08-06-2010, 07:21 AM
Keaton or Bale?

08-06-2010, 07:29 AM

08-06-2010, 09:09 AM

Fuck Keaton.

Darth Revan
08-06-2010, 09:18 AM
Keaton superior. Bale inferior.

Dr Faustus
08-06-2010, 11:33 AM
Bale = Fail.

08-06-2010, 03:22 PM
I don't know who either one is (I don't think).

08-06-2010, 06:06 PM
I don't know who either one is (I don't think).

Keaton = Batman, in the first major films

Bale = Batman, in the latest films

But to answer the question, I'll go with Keaton. Keaton doesn't abuse his mom.

08-06-2010, 06:18 PM
From what I remember, he only (verbally) abused the one time, because she was saying things about his wife. I don't see what the big deal is there, really.

Argus Zephyrus
08-06-2010, 06:22 PM
Keaton is win.

08-06-2010, 06:32 PM
From what I remember, he only (verbally) abused the one time, because she was saying things about his wife. I don't see what the big deal is there, really.

I may be wrong... I remember reading he hit her and his sister... but I didn't keep up with the story all that well...

08-06-2010, 08:06 PM



08-06-2010, 08:15 PM
I may be wrong... I remember reading he hit her and his sister... but I didn't keep up with the story all that well...

He was arrested for verbal assault and charges weren't pressed.

Anyways, Bale is flawless as Bruce Wayne and he's a pretty great Batman too. He has a pretty huge advantage over Keaton in that the director of his Batman movies has actually read the source material.

08-06-2010, 09:22 PM
He was arrested for verbal assault and charges weren't pressed.

Anyways, Bale is flawless as Bruce Wayne and he's a pretty great Batman too. He has a pretty huge advantage over Keaton in that the director of his Batman movies has actually read the source material.

but the villians in the nolan films are waay out of "character".
the joker for example. in the burton film, he killed for the lulz.
in the nolan film, he killed to make a point, or trough terrorist actions.

nolan joker: more realistic, almost a full blown terrorist.
burton joker: more like the comics joker, killing for the lulz.

thats doeant mean both types of films are enjoyable.
batman forever is in the middle, jim as the riddler really saved it.

08-06-2010, 10:05 PM
but the villians in the nolan films are waay out of "character".
the joker for example. in the burton film, he killed for the lulz.
in the nolan film, he killed to make a point, or trough terrorist actions.

I don't think you were paying close enough attention. The Joker in The Dark Knight is never killing to make a point. He wants to watch the world burn.

08-06-2010, 10:35 PM

You want the remix of him cursing out the guy over the lights, I've got it. It is glorious.

08-06-2010, 10:36 PM
I don't think you were paying close enough attention. The Joker in The Dark Knight is never killing to make a point. He wants to watch the world burn.

nevermind, i was thinking of another movie.
but the nolan joker didnt do what the joker is known for.

08-06-2010, 11:11 PM
I am pretty sure I've read more Batman comics than anyone else here, and I can assure you that Nolan's Joker is comics accurate. He isn't going to be the same in every incarnation, even in comics canon. He has a form of super sanity and doesn't actually have a personality of his own. He's continually re-adapting himself to fit the world and situations he's in. Theoretically, I guess he could decide he wanted to do a Jack Nicholson impression, but I don't see him pretending to be Joe Chill anytime soon. He's never really cared about Batman's true identity (though he knows it) in any incarnation.

The bit in The Dark Knight where The Joker tells alternating stories about how he got his scars nails the character in a way the Burton movies could never dream of doing.

I don't think the Burton Batman movies are terrible, but they're more "Tim Burton wanted to make a cool superhero movie and picked Batman for it without every reading the comic". I'm glad he did- he helped to change the way the public saw Batman and it's because of him great stuff like B:TAS was able to be made- but he never was trying to be comics accurate like Nolan is.

The Schumacher movies, on the other hand, are horrible and I would be thrilled if they didn't exist. Even though I'd prefer Nolan used villains besides the Riddler in the next Batman, I'll be glad if he does go that way just so people can see what the character is actually supposed to be like. I can't even talk about what he did to Mr. Freeze and Bane because I don't feel like being in a bad mood right now.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-06-2010, 11:33 PM
You're getting riled up. You need to...


