07-11-2010, 02:24 AM

Type...Unofficial Album
Ripper...OrangeC (Mixed and Arranged)
Album Art...Hughkeanu

Album Credits
Musical Score Gustaf Grefberg

Music Engineering Carl Vikman

Session Musicians Ronny Ahlgren, Johan Althoff, Peter Lindholm, Rony Barrak

Additional Music Johan Althoff, Volkan Akol, Henrik H�kansson, Roger Magnusson, Teddy Bergsman, Alexander Danielsson

Music Sample Libraries Used East West Quantum Leap Orchestra, Miroslav Vitous Symphony Orchestra, Voices Of The Apocalypse, Classical Choir, Diva, Symphony Of Voices, Stormdrum, Drumkit From Hell


After enduring many years of hard work getting the perfect rip from the darkness during line in recording or direct extraction with the XMA files...I have come to a conclusion to make the album the fans have always wanted that 2k and starbreeze refused to release any music from whatsoever. I started ripping the game in 2007 after i immediately beat it because i simply fell in love with the music. After a couple of line ins or rather few ones, id thought that i wouild never recieve the sfx laden tracks or the higher quality music from the combat mixes thats until the XMA format was cracjked by xplorer rendering me into a frenzy and downloading the game and finally converting the xma files. All music was ripped, So i began to rip, after two rips to correct errors in the looping streams for some reason iw as stil not satisfied, sure i had all the music but something was missing and that was the experience of listening to how it was intended in the game. Since the devs still refused any release then i think it was time to begin to make My OWN album version!!.

So i set out and converted all the music from the game, every xma i could find that had music and based my work from there. I first began mixing the combat music as they were the most complex, then adding extra stuff like ambient themes and little works to tighten up. Thankfully since i knew the game from the ground up it took little work. I then got hugh to make some realistic cover art and BAAM we have a Fan made release.

By all means this is no WAY ANOTHER RIP!! it is simply another project of mine, so dont go asking me why there is music missing from my last rip or if this is the best rip BECAUSE ITS NOT!!!!!!! ;)

Also please i beg of you to post in this thread if you download the link, FFS is very notorious for leechers and i don't want my hard work to go to waste.

If i see 5 thx or lower and more then 50 views i am removing the link. it is a precaution i must take. ;)

Anyway i am done now, ON TO THE LINKS!!!!

excuse the 100MB but i really need the MU pts. ;)

07-11-2010, 02:29 AM
Thanks you bugger.

07-11-2010, 03:08 AM
To me it seems no one likes to read anymore and just goes straight to the links, its so sad, well like i said i removed the links till i get get atleast 20 posts, sorry but its gotta be done.

07-11-2010, 03:10 AM
thanks for that! great job.

may i ask you why u choose 320kbps and not lossless? and more importantly why 48khz? was it dvd audio?

07-11-2010, 03:13 AM
Well the score itself was lossy. XMA is a lossy format already even though the quality was 48hz native and wave pcm. I changed nothing in the sample rate just encoded. If i did it to ogg people would start complaining, FLAC was unecessary it would be too big and i don't have the upload speed ;)

07-11-2010, 03:38 AM
This looked interesting but, eh. What can one man do?

Here's to hoping the links come up again. I do appreciate all of the work you've done thus far. :)

into the storm
07-11-2010, 03:41 AM
To me it seems no one likes to read anymore and just goes straight to the links, its so sad, well like i said i removed the links till i get get atleast 20 posts, sorry but its gotta be done.

Do posts about how lame you are count?

07-11-2010, 03:44 AM
Still butthurt about avatar eh? well thats your problem.

07-11-2010, 03:49 AM
Still butthurt about avatar eh? well thats your problem.

Best explain this one.

07-11-2010, 03:53 AM
Look in the avatar thread, says alot about storm there. anyway hes not gonna ruin my thread.

into the storm
07-11-2010, 03:56 AM
Look in the avatar thread, says alot about storm there. anyway hes not gonna ruin my thread.

You already ruined it with you're smug lameness. I'm actually helping people. Won't be long until we are at you're "required" 20 posts for a link. :rolleyes:

Look in the avatar thread, says alot about storm there. anyway hes not gonna ruin my thread.

And you as well - posting lies ( You're the one bringing Avatar up. Not me. So it looks like you're the one hung up on it. Related to scoreman? He's on your small select friends list. You sure act like him. I know he has a "brother". Wouldn't be surprised if it was you. They flock together everywhere online.

07-11-2010, 04:05 AM
Your the one who posted here, how are you helping people? stfu and gtfo cunt.

07-11-2010, 04:06 AM
Alright Ornage, tell us - for those of us who had you complete, v3.0 rip, would you say this is a better listening version? I found that, as wonderful your complete rip was, it had too much. In your honest opinion, would this version be better in that regard?

