10-26-2002, 12:38 AM
I don't know if you can get it in the store (since when I checked most sites and stores, they were sold out) but I bought my PS2 Network Adapter off It cost 39.95 and basically all you do is pop off the expansion bay cover (on the back) and screw the adapter over it to install it (be sure to align it with the connectors). Then you plug in a phone line (or connect your eithernet cable from your broadband modem or network) and then your ready to configure the ps2 for online.

To configure just insert the disc that comes with the adapter, then select "Configure"
It will load the configuration utility and give you on-screen instructions. Basically you select (if you use one of those popular ones like aol) your ISP if shown and enter account information, otherwise select other then enter the ISP name and then enter your dialup number and name and password (for analog users).
If you use broadband then you will have to enter network addresses or use the automatic configuration.
Once this is done, your PS2 is completely set up to use online features in games. However, for those interested, a company is creating a 'web center' piece of PS2 softwarewhere you can browse the web and use your ps2 as a multimedia jukebox (once the hard drive is released). This should prove useful for me seeing as how I'm getting close to running out of hard drive space on my machine...You will be able to download movie/audio files to your hard drive, also I think there are plans for the ability to download games to the hard drive.

For now though, if you don't have an online game yet, just select demos on the first menu you saw on the network adapter start-up disc and select either Madden 2003 or Frequency. So far, EA seems to have the only working servers of the two, I havn't been able to try out Fequency (maybe broadband only?). Anyway, it runs pretty smooth for 56k, usually i notice lag only when my opponent has very crappy ping ratings.

Basically though, you boot the game disc, select online then select connect and select the network configuration you wish to use for this game (or if it's an online only game, just say connect). Your PS2 will then connect to the game company servers (or I'm assuming some game developers may try using a gnotella like network for the PS2), and from there you regester (if it's your first time) a user name. Or just sign in using your user name and password.

Congradulations, you now ready to experience online play with your PS2. Anyway, if you play the Madden 2003 demo, look out for OnlySquared, so you can challange me and beat me lol.

Anyway, you can look at the other 'demos' on the disc which are just FMV previews.

For those who are wondering about charge rates/flat rates for online gaming, do not worry. Most developers are planning to offer their online features as a free inclusion to the game once you buy it. This is because of the fact that the servers will only act as chatroom hosts and as a path for two PS2s to interface with each other; once a game is started, only the client PS2s will be involved. The only companies that have plans to charge are those who will be running large RPGs (like Squaresoft). It makes sense seeing as how they have the most technology to maintain to keep the game running, they actually require server hosting throughout the game. These charges however are supposidly going to be very small (due to the unstable market of online console games). Anyway, happy gaming ^_^

P.S. I do suggest buying a usb keyboard (sharkboard is fine, but from what I know, any basic USB keyboard works).

--Origional Post--
*pulls out his own PS2 that has the network adapter* online?...not that there is much interesting to play yet...I guess Twisted Metal Black might be fun... *plays that* You know when your you have a Network Adapter compatable game in your PS2, the fan speeds up and blows more hot air...*faces PS2 fan towards him*...cold....

10-26-2002, 01:33 AM
I don't think I'll be playing online on the PS2 anytime soon. It costs ~mucho~ money, and...frankly...I don't have it ^_~ Maybe, and I mean MAYBE, when FFXI comes out...

Neo Xzhan
10-26-2002, 10:25 AM
I am not planning on playing online with the PS2. And FFXI was to be released for the PC?? Because I'll be playing that on the pc then (as long they dont charge you for that).

10-26-2002, 10:36 AM
Well, I want one,I'm especially interested in Tribes:AA,and Auto Modellista,Gran Turismo......oh yeah,Tony Hawk,too,that might be pretty cool,depending on how they have it set up,if you can skate on some big levels with other people at the same time,then I think it would be good.Twisted Metal Black was ok,I was expecting more,I guess,it's still way better than 3 and 4.I'm still interested about FFXI,but there's talk about it not coming to America now,and this is somewhat re-inforced with the release plans of FFXII...

10-27-2002, 04:00 AM
how would you play online? like about how much does it cost? cuz i do have a ps2...

10-28-2002, 01:05 AM
EEK! lol, i just realized that this was suppose to be part of the party thread! I must have been airheaded that day...Well, sorry to the moderators for posting in the wrong place...I should have been suspicious when it asked me to enter a post subject...

Anyway, since it's stuck to this forum,I may as well go and change this into an informative topic....time to edit it from the top.

10-28-2002, 10:12 AM
Haha,I've done that before,except my topic wasn't exactly mistaken and acidently accepted as being fitting.It's funny that you put it in the general gaming forum,anywhere else and it would have been spotted as out of place!:D

10-28-2002, 10:46 PM
Actually, i origionally posted it in General Discussion. (I have multiple windows to the forums open so i can browse different sections at a time). Anyway, whatever mod moved it didn't bother to scold me...

Neo Xzhan
10-30-2002, 10:11 PM
Lets get back on the topic shall we?? As far as I know you'll be able to play online via your existing internet connection. So if you have cable you'll be able to play over cable wich will be much faster, this to awnser Scuffy Girl's question. I really hope they are not gonna charge a monthly fee or something, that would suck bigtime.

10-30-2002, 11:33 PM
I don't think they actually can,not this way,if we are to use an existing ISP,then the only possible monthly fee are for the paticular games,for example FFXI's fee is from Square,not Sony,the fee can only be for the game not for the connection itself,sense the actually aren't providing an alterior ISP themselves,each online game companies who are actually providing the online elements,servers and play,ect. are the one's who will send bills,and sony only provides the equipment necceassary,basicall,they can't bill for service,since they actually aren't providing it,it would be like getting a bill from a broadcast radio station,when they can't even tell if you are actually listening......then again,OnlySquared should or might now more about this.....