter track is two seconds longer, but its just two seconds of silence.

Interestingly, "f2_31_mix ~ GameCube.dsp" is the audio that plays in the alternate ending of the game if Montross defeats Jango. It does play in the PS version of the game too (so it should be in the PS2 files somewhere).

Also, "B3_SSTRM_33 ~ lp.ss2" is the music that plays when you grab a power-up in the game. It's the same in the GameCube and PS2 versions of the game (so it should be in the GameCube files somewhere).

It seems to me that all of the GameCube tracks were on the PS2 version, but the PS2 did have six exclusive tracks.

Lastly, there were four Jeremy Soule tracks for download on the official site. It's long gone, but the Japanese version of the site is still up, and you can find them HERE (

Thanks again Alpha!!!

09-19-2011, 10:02 PM

09-19-2011, 11:01 PM
Wow! Cool! :)

09-19-2011, 11:31 PM