10-22-2002, 12:50 AM
If you ask me Final fantasy 7 was the most insparational rpg ever I bet half of us Wouldn't even know What rpg was if it wasn't for ff7 It seemed like after 7 came out it was all down hill.

Mybe I Just wierd........

Yup, I am

Wake of the Caladbolg
10-22-2002, 01:43 AM
There is other RPG's better than FFVII.. it wouldn't be for if those smart creators at Squaresoft were most intelligent enough to make 1 - 6.. the beginning of final fantasy's. :p

Just goes to show you how much humans have evolved from the Cro-magnon and Neanderthals.. -e.e-

More like
Grunt, heave, light a fire, bring in the day's kills, and CREATE FFVII! .. I mean, common nature. :rolleyes:

Heavens Cloud
10-22-2002, 02:34 PM
ok i think that FF7 is the best game just because it has allways been my favorite but to say that most of us wouldnt even know what rpg was if it wasnt for FF7, i don't know about you but i have been into rpg games ever since super nintendo and FF3 came out and as you talk to more people on this shrine you will meet people that started playing rpg's even before FF1 came out.

And about everything going down hill after FF7 came out well i agree it is hard to beat FF7's storyline but still games like FF9 and FF10 are still awsome (i didnt like FF8 as much)

so ya i would say more but i am allso tired :p

10-22-2002, 02:41 PM
Sadly, most people who play FF7 (it being their first RPG and all) will never really play another RPG.

If we were to take Aeris' Death out and incease the gibberish that the game throws at you because the text wasn't properly translated... you would get one shitty-ass game. o_O

Neo Xzhan
10-22-2002, 05:02 PM
I've played Daggerfall long before I played FF7. I dont think that FF7 is the best RPG, maybe the best in its class (I define it as a turn based RPG, while there are real time RPG's like Baldurs Gate). Also some RPG's are hard to compare. If you go compare FFX to Morrowind then where should we look at? Whilst FFX is being more colour full and has a different battle system, Morrowind has an incredible huge envoirement and a real time fighting system. Also you travel on your own. But to get back a bit on topic. FF7 was not my first nor my last RPG. I've always been into RPG's because I like to get involved into the story of a game. Most RPG's have good stories when you look to other games just because it is a req. There are some exceptions like Diablo2 but this game features incredible gameplay. It's just what you are looking for. A friend of mine has tried FF7 and dont like, I also let him try several other RPG's but he's not in to them. It's just a personal taste I think.

Wake of the Caladbolg
10-24-2002, 06:50 PM
Eh, Yeah..

Well some whom take to the AVID times of role playing game models will just be warped by those other games... i.e.. Morrowind, Baldur's Gate, and all those others I am just not willing to mention.

I am just trying to say this, if you like Final Fantasy Seven So badly.. then what about the founding material? Where did they ever come up with cloud? Was he a crossbreed of Locke and a man form of Terra? You all just don't know unless you have loved the first, sequels.. not the ending 3 which have flashy graphics and summon systems. Final Fantasy 10 has now come to the worst game. and 7 is.. great.. 1 best!

10-25-2002, 01:23 PM
I played loads of RPG's before FFVII (Baldurs Gate, Zelda, Daggerfall, FFV and FFVI) but FFVII is my favorite RPG because i thought it had the best story. I have also played the rest of the FF series and i am currently playing Golden Sun.

I have noticed that after FFVII was released there was quite alot of RPG's being released so i do think it was an inspirational RPG.

10-25-2002, 03:26 PM
Certainly after FFVII was released,there were more RPGs out,before FFVII,RPGs weren't as widely popualar in America as they are now,there were barely as many shipped here compared to how many there were in Japan,not only that,FFVII was one of the earliest RPGs in america to have a commercial on tv,while in America,there have always been those who have been playing RPGs and/or importing them,it wasn't untill after FFVII that it really began to pick up,and new players were introduced,and developers thought it was a good enough risk to start really selling them here in a higher quantites,which brings wider and more diverse base of RPG games,amonst other things......

10-25-2002, 09:42 PM
There were tons of RPG's before FF7....it wasn't really that influential. Sure...it was the first big on in 3D....but FF was already popular before that, as well as RPG's.

10-27-2002, 02:58 AM
I don't if it's the most inspirational RPG. There's a lot out there I haven't played. It's the first FF I ever played and still my favorite Final Fantasy to this day. (I'm one of those that's willing to defend the game beyond reasonability.) I loved everything about it, but there's a lot out there that I haven't played, so who's to say? In some cases, I guess it depends on you.

10-29-2002, 02:46 AM
I think FF7 is the greatest RPG ever made, and it'll be hard to beat.

I think the problem with FF8.. was this...

People who thought FF7 was the best thing since sliced bread, expected FF8, in a sense, to be FF7 part 2. And it wasn't. It was innovative (Juynction, Drawing magic, anyone?) But when some of those FF7 fans turned on their PSX and slapped in FF8 it was a letdown in many ways for them.


10-29-2002, 03:30 AM
Well, I played FFVII and then I went to FFVIII. I didn't really expect it to be FFVII part two because I had read and fully understood that each Final Fantasy is its own game. I still like FFVII better, but that's just personal taste.

Oh, and one thing: the draw system: innovative? Puh-lease! Draw magic is just about the dumbest magic system I have ever come across in any Final Fantasy game.

10-29-2002, 04:23 PM
I will agree the FFVII was the best one ever and none can even get close to it but I think the world of RPGs are improveing all the time just look at the story for ten it came real closer but still not close enough. I think that we can expect great things in the future of Final Fantasies.

Bahamut ZERO
10-29-2002, 04:26 PM
Is Final Fantasy VII the most innovative RPG ever made?

I don't know, I'll let you know when I've played every other RPG ever created, and then tell you.

It's hard to form an unbiased opinion. My first ever RPG was Shining Force 2 for the Megadrive, and I STILL love the game. It is fantastic! Final Fantasy VII was my first Playstation RPG, and truth be known I would've passed on it had my mate not let me play the first mission round his house (that snared me.)

To me, the most inspirational RPG I played was Morrowind. But that's getting off-topic. Let's just say that I had three months at home working and doing nothing in the evenings, and Morrowind helped me pass those three months before I got back here to Uni.

That game will change when I find the next big RPG to play.

10-30-2002, 11:03 AM
After reading Bahamut ZERO's post i would have to agree with him, it is hard to say if its the most inspirational RPG because everyone has diiferent tastes, i personally thought Morrowind was one of the worst RPG's that i have played but thats because i like deep complex story driven games.

I suppose you could say it was one of the most inspirational RPG games but not the most inspirational.

The Wandering Knight
11-06-2002, 04:54 PM
I played many RPGs before FF7 such as zelda and FF3 (FF6 for those who knows japanese:P)... yet I can't say if FF7 is the most inspiring game just as what bahumat ZERO said...
For me FF7 is the greatest game ever made, not only because of the storyline, but I really liked every part in the game, the system and the charecters, I can say that the graphics are cool too:D...

Well...enough babbling...I can write a book in here, but i'd rather stop:P