10-26-2002, 06:03 AM

Screams come out of the door
with one shout I fall to the floor
mindless beats thristy for blood
the eerie sound comes in like a flood
he eats your flesh
their blood so fresh
he wants me to die
but for this I ask why?
the answer is he has no kindness
his evil only causes blindness
his hate can not be destroyed
all we can do is try to avoid
the evil which comes from the vampire tonight
will suck all your blood with just one bite
you want to run, but your legs are like cement
he's up and ready for your torment
there is no way out
just scream, scream and shout
for the vampire has you under his spell
his eyes so evil, so full of hell
he grabs a hold of your neck
he's sucking your blood, your a total wreck
there's pain, life slowly leaves you
your so helpless, there's nothing you can do
you can't move
his teeth finally remove
from this you fall to the ground
you can no longer hear a sound
the vampire moves away
and now all you can do is pray
the vampire sleeps
and you can still hear your weeps
one last cry
at this you die
at the last good bye and the last scream
you wake up to find that this was a dream.</center>
The ending has a funny touch to it...hee hee. :D

10-26-2002, 07:22 PM
amazing! I read it out loud to Tobias and James, and they thought it was fantastic! Please keep writing creepy stuff like that, my boyfriend thirves off of it!

10-26-2002, 09:57 PM
hey, thanks a lot! I'm glad you liked it. :)

10-28-2002, 05:13 AM
Hey, that's a good poem, Aeris2!! Keep up the good work!

10-28-2002, 05:58 AM
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. ^_^ Here's another...

I'm Done
Anger floods through the mind like a typhoon
the knuckles clench together, ready
the devil and his clan of demons join together
one thought in his mind "murder"
he is ready to do it, he's like a wolf searching for blood
the death of many was responsible for him
this is the end
the world stops spinning
I can't think
blood drips from the skin, I look down
blood drops onto the floor
death is near
cold hands wrap around my neck, violently
I can't breath
my eyes turn to the back of my head
one last word murmers from his mouth
I fall to the ground
my back againts the wall
blood continues to drip down my cheeks
he slowly pulls out the knife
the demons joining together
laughing like a broken violen
the blade cuts through my stomach
gasping, gasping
screaming, screaming
I look down to the ground, blood
before my one last gasp of air
I'm done.</center>

10-29-2002, 10:29 PM
that's really nice work Aeris2 ... great use of language to create atmosphere, suspense and excitement ... also fitting for the time for year with it being hallowe'en just around the corner XD

also Aeris2 : I'm sure it was accidental but you posted the last poem 6 times ... I've deleted five of them ... I don't know why it happened they all seemed identical

keep posting your stuff ^-^

10-30-2002, 03:43 AM
Yeah, that was pretty good with approriate (sp) emotions at the right time and you played around with words very well Aeris2. I once read a book on a vampire who didn't want to be a vampire (don't ask) and it's all about the torture he goes through all the time. It's not very good but in that Vampire poem you wrote Aeris2 you put across the senses of vampires very well.

Obviously, by reading your poems I'm getting this idea that you might have an interest in demons and vampires, etc. I may be wrong so just get offended cos I was just saying. It's okay if you are though so don't worry ^_^

10-30-2002, 09:56 AM
No actually I'm not into vampires and stuff like that, I just find them as a good subject to write poetry about. I'm actually a big christian, I love the Lord a lot, so you know, lol. Well, thanks for all the nice compliments you guys, I'm very glad you liked my poems! ^_^'s another.

My Safety

Death was so near
Blackouts, visoning heaven
You took me under your wing
I looked up to you as a beautiful angel
The sky so bright, made me think of you
I felt so safe, as if, nothing bad could ever happen
The wind againts my face, death was so far away

Five months later, a cold and rainy December
You left me
You told me you were going across the pacific
I felt as if safety has left me, as you stepped out the door
6 weeks of tears, letters,
Waiting for that day you'd come
I trusted you so, you were my safety
You were the only one I trusted for those months

March 5th, I was near death again
The devil was at my throat
I turned around, I couldn't believe it
It was my safety
My safety was killing me
Killing my body
And my soul
I nearly died of shock,
you could've stopped
Your cold hands wrapping my neck tightly
I looked into your brown eyes,
My safety was now my fear
I looked to you, you were once my love
I looked to you, now with hate

I wanted to kill you
I wanted to stomp you, slice you,
I wanted to murder you
You were so evil
You deceived me
I...I was so stupid
My safety was gone
No hope, no love
I looked into your face
you grinned so evily as you shot the gun
One last glance...

