Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-26-2002, 04:32 PM
when you think of a Game you haven't played for ages,and then you feel all weird, as if you might collapse. Now your thinking i'm weird, but I just got this by thinking about FF8, as if I need to play this game.
God it's a great experience.

So anyone ever felt like this.

Bahamut ZERO
10-26-2002, 06:56 PM
I was reminiscing on old SNES games a couple of days back (to the extent of setting up a topic in this forum about gaming eras) and I remembered the classic Super Mario Kart. I begun to consider how great it used to be, and how much I wanted to give it a go. Unfortunately, my SNES is some 50 miles away in my home home, not in my Uni home. Thanks to Broadband internet, I downloaded the ROM, played it for about half an hour to get the feeling of the game again and then deleted it as quickly as I had thought of it.

Still, it was a good reminder of the good old days.

David F
10-26-2002, 08:40 PM
Yea I feel the same way with Dragon Force (Saturn) and FF7.

10-26-2002, 10:43 PM
I get it for ff7 too, but I get it mostly for PSO. Although, what sucks is that I can't play PSO online, because I got rid of my account.....and so on, and so forth.

10-27-2002, 08:07 AM
I dun get the feeling that I might collapse or some sort :E but if I think about an 'old' game that I haven't played for a long time ..I keep on thinking about untill I really must play the game to end the nostalgic mood and then I go all.. wow.. nice game and it's gone for like 4 months again :B

10-27-2002, 02:00 PM
Yeah, I get nostalgic like that. Not just with games, but with books and other things too. Somehow you associate emotions with things, so if you played a game two years ago and you replay it now, you might remember things from two years ago or feel emotions that you felt then.

I also get nostalgic about old games, even if I never played them before. Looking at snes graphics gives me a weird feeling, like I'm looking at something from another era, something that I almost wish still existed. (I never owned an snes or any other 16-bit systems, unless you count emulators, so it's not like it makes me nostalgic for a time when I used to play games that looked like that.) I think the thing with 16-bit games is that they aren't all bad looking. FF6, for example, I think has beautiful graphics. It's not like 8-bit games where you can say "wow, things were so primitive back then."

10-27-2002, 04:59 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Hmm... I don't exactly feel weird like that, but yeah, I do get your point. I do sometimes feel that I just have to play a game again. Even if I got bored of the game before, or I thought I wouldn't play it again, I still end up playing it. Then after I start playing I like it for a while, then often get broed of it again. :p

Actually, I'm feeling like that about FF8 right now, but I don't want to play that until I at least complete FF6. And by that time, I probably won't even want to play FF8 again anyway (I've completed it like 10 times already). Oh well. ;)

10-28-2002, 03:25 PM
Urge to replay... rising...
Chrono Cross... just so I can watch all those colours and lightning effetcs...
Final Fantasy IX ... just because the characters are so cute...

In fact. every single game I have ever played has its very own special unique feel about it. That�s good... if you ask me. :) I get that desire a lot, the wish to play certain game, to live through it again, to hear the music and the sounds... aaaahhh.., yep.

11-23-2002, 12:30 AM
I miss the first zelda on the old (as we call it) regular nintendo... I beat it and when i did there was another world it gave me to complete and I never got to beat somtimes I go back and wish I could play it one more, probably just so I could beat. the game had bad graphics and wasn't very complex but still very fun, I liked all the quaint little noises they had what a great game lol

11-23-2002, 03:04 AM
i get this feeling for Shining Force 1 and 2. i did dl the rom, but i had to delete it because it was distracting me from work, lol. now i have to use will power to stop dling it again. pah, will power...:notgood:

11-23-2002, 06:46 AM
Yeah, when I was playing FF8 I liked it sooo much I had to replay it over and over again. Even though it got slightly boring FF8 is an extremely good video game to restart ^_^

11-23-2002, 07:25 AM
I get that feeing when thinking about Xenogears.. I still can't believe that I sold it.. :(

11-23-2002, 06:14 PM
I get very nostalgic too.

Snes: FF2, FF3, Super Metroid, Mega Man X....

Sega: Dragon Force Shining force series......

All the FF's really and Crono series...

Xenogears.......Star ocean 2....oh the memories.

Safer Sephiroth
11-29-2002, 06:26 AM
I got it for the original Doom and Zelda for Snes today.

the one
12-07-2002, 12:56 PM
yeah i ve been gettin that a lot recently wtih silent hill 2,mgs2 and gran turismo 3 also my older FF games but when ever i go back to them to try to play them i can nver b bothered and stop after bout 10 mins

wTf:Ed | Great Warrior ^ RoG
12-08-2002, 01:00 AM
oh yeah i get that all the time. I start thinking about the game and then i think 'hang on ive got that' usual happens with ff7, 8 , 9 10 and diablo II