07-11-2010, 04:08 AM
it is ;)

but this is IN NO WAY related to the line in rips that i did.

07-11-2010, 04:10 AM
At the risk of being accused of "ruining your thread", OrangeC, you need to realize that this is the internet. No one is entitled to anything.

You've been time and time again talking about how piss-poor the community at FFShrine is, and how no one thanks you for the work you do. You're probably right. I myself have downloaded loads of things from you, and have never shown gratitude. In fact, this is my first post here and I'm using it to tell you to grow up.

You can spend your weeks ripping files, sorting, tagging, and converting, but don't do it to 'perform' for anyone. If you can't find reason to make these soundtracks for yourself, as your own hobby, then cut it out. We the leechers benefit from your time spent, and we never say anything. So what?

You even had the nerve to, in the VGM Legacy thread, go on and on about the selective process used to pick only the best people to join your exclusive club, and all that. Complaints about the userbase here and there, saying you'll be gone from FFShrine, and our world will be a crappier place without you.

Is it really so necessary to bring drama with you, everywhere you go?

I for one will not be downloading this soundtrack, nor do I hope the link is ever posted, if you're going to just look down on us the entire time.
You often get the thanks you desire from the people who care enough to type them. You put your name in the tags somewhere for every audio file. It's not like we aren't reminded you did all of the work, by looking at them. Just let it go.

07-11-2010, 04:14 AM
At the risk of being accused of "ruining your thread", OrangeC, you need to realize that this is the internet. No one is entitled to anything.

You've been time and time again talking about how piss-poor the community at FFShrine is, and how no one thanks you for the work you do. You're probably right. I myself have downloaded loads of things from you, and have never shown gratitude. In fact, this is my first post here and I'm using it to tell you to grow up.

You can spend your weeks ripping files, sorting, tagging, and converting, but don't do it to 'perform' for anyone. If you can't find reason to make these soundtracks for yourself, as your own hobby, then cut it out. We the leechers benefit from your time spent, and we never say anything. So what?

You even had the nerve to, in the VGM Legacy thread, go on and on about the selective process used to pick only the best people to join your exclusive club, and all that. Complaints about the userbase here and there, saying you'll be gone from FFShrine, and our world will be a crappier place without you.

Is it really so necessary to bring drama with you, everywhere you go?

I for one will not be downloading this soundtrack, nor do I hope the link is ever posted, if you're going to just look down on us the entire time.
You often get the thanks you desire from the people who care enough to type them. You put your name in the tags somewhere for every audio file. It's not like we aren't reminded you did all of the work, by looking at them. Just let it go.

You obviously admit that you are a leech and i will put the link up to people who deserve it, unlike you.

07-11-2010, 04:15 AM
links are back again up :)

into the storm
07-11-2010, 04:16 AM
Almost up to 20 posts now people!

EDIT: Good choice changing your mind. Less gay.

But then I saw this:

If i see 5 thx or lower and more then 50 views i am removing the link. it is a precaution i must take.

Oh well, its progress!

07-11-2010, 04:20 AM
links are back again up :)

Thank you :)

/e also lol @ drama

07-11-2010, 04:26 AM
i must say i share orangec view. gameripping is fun, sharing is fun. but only as long as people acknowledge your work. i know how time consuming proper gamerips are as is the uploading process. most people never think about it. if he (orangec) deems it necessary to keep his work save he has the right to do so. by the way, he has more posts than most of the idiots around here together, so give him some credit.

so xma files are like archive files. well if there are lossy inside your right: lossless would be a complete waste of space. i was just wondering why your files are in 48khz, coz thats rather rare. now i get it.

07-11-2010, 04:27 AM
it is ;)

but this is IN NO WAY related to the line in rips that i did.

Well, how is it not related? Did you just delete the other files, or is this taken from a music menu in the game?

07-11-2010, 04:29 AM
The XMA files are a proprietary microsoft codec to the xbox360 console. not an archive, the native sample rate for the darkness is XMA, this wasn't taken off of a CD, i Made this custom soundtrack arrangement out of the files i converted.

Ogg has nothing to do with xma.

into the storm
07-11-2010, 04:29 AM
but only as long as people acknowledge your work.

I'm sure Gustaf Grefberg would have a lot to say about this.

07-11-2010, 04:30 AM
Well, how is it not related? Did you just delete the other files, or is this taken from a music menu in the game?

This is made from XMA files converted to PCM from the xbox360 disc of the game.

07-11-2010, 04:35 AM
I'm sure Gustaf Grefberg would have a lot to say about this.

dude, dont play the smart ass here. you know i meant the ripping and uploading work, not the composing. but when you feel this way youre in the wrong forum.
definatively. so whats your problem anyway? do u just like bitching around on people?

