07-12-2010, 04:37 AM
I'm currently playing it right now and I'm enjoying it. Mainly, I have the patients and it's gameplay and concept was understandable to me. So, I was just pretty much wondering if any one of you enjoy it or (of course :P) hate it. :)

07-12-2010, 07:25 AM
Honestly? Felt it was incorrectly billed.

The understanding that I had for it was that it was a stealth action game. What I got was a puzzle game. Why do I say that? Well, in stealth games(such as Thief, let's say), you can fight your way out of jams if you screw up sneaking around someone(gawd help you if you see two or three people charging at you, but you can handle one opponent at least). Vampire Rain doesn't allow that. Yeah, you're armed, but you might as well have a peashooter for all the good it does you. And unless you follow THE ONE path, the vampires WILL swarm you, and you WILL die.

If you have the patience(as you seem to DDR9000), it's still slightly enjoyable(I honestly gave it three levels before quitting), but I think that it could have used a LOT more, especially given its back cover 'advertising'.

5/10 for effort, but poor execution(and the aforementioned advertising and billing) dooms it to mediocrity at best.

07-15-2010, 02:06 AM
i avoid it like the plague.

07-15-2010, 04:29 AM
5/10 for effort, but poor execution(and the aforementioned advertising and billing) dooms it to mediocrity at best.

Pretty fair opinion :D