Bahamut ZERO
11-03-2002, 09:10 PM
Okay, I've spent a large amount of time within this forum space bashing Final Fantasy VIII, it's about time I turn it on its head and write about what I think was GOOD about the game for a change. Everyone else, feel free to add your opinions...


(1) The Graphics. When you get down to it, FF VIII was the most realistic looking FF game for the PS series. The characters were life-like, and the backgrounds and towns beautifully drawn and rendered to almost make you feel that you were there. The first FMV was breath-taking and immediately grabbed your attention of the rivalry between Squall and Seifer.

(2) The Music. Eyes On Me. I don't know who sings it (I could find out, but I'm too lazy), but that piece of music fit in perfectly to the scene of Rinoa and Squall in the Ragnarok in space. That one scene was one of the most emotional I've watched, and one I've gone over a number of times again and again. There are other pieces of music that are equally as strong, but that's my favourite piece. (Goes to play it in Winamp.)

(3) The first half of the story. I'm talking about up to disk 2. The story was well written up to that point. A group of trainees getting their code of honour, then being put into their first mission and the leader finding himself falling in love with the person who hired him (eventually.) The whole Ultimecia thing was a bit far fetched (and damn confusing as well), but having Edea as a visible enemy to start off with was a strong start.

Anything else anyone would like to add?

11-03-2002, 09:58 PM
The song was sung by Faye Wong, I think.


Was I the only one who liked the story? I'll admit that the whole amnesia thing was the stupidest plot twist I have ever seen, and I was kind of annoyed at how Rinoa kept ending up in melodramatic, life-threatening situations. (No one can hang onto a ledge for fifteen minutes waiting to be rescued, ok? Also, no one gets lost in space, almost dies, and then at last minute hits the emergency oxygen button because she suddenly remembers how much she loves someone else.) But other than those scenes, I liked it. I could relate to Squall, and I like it when I can relate to characters. (Kind of proves that you're sane, that others feel the way you do.)

Other things I liked:

-The junction system. I just wish the gameplay had been more difficult. The only challenging battle is the last one.

-Triple Triad! :)

11-04-2002, 05:24 AM
Heh, there's nothing I truly hated about FF8 as to me it was a kick ass video game and here's my fave things out of the game.

*The music-Very easy to listen to and suits the scene that it plays alongside to.

*The characters-There were a large range of characters and they had they're differences from each other sorta so they were quite interesting and likeable.

*The story-Sure, that orphange plot twist was a bit lame but it was okay and explained a lot. The ending, the setting and the start was very good though and you sooin forgot about the stupid shit that happened right in the middle.

*The graphics-I enjoyed watching the mini movie scenes more than playing the game cos they were simply amazing and really prettiful. It made all the bad points of the video game look good with the great graphics ^_^

Yup, that's it from me... If you think my points aren't correct please tell me and why you think that is. I hoped you all enjoyed my semi-rant ^_^

11-04-2002, 11:32 AM
Well, the graphics are nice the fmv's most certainly rule. The magic wasn't that bad as well except for the drawing but the names and such so much better then fire1,2,3 o__O
and complements to the limit system although the aura spell made it way too easy to get it ;)

Neo Xzhan
11-04-2002, 05:03 PM
The grpainics and music are very good. Though I didnt like the story of the game. Not that it is bad, but Ultimicia isnt evolved enough IMO.

11-05-2002, 04:48 AM
Things I liked? Well, the music's been mentioned. I didn't like it as much as FFVII, but the music is still very good. Especially all the different forms of "Eyes on Me."

Let's see, what else?

- The FMV sequences - Especially the ending, I absolutely loved the ending.

- Some of the sidequests: I really love some of the cute little things that are in the game, like the fisherkid sidequest and also the artist's father's son in Fisherman's Horizon.

- Oy vey, the card game. Actually, I have a love/hate relationship with the card game.

- Balamb Garden itself. It was so cool, although it made a sucky vehicle.

11-07-2002, 06:19 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">I rather liked the characters, and in my opinion, they're the best set other than those from FF10. To me, they seemed to be more realistic and ordinary than many others... although I suppose that's just my opinion. I liked the setting everything took place in, the Gardens and all. The fact they were going through a school of sorts was something I enjoyed.

Personally, I think Squall has been the most interesting main character in an FF game yet, so that'd be another plus.

The graphics and FMV's were great too.

12-02-2002, 04:59 PM

12-08-2002, 04:39 PM
I wasn't impressed by ffviii's junctioning system. It was a big drop to ffvii's materia catch. My favourite scenes in the game are when squall takes rinoa on his back and walks across the bridge, the dance scene when squall and rinoa first meet, and the time compression part.
I didn't enjoy the space part for one because Iv'e been listening to faye wong for years now so "eyes on me" wasn't much of a surprise. They could have atleast made an FMV for when the song came on too. The game's characters were probably the most well-made out of the whole final fantasy series. In ffvii cloud is already I little softy and none of the characters "grow". But ffviii excelled in that area. That was the most imprssive fragment of the game.
Thats my two cents. If anyone disagrees tell me and I'll observe your opinion too.