Argus Zephyrus
08-07-2010, 12:36 AM
The Schumacher movies were obviously for the lulz, they shouldn't be taken so seriously.
You really shouldn't riddle yourself with bitter chills over them.

08-07-2010, 01:01 AM
Heath Ledger saved his finest for his swan song. A mastery from first line to last.

What's that Joker, you'll be back?

Somehow, I don't think you will be.

08-07-2010, 01:10 AM
I am pretty sure I've read more Batman comics than anyone else here, and I can assure you that Nolan's Joker is comics accurate. He isn't going to be the same in every incarnation, even in comics canon. He has a form of super sanity and doesn't actually have a personality of his own. He's continually re-adapting himself to fit the world and situations he's in. Theoretically, I guess he could decide he wanted to do a Jack Nicholson impression, but I don't see him pretending to be Joe Chill anytime soon. He's never really cared about Batman's true identity (though he knows it) in any incarnation.

The bit in The Dark Knight where The Joker tells alternating stories about how he got his scars nails the character in a way the Burton movies could never dream of doing.

I don't think the Burton Batman movies are terrible, but they're more "Tim Burton wanted to make a cool superhero movie and picked Batman for it without every reading the comic". I'm glad he did- he helped to change the way the public saw Batman and it's because of him great stuff like B:TAS was able to be made- but he never was trying to be comics accurate like Nolan is.

The Schumacher movies, on the other hand, are horrible and I would be thrilled if they didn't exist. Even though I'd prefer Nolan used villains besides the Riddler in the next Batman, I'll be glad if he does go that way just so people can see what the character is actually supposed to be like. I can't even talk about what he did to Mr. Freeze and Bane because I don't feel like being in a bad mood right now.

It's a long shot, but I REALLY hope Bane is the main villain in the third Nolan movie. And I want them to have balls and let him actually break Batman's back.

What would be your first choice?

I vote that we make this thread about our picks for villain in the next Batman movie.

Heath Ledger saved his finest for his swan song. A mastery from first line to last.

What's that Joker, you'll be back?

Somehow, I don't think you will be.

As I understand it though, Nolan intends that the 3rd of his Batman movies will be the last, so it could be that whenever another Batman movie arises in the future it will be time to restart again anyway, and then it won't matter (although I will not envy whatever poor sap gets stuck trying to play the next version of the joker. He could blow Ledger out of the water and everyone would still go HE IS NOT THE TRUE JOKER)

Darth Revan
08-07-2010, 01:14 AM
I preferred Jack Nicholson's portrayal of Joker more than Heath Ledger's. However, out of all Joker's, Cesar Romero who played Joker in the Adam West "Batman" is still the best.

Cesar Romero --> Jack Nicholson --> Heath Ledger

I wouldn't mind seeing in a Batman movie, Jason Todd as Robin and witness his death at the hands of Joker... or Joker shooting Barbara Gordon and making her wheelchair bound.

Maybe a movie adaptation of No Man's Land.

08-07-2010, 01:33 AM
haha Ktulu <3 You are wonderful. ^^

It's a long shot, but I REALLY hope Bane is the main villain in the third Nolan movie. And I want them to have balls and let him actually break Batman's back.

What would be your first choice?

Bane would be a terrific. He's a really compelling character and was fantastic when he was a villain, though I admit I enjoy him more now. I'd be pretty thrilled with Deadshot too- I'm a fan of all of Bruce's sort of reformed rogues, and if Deadshot wasn't the movie's main villain, he could be used to set up a Suicide Squad movie in the future.

That being said, my number one pick for a villain is Black Mask. He'd be tremendously creepy in a live action movie, and I think a really dark villain like him would be perfect for picking up the story where TDK left off. The backstory between him and Bruce as children would be a great way to get some more Wayne family flashbacks, and to play with the idea that the mask Bruce wears is starting to overtake him too.

Other villains I'd like to see include Victor Zsasz, The Ventriloquist (would be hard to pull off but could see so awesome), and Hugo Strange. I'd love for some of the Circus of Strange villains to show up, especially Professor Pyg, but there is sadly no way that's going to happen. I'd also really love for them to do more with Ra's al Ghul and to bring Talia into the picture as well. I figure they are probably going to want to give Bruce another love interest in this one and I'd rather see her than Selina.

