08-14-2010, 09:18 PM
Hi,I was wondering if any of those among you who'restudying japanese can give me reviews about those 3 kanji games for nds.I am pondering which one to buy but I can't really make up my mind.
These are the titles:

1) DS陰山メソッド正しい漢字かきとりくん 今度は漢検対策だよ!(kageyama method tadashii kanji kakitorikun kondoha kanken taidaku dayo)

2)なぞっておぼえる大人の漢字練習 完全版( nazotte oboeru otona no kanji renshuu kanzehan)

3)250万人の漢検 プレミアム(250 man nin no kanken premium)

Number one is created to help children and young native students remembering kanji
The others for what i understood are made for adults but as i said,i found opposite reviews:those who say the first is the best one,others who say it's another one...

If any of you have at least one of those games can you please tell me its strong and weak points?

Thank you!!!