08-17-2010, 12:51 PM
Yes ladies and gents, it is finally here and finally done. It certainly doesn't disappoint and yes, it is the biggest track yet from Blizzard; 566 tracks, over 13 hours of music. Once again, this will be uploaded in parts.

PLEASE encourage a pro file sharer to add these to their collection and/or add the links to their link list to help the links stay active for as long as possible.

WotLK 1:
WotLK 2:
WotLK 3:
WotLK 4:

08-17-2010, 01:26 PM
Mp3 yes?

What's the Kbps?

Infernus Animositas
08-17-2010, 01:47 PM
Awesome. I've been waiting for this. Thank you Link

08-17-2010, 03:40 PM
160 kbps Tpiom and yes, they are all mp3's.

You're welcome brendan! I know Ashadelo will probably need to clean himself up after he sees this thread.

Part 2 is now up! Part 1 will probably not be until this evening. You'll have to keep checking. ;)

Please encourage a pro file sharer to add these files or links to their collection and ask Galbadia Hotel to add this to their download links. I don't need credit.

08-18-2010, 12:19 AM
Part 1 is now up! Enjoy the tracks guys!

08-18-2010, 12:37 AM
OMG I've been looking for these! I only have the tracks to the original WoW, so this is quite the treat! Thanks!

Infernus Animositas
08-18-2010, 05:17 AM
I'm thanking you again because I can :D

08-18-2010, 05:17 PM

O MY111`!!!!

Thank you bro!! My heart almost failed me when I clicked this thread.

:D :D :D

Edit: Only got the first two parts and reached my limit :(

08-18-2010, 09:56 PM
Thank you thank you thank you! I just love the music in this game. Been listening to it for years, it never gets old. (I've just listened to the Cataclysm opening theme, and wow, *goosebumps*)

And, erm, *cough* any chance you could re-upload the BC and vanilla soundtracks after that? ^^

08-19-2010, 04:36 AM
I seriously love you.

No really I do!

08-22-2010, 11:31 PM
Does anyone have a mirror for files 3 & 4? I've apparently reached my free download limit (:P)

Thanks a ton for uploading this, though!


08-23-2010, 03:30 AM
You are very welcome.

I think that if you wait (LOL), you will be able to download more later. I chose gigasize so that I didn't have to break it into 10+ parts. Organizing, naming, and ordering 500+ tracks is mind draining enough I think.

08-23-2010, 04:10 AM
Yeah I got it all, thanks again bro.

08-23-2010, 03:35 PM
Double checked; your download limit resets every 8-10 hours so just be patient when you go over the limit.

I'm not sure if these automatically stay active after 20 days so to be safe I would grab them all now.

08-24-2010, 07:44 AM
Thank you!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

08-31-2010, 05:44 PM
Very welcome. : )

09-01-2010, 11:50 AM

11-12-2010, 04:36 PM
Just checked; I think these are still active if anybody still wants them.

11-12-2010, 08:16 PM
Taking forever to get them all for me...

Edit: Links still up for me, thanks for uploading :)

07-04-2012, 03:34 AM
May this be re-uploaded please? Thanks in advance

02-06-2013, 12:25 AM
any chance to have it re-uploaded again? many thanks ^^

05-30-2013, 01:15 PM
hey there, i know i already asked, but seems noone answered me in months : /
Still possible have a re-up? Thanks