Obviously, they're not going to follow Batman: Dark Victory very closely, since Nolan confirmed long ago that he'd never do Robin in his movies, but I hope the film plays with the feelings of isolation Bats feels in the comic and his need to find a source of light among all of Gotham's darkness.

08-07-2010, 02:30 AM
Although Nolan did a great job following the original concept of Batman, you gotta give it up for Burton on his Joker backstory.

As for TK's suggestion of making this into a "Next Batman Villain" thread, we might as well make it into a "General Batman Discussion, Minus ANYTHING Schumacher" thread

Just sayin'.

08-07-2010, 02:38 AM
haha, Burton's Joker backstory is one of of my least favorite things about his movies. The worst thing is that he has Bats killing people left and right though.

I'm actually pretty fond of Batman Returns though. A lot of the changes he made to the Penguin were really good, and some stuff was even adapted into the comics. Michelle Pfeiffer isn't really how I visualize Selina, but she gave a great performance and I think her character worked over all. Plus, Christopher Walken is in it, and they have a lot of great fight scenes. The best thing about Burton's Batman movies (imo) is the way he did Gotham, and all the rooftop stuff in Returns really highlighted the feel he gave to the city.

08-07-2010, 03:02 AM
Mandy, you must buy these. Blu-ray makes these 2 movies awesome-er

Also, I saw this in the parking lot of Best Buy the other day and had a nice lulz. Then I thought, "Batmandy (or the Masked Ndi) would hella kick Batmanda's ass!"

matt damon
08-07-2010, 09:00 AM
What would be your first choice?

harley, poison ivy, or catwoman. or all three! ^^ gotham city sirens pls!

As for TK's suggestion of making this into a "Next Batman Villain" thread, we might as well make it into a "General Batman Discussion, Minus ANYTHING Schumacher" thread

man, i love batman and robin :( uma as poison ivy <3333333333333

08-07-2010, 03:17 PM
Ahh, okay. I had a feeling I knew who Bale was, but never knew the actor's name in Burton's Batman movies.

I vote Bale as the better Bruce Wayne, but Keaton as the better Batman. Still, I regard the newer films with a lot higher esteem for the reasons Ndi mentioned; they stick better to the comics. That, and Heath Ledger stars as a far more convincing Joker.

So I vote Bale.

08-07-2010, 04:05 PM
Also, I saw this in the parking lot of Best Buy the other day and had a nice lulz. Then I thought, "Batmandy (or the Masked Ndi) would hella kick Batmanda's ass!"

Man, I totally wish I'd come up with the idea to use Batmandi as a nickname. It is ridiculously awesome. It'd make a good aim name/psn id/etc too.

I like the way the Batman Returns case looks! I don't own anything on blu-ray yet. Now that they have so many cheap ones at Best Buy I might grab something, though. Plenty of movies I'd like to own I can keep my eye out for.

I know you love Poison Ivy, Rob, but I don't know how well she'd work in the Nolan-verse. tbh, the female Batvillains that would fit the best would be League of Assasins characters- Lady Shiva and Talia. Catwoman would work too, actually, I'd just prefer to see characters that haven't been done before. If they do use her, I hope they cast Eva Green.

matt damon
08-08-2010, 12:31 AM
is lady shiva the one that is in the birds of prey comics atm?

08-08-2010, 01:29 AM
Yup, that's her! She'd actually be great if they used Bane as a villain too, since she was the one who trained Bruce to fight again after Bane broke his back. I can actually think of a few good storylines to blend together for something like this.

Introducing her could help set up a Birds of Prey movie too! There'd have to be some timeline shenanigans for Babs to be there though, unless they changed her backstory.

matt damon
08-08-2010, 01:38 AM
they'd have to have a mainstream villain though to bring in audiences that aren't as comic nerdy as others

08-08-2010, 01:58 AM
Batman is pretty mainstream all on his own!

