07-18-2010, 12:52 AM
First of all, excuse my english, I'm french so maybe I'll not use the good expression for what I mean.

I have some kind of unusual request : I'd like to contact the compositor Yasuharu Takanashi (the one who did Naruto Shippuuden and Fairy Tail Soundtrack), and I don't know how.
I looked everywhere, and I couldn't find an official site or any myspace / facebook...
So if you have an other idea, please tell me.

Thank you by advance.

(I'd like to contact him to ask if I can use one of the Fairy Tail track for a video I'd like to present in a contest, without money price)

07-19-2010, 05:13 AM
(I'd like to contact him to ask if I can use one of the Fairy Tail track for a video I'd like to present in a contest, without money price)
If I remember correctly, as long as you don't make money off of it, you can use it however you want.
Of course, you'd have to have purchased the soundtrack.

Also, the composer probably doesn't even own the rights to the music he made anyway.

07-20-2010, 06:54 PM
It's okay if:
1) You don't make money off it.
2) You give credit to the composer/CD you got it from.
3) I think I have to agree with "NeoTStyle" about having purchased the music in one way or another.

07-25-2010, 06:14 AM
Okay thank you about that, I didn't know it was so easy ^^

Thank you again, both of you.