07-11-2010, 04:38 AM
Thanks, Orangie, nice idea!

07-11-2010, 08:06 AM
Thanks OrangeC, I have all your Dakrness rips and will definitely check this out

07-11-2010, 08:42 AM
Seems like the definitive version to get. Thanks for the effort!

07-11-2010, 10:32 AM
Thanks for putting all the time and effort into creating this album!

07-11-2010, 10:39 AM
Thank you :)

07-11-2010, 11:25 AM
This is really nice, Orangey. Thanks. :)

You know I appreciate it.

07-11-2010, 11:26 AM

07-11-2010, 11:28 AM
This has the song being played on the credits, right orange?

07-11-2010, 11:43 AM
Yep credits has all three songs. one by mike patton two by grefberg

Also i will be releasing all the songs that play in the subway's radio's and tv's so stay tuned ;)

Your welcome guys i really appreciate the thanks means alot to me.

07-11-2010, 11:46 AM
Worth checking out. Thanks, man.

07-11-2010, 03:11 PM

07-11-2010, 09:21 PM
You have my thanks for this one, great job. :)

07-12-2010, 08:07 AM
Sorry for offtopic, but I can't keep myself calm. I'm just filled with indignation at couple of things!!!

you need to realize that this is the internet. No one is entitled to anything.

You often get the thanks you desire from the people who care enough to type them. You put your name in the tags somewhere for every audio file. It's not like we aren't reminded you did all of the work, by looking at them. Just let it go.

why not? If you compose music or write a book and someone say it's his work how'd you behave? I think the same can be applied to your game-rips. If you rip a game for about a month and someone download it and then tells everyone it's his own rip it infuriates alot! Besides if you're so stupid to understand that a single "thanks" can bring you more music then you're... stupid. Besides ungrateful, ill-mannered, uncivilized human.

You've been time and time again talking about how piss-poor the community at FFShrine is, and how no one thanks you for the work you do. You're probably right. I myself have downloaded loads of things from you, and have never shown gratitude.

then you're stupid =)

07-12-2010, 12:56 PM
People like fwappa, or should i say "fappa: are the reason ffs is slowly descending.

No quality and no gratitude.

Deviant Reaper
07-12-2010, 03:22 PM
Thanks for this Orange. I played The Darkness back in 2007 when it came out and completely loved the music and how it really drew you into the game. The epic songs during the fight scenes did make you feel powerful and unstoppable while the sad/mellow ones make you realise that Jackie Estacado is both blessed and cursed... But still human!

This remains one of my favourite VG soundtracks, and by ripping it and now arranging it you've made me very happy :) Thanks a lot.

And just remember, not everyone in this community is like the scumbags who log on and leech links without showing appreciation to the people who make it possible to get a hold of this music and enjoy it :)

I salute you!

*gives a cookie* :D

07-12-2010, 03:31 PM
Thanks you bugger.


07-12-2010, 07:24 PM
Thanks for this Orange. I played The Darkness back in 2007 when it came out and completely loved the music and how it really drew you into the game. The epic songs during the fight scenes did make you feel powerful and unstoppable while the sad/mellow ones make you realise that Jackie Estacado is both blessed and cursed... But still human!

This remains one of my favourite VG soundtracks, and by ripping it and now arranging it you've made me very happy :) Thanks a lot.

And just remember, not everyone in this community is like the scumbags who log on and leech links without showing appreciation to the people who make it possible to get a hold of this music and enjoy it :)

I salute you!

*gives a cookie* :D

Thanks deviant ;)

Yes the score for me is a true masterpiece.

Badass metal music mixed with sad soft themes to give jackie despair and sorrow at the same time.

gustaf needs to compose more scores.

New york combat 01 metal part makes me want to headbang ;)

08-01-2010, 02:52 AM
Thanks! Appreciate all the work you put in.

08-01-2010, 02:42 PM
Thanks a lot, man!

09-10-2010, 06:35 PM
I spent some time looking for a really good version of this soundtrack, and while many rips are OK enough, I've yet to encounter something like this. It looks promising, I can't wait to download all parts (too bad it's not RS...:( ) Many thanks man, this is one of the best game soundtracks of the past decade.

Nitpick: The album art doesn't look very realistic and it looks like the most work was typing the tracklisting. It wouldn't get any attention at all in vgboxart! :p (Joking, the music is the point here)

09-12-2010, 04:02 AM
Nicely done. That cover art was very convincing until I saw the "Mixed and Edited by OrangeC". Heh. Thanks dude, you put in huge hours I'm sure on these projects of yours. Cheers.

09-12-2010, 10:25 AM
The album art doesn't look very realistic and it looks like the most work was typing the tracklisting. It wouldn't get any attention at all in vgboxart! :p

If it wouldn't get any atention, why are you the only one to talk about it, if you dont like just remove it, btw i'm really curious to see what kind of cover you can bring in 5mn....... ;) Joking, the music is the point here!

