10-29-2002, 07:41 PM
In the game It talks about GF's and how they can take away memory. what do you think?

I think they do. It talks about it on selphies diary that it was a worry. and Irvine is the only one who seems to remember anything and as he siad in the game he only equiped it recently.
There are also things that make me think otherwise. like quistis saying before you timber that the leader had a good "memeory" adn that cid wouldn't allow anything dangerous in the garden

Neo Xzhan
10-29-2002, 10:01 PM

There's much more that doesnt end up. First of all if they really had forgotten it they wouldnt be able to remember it. Also Edea is Cid's wife. What do we know about Seifer and all this?? He never tells anything about all this, though he uses GF's. There's more that doesnt end up.

10-30-2002, 08:34 AM

Well they had to give the 'coming together' sc�ne in Trabia Garden some reason.... Too bad they made it we all grew up in the same youth and lets just blame it on the GF's.

They needed something to blame for their own lack of memory and stupidity, so lets blame the GF's! (or friends who stands aside us in battle and can easily kill us with some will but nonetheless... lets blame them. :)

10-30-2002, 04:53 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">*spoilers*

I'm guessing that Cid probably didn't know that the GF's can cause memory loss. If you talk to the Garden Faculty member just before leaving Cid's office after getting your SeeD rank report, he says that other forces (apart from Balamb Garden) refrain from using GF's, but I don't remember him saying anything about memory loss. If he did then I'm obviously wrong; but even so, Cid wouldn't have allowed them unless he thought they were safe. He probably thought the risk wasn't that great.

But yeah, I think they did cause memory loss. What else could they blame the fact that they all forgot they grew up together on? :p And about Seifer, I'm not sure about him at all. I'm guessing he forgot things too, but the small thing that both he and Squall could rememebr caused the conflicts between them. Seifer wouldn't have needed to remember about what he thought about Zell either; he could have got a new impression of him just by seeing him around the Garden.

10-31-2002, 01:35 AM
Somewhere they say that there have been studies that indicate GFs cause memory loss, but nothing had been proven.

Cid and Seifer don't have memory loss because neither of them use GFs. Cid has no reason to (he's not a SeeD) and Seifer didn't pass the SeeD test. So Seifer knew who Edea was (I don't think he recognized her, but when she told him who she was he knew) and even says something during one of the scenes where you fight him, something like "Traitors, you don't even remember Matron."

10-31-2002, 05:35 AM
I think that they do cause memory loss. Before they finally figure it out, there's a lot of stuff in the game that hints at it. In addition to the stuff that's already been mentioned if you go into the tutorial under GF "Memory loss is a possible side effect, but this has not been proven as of yet." I think Cid maybe knew that this was out there, but since it wasn't proven, he decided to go ahead with it.

Also, how about the whole thing with Selphie and how she couldn't remember the name of the GF she junctioned? Some have speculated that this GF could be Tiamat. If you scan Tiamat when fighting him in Ultimecia's castle, you see that the scan description says that he used to be a GF, but was turned into a monster under Ultimecia's control. Tiamat is very similar to Selphie's last name: Tilmett.

Oh, and when Quistis talks about "good memory," you have to remember that what's being talked about is short-term memory. The stuff they're forgetting is stuff that many years in the past.

10-31-2002, 07:57 PM
its a game (the worst of the final fantasy series i must say as well)


11-01-2002, 09:54 AM
I honestly don't know but I would say probably no as the characters did remember quite a lot of things from their past and the memory loss theory was extactly that. A theory...

11-05-2002, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042

Oh, and when Quistis talks about "good memory," you have to remember that what's being talked about is short-term memory. The stuff they're forgetting is stuff that many years in the past.

actually I think it does effect short time memory Remmeber in FH when he met the poeple at the garden entrance and later at the lifts (only like 2 minutes past by) He siad he didn't remember.

Anyway thanks everyone I think iv'e decided that it does effect memory (I bet the poeple at square were trying to resemble that) there is too much foreshadowing to be denied Thats what I think

11-05-2002, 11:10 PM
Hmm, yeah, I guess that could be true. But the way I took that was just Squall being cold and not really paying attention, so that's why he forgot.

11-29-2002, 11:44 PM
Well i think they do for abit, but it comes back, slowly