12-13-2002, 06:25 PM
th characters rule though rinoas a bitch{selphie rules}
the music is way cool espicely faye wongs version of eyes on me
sefier was a cool bad guy i enjoyed the draw and juctiong more than others in the seris the graphics are asome cool mini games and side quests and relable gfs all usful
all this makes ff8 my fav:D

12-14-2002, 06:06 AM
I was very pleased with FF VIII. I didn't trust what Square was doing with it at first, but when I got to the 2ed disk everything seemed to draw me into the game. (Even more than FF VII did).

I liked the fact that they did not throw you into to much game play at the start. You can go around Balamb Garden for at least 45 min and talk to people, visit the online guide or whatever.

I liked the Juctioning system; it was really something when you know how to work with it. It's definitely something I would like to see again, but most likely won't.

The only part of the game that was more impressive than the beginning was the end. But even though these two parts of the game are the best, they didn't let you down while you were playing either.

I Just like the fact that both VII and VIII are proof that in order to make an epic fantasy, you don't need to be in a medieval setting with JRR Tolkien style names.

This is way Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite game of all time.

lone wolf
12-16-2002, 02:15 AM
these are some of the things i liked about the game

1) i really, really liked the songs and FMV, and i also have to admit i liked that the story was based around love, just due to the fact that everything revolved around finding rinoa and wanting to be with her, the game just put you in Squalls shoes, and i loved every minute of it.

2) i really liked the card game, but at time, i just wanted to pull out the gun blade and kill people for their cards they just won from me( and no, i don't need help 0_o)

3) i also liked how much that the characters didn't seam at all like each other, but i also liked how different people( Laguna and Squall) came together in one mind to share experiances and the such to help each other.

4) i do think though that the whole telepathic thing with that girl was a little far fetched, but if they were going to do that, they should have shown that other people had it to, maybe Laguna, or Zell but he has been hiding it.

and last but not least, the monters, their were just so many different kinds, i understand that the developers did cut some corners but over all, their were tonjs of monsters with their own unique abilities and attck methods

Over all, i say that when you are done, this gqame easily matchs the kind of experiances we had with ff7, and ffX


12-26-2002, 12:17 PM
Hmmmmmm, pros and cons. *SPOILERS*

Pro - Seifer
Con - Zell
Pro - Squall's jacket
Con - Squall
Pro - Selphie and her short skirt
Con - You never get to look up it...
Pro - Cards
Con - Fricken hard to win
Pro - The Storyline
Con - The Storyline
Pro - The music
Pro - LionHeart

There, more pros than cons, a good game.

12-29-2002, 05:51 AM
Almost everything about the game made me a hardcore FF8 fan. But there are some attributes that absolutly stick out of the game.

1) The music. IMHO, FF8 has the BEST MUSIC in any video game. I used to go hours upon hours listening to the music. Nobou Uematsu is an absolute genius. Compareble to John Williams.

2) The storyline. It was so beautiful and great. I got totally involved in the love story and the mini-stories (Laguna/Raine story, ect.)

3) The characters. Zell and Squall are some of my most favorite characters in all existance. Not just FF's or video games, but my favorites compared with books, movies, ect. Not to mention that Rinoa is simply the hottest video game character in my opinion.

Those are the big reasons that I liked FF8 so much.

Catotonic Symbolism
12-29-2002, 06:09 AM
+The FMVs... the orchestration with the game and the music (...) was pulled off quite well.
+Renzokuken... I thought this was very cool, especially how the pre-finish attacks were always unique with each enemy. I found it very fun to watch.
-Chocoboes... oh dear. This was the biggest dissapointment to me, after the wonderful system included in FFVII... the pocketstation minigame was a good idea, but why implement something only half of the game's players would be able to utilize?

12-30-2002, 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO

(3) The first half of the story. I'm talking about up to disk 2. The story was well written up to that point. A group of trainees getting their code of honour, then being put into their first mission and the leader finding himself falling in love with the person who hired him (eventually.) The whole Ultimecia thing was a bit far fetched (and damn confusing as well), but having Edea as a visible enemy to start off with was a strong start.

Yes my thoughts exactly. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I found the story way too predictable. You know like the SeeD graduation ball, boy meets can just tell they're gonna end up together no matter what. Then there was Laguna...I had to look at him once to know how he's connected to Squall, no really!

But the great things about this game has to be the gameplay itself, the animation of both FMV, game and battle shots, and I for one think the dialouges were really good too.

Nanaki XIII
01-03-2003, 12:58 AM
I liked, Story (It was very good i thought)
I liked, FMVs (Probably the best FMVs in a FF to date)
I liked, They had a song with singing
I liked, Ending (I love half hour endings, especially if they FMVs)
I hated, The Characters (Irvine is the worst)
I hated, When your in prison
I really really hated, Battle System (It was so bad)

I liked and hated, Laguna Flashbacks (some were good, some were boring)

01-09-2003, 07:54 PM
I thought the graphics were a lot better then the other ones before it. Also the plot on final fantasy eight was really good and interesting. Also the gf's on the game were really cool. Also the battle system in the game was interesting and fun to play.

01-14-2003, 12:25 PM
The Story is good, Squall was cool (i thought) I liked the Ending, the FMVs was great, music good, good game