Batman's in an interesting position because so much of his rogues gallery is well known, but I mean, look at the Iron Man movies. Iron Man himself wasn't terribly known outside of comic nerds prior to the films and they still did gangbusters. Most people have never heard of Hector Hammond or Sinestro but the Green Lantern movie will probably still be a success. People like superhero movies, they don't need to know the villains (or even the hero) to want to see them.

matt damon
08-08-2010, 02:11 AM
not all the time! there a quite a few super hero movies that performed horribly because, aside from factors like lack of promotion, etc, people didn't really know who the heroes, and possibly villains, were.

08-08-2010, 02:21 AM
not all the time! there a quite a few super hero movies that performed horribly because, aside from factors like lack of promotion, etc, people didn't really know who the heroes, and possibly villains, were.

Any examples? I can imagine this being true when nobody knows who the hero is but seriously, did the average movie goer know who Scarecrow was?

Besides, this is the followup to The Dark Knight. The villain could be King Koopa and it will still make shitloads of money.

08-08-2010, 03:27 AM
The ones I can think of that are relatively recent are-

Catwoman: Obviously well known. This bombed because it was terrible.

The Punisher movies: Pretty well known, I see people in Punisher t-shirts daily. Probably bombed because the marketing for them was awful. I remember not hearing about one of them until it was out on DVD.

Elektra: Spun-off of another moderately successful superhero movie. Exit polls from Daredevil said that a majority of the audience would like to see her in her own movie. Probably bombed because it was terrible.

Aeon Flux: Based off a fairly popular MTV cartoon. Again, probably bombed because it was terrible.

Superman Returns didn't bomb, but definitely underperformed. Obviously the hero and the villain were well known. This was well marketed and wasn't terrible, but probably wasn't as successful as the studio had hoped because of them inexplicably making it a sequel to the previous Superman movies and because of Superman's image problems. These will probably be addressed in the new Nolan produced one.

And for every movie like that, there's something like the Iron Man movies, Wanted, or Unbreakable (original character here but still counts) that are successful in spite of the fact that they aren't well known with most moviegoers. And these are movies where the main character isn't well known. Batman is iconic, has had 5 very successful movies to date, and his last film is one of the highest grossing movies of all time. I mean, honestly, how well known are most of Spidey's rogues? Sure, there was the cartoon, but most moviegoers hadn't seen it (and most all of the characters brought up here have been in Batman cartoons)

matt damon
08-08-2010, 03:40 AM
add to that list ghost rider and jonah hex (though not really a super hero movie, i guess)

and not saying that the new batman won't do well. just saying that some comic movies flop because people don't know the characters.

08-08-2010, 03:42 AM
Totally agreein' with all of this. Regarding Punisher, I actually think it's pretty likely that a huge number, if not even the majority of the people wearing those Punisher shirts barely know who he is or don't have a clue. I think a lot of people wear them because they just think that skull logo is cool.

08-08-2010, 03:54 AM
Ghost Rider is a pretty well known character, but it doesn't matter since the Ghost Rider movie made over 200 million. Not a bomb by any definition.

Jonah Hex was a bomb, but it was a western, not a super-hero movie, and it was also terrible.

That could be true about The Punisher, TK. I still think the fact that the Punisher movies got almost no marketing is the primary reason they failed, though. It's honestly bizarre how little they promoted those films.

matt damon
08-08-2010, 03:57 AM
did it really make over 200 million? hmm, totally thought it made WAAAAAAAAAAAY less. going off my own experience in how many tickets i sold, which was very little.

08-08-2010, 04:03 AM
I don't think I've ever known who a villain was out of all the comic book movies I've seen. I never read comic books while I was growing up.

08-08-2010, 04:06 AM
did it really make over 200 million? hmm, totally thought it made WAAAAAAAAAAAY less. going off my own experience in how many tickets i sold, which was very little.

It did! Kind of surprising it did so well, to be honest, since again, I thought it was pretty dreadful, but it definitely wasn't bad on the level of something like Catwoman or Jonah Hex. Sequel is coming out next year. I don't care unless Skinbender is in it~ I will probably still watch it though because I suck. :(

If you go back to the 90's then there are a ton of superhero movies that bombed. A lot of them had really bad production values though, and some of them were never even released proper in the US. The old Captain America and Fantastic Four movies were hilariously bad.

