07-17-2010, 04:27 PM
Hi everyone.

It feels really egotistical posting my own soundtrack up here, but I feel like I should contribute *something* if I can, especially after downloading so much here. A big thanks to the community for providing so much!

Anyway, this is a bit unusual- it's a soundtrack I made for a Super Mario World mod, so it's in Super Mario World instruments but probably doesn't sound much like the original game's soundtrack. After inserting the songs into the game, I had to extract the .spc files and convert them to mp3 format using a web tutorial I can no longer find, but for what it is, I think the quality should be sufficient. The .zip file's pretty small and it's been on Megaupload for quite some time, so I'll stick with that for now, but if anything happens to the link, let me know and I'll reupload it somewhere.

[ed: Dead link; see below.]

Of course, few if any of you are likely familiar with this soundtrack, but it's a quick download and only 15 songs, so if you're interested give it a try and let me know if it's any good ^_^;

02-12-2011, 01:25 AM
Dude, i simply LOVE the soundtrack for smw rise to the challenge! :D i play the keyboard and i've even learnt to play one of the songs from the soundtrack :D

06-23-2012, 04:53 AM
Can you reupload to Mediafire?

06-23-2012, 09:34 PM
Second it; I'm really curious to hear this! :)

07-02-2012, 07:23 AM
Oh wow, comments! XD Thanks for the interest, guys.

I'm actually in the midst of updating/refurbishing the soundtrack and uploading it to my bandcamp account. Since the page is still very much under construction and I don't want to turn this into an advertising thread, I won't post a link here, but if you want to see it, PM me on youtube (AxemJinx) (or here, though I don't visit as often).

In the meantime, if you want to hear the original soundtrack (smw instruments), use this youtube playlist for now:

RttC Soundtrack (

Also, here's an example of an updated track, for comparison:

Arctic Aurora (based on Cold Crevasse) (