July 16th, I woke in the hospital
It was just a memory
The stary nights we spent together
They were fake
The safe feeling of being in the stars and gliding into the heavens
Was fake
They had caught you, thrown you away for noone's eyes to see
Yeah, the doctors saved me, they bandaged my scars and put me to rest
But I was dead
I was always dead
And forever will be dead inside

Years of insane visions
Years of therapy
Years of not speaking
I was left to waste
My life was gone
My hope was gone
My sanity was gone
My soul was gone
My Safety...
Was gone.</center>

11-01-2002, 10:48 PM
Woah... That poem is very good at creating a story for the reader to follow but it's not only that. The expressions and drama in that poem was excellent just like the others.

Great job Aeris2! Keep it up! ^_^

11-09-2002, 05:10 AM
Thank's Arwen. Okay, enough with all of this blood, guts, & pain talk, it's about time for me to write about something, well, i dunno...nice? Too true, so I wrote "Sky" one of my favorite poems that I have written yet. Time to forget my depression and heal it with some happiness. ^_^


Endless trips across black silk,
It's own artform as it covers the top of our world
Safe and without harm, we dip ourselves into our imagination
To surf the skyways and touch the endless beauty of stars,
In our very own dreams our creativity expans most.
We fly through-out the never-ending world that we call sky,
To dip our feet in the melting setting sun,
And breath deeply the power of the clouds,
And let beauty clense our soul as we walk across the blue sea.

Gliding side by side into the midnight blue darkness,
Depression seems so far off as we discover an all new world,
Taking deep breaths of a new air so clear...
Wind clensing our bodies as we glide through countless stars.
Airy clouds of mist give us a cold shower as we speed off into the dark
Lifting our spirits so high, not a worry comes to mind, nor sin
We feel so free as we grow wings and fly higher past the milkyway
Feeling a mixture of fright and excitement as we dive and touch the ocean,
And glide up again, our reflections shining off of the water.

We pass ships and planes through our journey across the sky,
Never forgetting a moment of every precious time spent,
Never losing interest in this flight of freedom
We dip down low to glide our hand through the ocean's water
Lifting our heads up to the flawless sky God created
Taking drinks of icy cool air
And flying back up as high as we can,
Trying not to miss one precious moment.

As we fly toward the moon we grow tired
We let ourselves fall
As angels catch us and soak into dreams beyond our never ending imagination
We take a last glance into the sky
And thank God for this precious gift he made for us
And close our eyes shut to another dream.</center>

11-09-2002, 10:29 AM
Woah... That was such a peaceful, relaxing and joyful poem. I really enjoyed reading it.

Aeris2, you described the poem so vividly I felt like I was floating on a cloud or falling through the sky. I know it sounds sorta corny but it's the true. I have never felt so at ease with the world.

Thankies Aeris2! Oh, and your poem as full of great emotions as well. Excellent work!!

*Claps and makes Aeris2 bow* =D

11-09-2002, 11:48 AM
*bows so low that she falls to the ground* Thanks Arwen, I can always rely on you to say something nice about my poems. ^_^ I have another poem I have just written...

Grab ahold of what I own
As it slowly slips away
No one takes my hand
My sanity drifts away
I escaped the goodness of my heart
And sucked in the evil
I turned away from my loved ones
And kicked them in the dirt

So what am I then?
As the world crumbles down
The devil ends his final strike
These are my thoughts
And I AM my thoughts
He posioned my mind...
Lured me with words
The thought of love
He had me trapped
And kicked me in the dirt

High spirits rise,
God and his almighty power
Lifts his sword, the hate is gone
I am alive,
The devil will always take me back
But I am still alive</center>

I know, I know, I have been having a bad case of writer's block.

Anima Relic
12-04-2002, 07:30 PM
I am going to ask that you stop double posting as much. Being that it's your poetry thread, it's fine, but... IT doesn't matter that much..

Great writing btw (and don't thank me in the thread if you are planning to do so)... Please thank the people who compliment you in PM...

12-04-2002, 09:37 PM
Excellent work Aeris2!

Your scary poems are terrifying and bone chilling. Vampire, my personal fave, was well writen and I even showed my friends. Sky is another fave, it's very peaceful and relaxing to read. Keep up the great work, I love your poetry!

12-05-2002, 02:10 AM
*rolls eyes at Anima Relic* ha ha ha, I love you mods. You guys just get me so angry...anyway, thank's Sir Jecht. ^_^ Or should I send you a useless PM thanking you for what you said?

Edit: Anime Relic, I deleted and edited my posts, there are and will be no more double posts in this thread, ok?

12-05-2002, 08:11 AM
Heh, Aeris2 your poems always sorta freak me out but in a good way as your poems are full of good emotion and overall it's a great poem to read. Keep it up Aeris2! *Claps* ^_^

12-07-2002, 02:21 AM
Thanks...are they really that freaky?

12-07-2002, 07:25 AM
In a way yes, but I get scared easily so don't worry. Also, it means your poems must be pretty good if they do that. I don't know...

*Shrugs* Maybe you should ask your other readers ^_~