It's pretty impressive Burton pulled his Batman movies off, really! Even though he'd been serious again in comics since the 70's, most people considered Batman to be a joke around the time the first one was released.

Darth Revan
08-08-2010, 04:21 AM
did it really make over 200 million? hmm, totally thought it made WAAAAAAAAAAAY less. going off my own experience in how many tickets i sold, which was very little.

Ghost Rider made $228,738,393, according to Wikipedia. A merging of Johnny Blaze and Daniel Ketch Ghost Riders... Not bad, but not great.

If you go back to the 90's then there are a ton of superhero movies that bombed. A lot of them had really bad production values though, and some of them were never even released proper in the US. The old Captain America and Fantastic Four movies were hilariously bad.

I recently saw the 1994 Fantastic Four movie... laughed my ass of at the extreme cheesiness of it. Have you seen the pilot of the live Justice League of America show, from 1996 (I think it was 96...). Then there's Generation X as well... I mean, Jubilation Lee is Asian American... not Caucasian... Meh, oh well little things like that don't matter to many studios I guess.

It's pretty impressive Burton pulled his Batman movies off, really! Even though he'd been serious again in comics since the 70's, most people considered Batman to be a joke around the time the first one was released.

I did prefer the Michael Keaton Batman over the others who wore the cowl (Val Kilmer and George Clooney), as I like how moody (for lack of a better word) Keaton played him.

08-09-2010, 12:02 AM
Keaton superior. Bale inferior.


Dr Faustus
08-09-2010, 01:01 AM
You should have made it a poll. Then we could see clearly that Bale sucks, with his comedy gruffalo voice.

08-09-2010, 01:02 AM
Bale is the most perfect Bruce Wayne possible ; ;

I don't mind his Batman voice (though I get why it bugs) but everyone knows the best Batman is Kevin Conroy~

08-09-2010, 08:25 PM
I'm not exactly into comics in a huge way like you Mandi, but by gosh I still think The Riddler would be superbly done by Nolan. If he can get that creepy shit out of Joker IMAGINE what The Riddler will end up like!

Or maybe because Riddles is my favourite Bats villain, perhaps perhaps.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-09-2010, 08:34 PM
Bale is the most perfect Bruce Wayne possible ; ;

I don't mind his Batman voice (though I get why it bugs) but everyone knows the best Batman is Kevin Conroy~

I offer a hearty +1

Dr Faustus
08-09-2010, 08:38 PM
...but everyone knows the best Batman is Kevin Conroy~

Marceline tell it like it is. Kevin Conroy rocks!

08-09-2010, 10:42 PM
Bale is kind of an asshole, so I will go with Keaton. I still think Batman Returns is the best film out of the 100 of them they made

08-10-2010, 09:10 AM
Wrong! 1989 Batman is the best Batman movie evar!

08-10-2010, 03:36 PM
Bale is the most perfect Bruce Wayne possible ; ;

I don't mind his Batman voice (though I get why it bugs) but everyone knows the best Batman is Kevin Conroy~


08-10-2010, 05:16 PM
Even though everyone knows The Dark Knight is my favorite Batman movie, I have to make sure Mask of the Phantasm gets its props here. It is a fantastic movie. Makes me cry. ; ;

08-10-2010, 11:54 PM
I also think Mask of the Phantasm was excellent.

Even Roger Ebert thought it was good.

08-11-2010, 12:46 AM
this joker may be great:

this joker may be cool:

this joker may be radical:

BUT, there is one joker who is a badass motherfucker:


matt damon
08-11-2010, 01:06 AM
i am world trade center

08-11-2010, 01:20 AM
Gough > Caine

Argus Zephyrus
08-11-2010, 04:05 AM
this joker may be great:

this joker may be cool:

this joker may be radical:

BUT, there is one joker who is a badass motherfucker:


01-24-2014, 11:14 AM
Keaton is way too sweet ;) he has no edge and too perfectly shaven

---------- Post added at 11:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------



01-25-2014, 04:04 AM
Keaton all day

02-02-2014, 03:35 PM
Bale, IMHO. His intensity as an actor was a plus in that roll.