Nicely done. That cover art was very convincing until I saw the "Mixed and Edited by OrangeC". Heh
This is for fun, so i just wanted to credits the only one guy "OrangeC" who bring us a truely enjoyable listening experience with this fantastic score. (thanks again O.J.) :)

09-12-2010, 05:02 PM
Thank you for these hard work!!!!

09-13-2010, 01:12 AM
i'm really curious to see what kind of cover you can bring in 5mn.......

5mn? So this explains it! :)

09-13-2010, 02:47 AM
absolutely, so be indulgent, those who want a more advanced CoverArt have just to ask ! ;)

09-13-2010, 05:38 AM
thanks alot OrangeC you could have stopped on the rips but you went even further, cant wait to listen to this arrange ^ ^

09-15-2010, 06:44 AM
Thanks for a new darkness rip OrangeC. Right now I think I'm good with your more expansive version 3 rip, but I'll be saving this link in case I ever feel like updating.

09-18-2010, 10:45 PM
I was gonna be like 'pfft whatever, i'm not going to respond' until I gave the soundtrack a listen... wow, this ost is beyond rediculous, something I'd expect out of a movie not a game. Good job on compiling the tracks, I'm surprised you managed some of that stuff despite the in game music intending to be some sort of living breathing entity on its own reacting and responding to player-environment interaction.

Rock Lobster
09-19-2010, 09:29 PM
Is the game itself any good? Because I saw it on sale the other day for $9, and was interested, but unsure.

09-19-2010, 10:40 PM
Looking forward to listening to this, OC. Just one little nitpick, though... unless you had access to the original multitrack recordings and/or sheet music, then this isn't an "arranged" album, technically. That term applies specifically to taking an existing work and making a new version of it, like Ryo Yonemitsu's arrangements of the old Ys I-IV scores, based on the PC-8801 and/or Sharp X68000 originals. From your description, it sounds more like you edited it from a straight gamerip into something more like a real "score" album, with suites.

No shit-talking, much respect. Thanks for the upload and effort.

Is the game itself any good? Because I saw it on sale the other day for $9, and was interested, but unsure.
Oh, hell yeah. I got it for cheap, out of curiosity, and it's one of the very few FPS-type games I genuinely loved.

09-20-2010, 02:43 AM
i must say i share orangec view. gameripping is fun, sharing is fun. but only as long as people acknowledge your work. i know how time consuming proper gamerips are as is the uploading process. most people never think about it. if he (orangec) deems it necessary to keep his work save he has the right to do so. by the way, he has more posts than most of the idiots around here together, so give him some credit
The problem is, he hasn't worked on XMA, aside from asking others to make ripkits for him to use. It'd be rather hypocritical to complain about his work getting "stolen" without accreditation.

09-20-2010, 02:49 AM
it takes more to convert XMA which anyone can do with ToWav, there's editing/mixing/looping/fading going on also in all my works, any idiot can convert a simple XMA file.

09-20-2010, 03:59 AM
it takes more to convert XMA which anyone can do with ToWav,
True enough, it takes an understanding of VFS' and XMA header. But I don't think "anyone" could be converting XMA to RIFF WAVE, if that were true you wouldn't have asked for help with it nearly as much as you did.

there's editing/mixing/looping/fading going on also in all my works,
All of your works? What is there to "loop" when most XMA already contain the necessary looping information? You mean adding RG or normalizing the waveform?

any idiot can convert a simple XMA file.
Of course, but I don't think I said, nor implied the opposite, but rather that sentiment. That it doesn't take much effort to just leech the XMAs from somewhere and convert them and take credit on another forum.

09-20-2010, 04:19 AM
I rarely LEECH XMA's i actually download the game, sometimes extract the tracks manually in a hex editor if no tools are present to extract the archive where the audio is stored. it takes skill to deliver a listenable gamerip to a score that has gotten no official release or a release with not all music present, i don't know what your trying to imply here?

If you think my works are just stealing everyone elses then you don't have to download them.

09-20-2010, 04:41 AM
I rarely LEECH XMA's i actually download the game,
Ok, so you don't just leech the XMAs, you download the game, and follow the instructions given when you ask for help. It still applies in the nature that you're a leech of information on other sites, and not giving back. (as I mentioned, asking for help with VFS and nonstandard XMA headers on other forums, then taking full credit for the rips here, even to the point of complaining about leeches not thanking you for your hard work and splitting files to help get MU points) If you can't see what's wrong there, then don't expect much help in the future.

sometimes extract the tracks manually in a hex editor if no tools are present to extract the archive where the audio is stored.
Which equates to a bad rip, as you're guessing at what to do, often giving you incomplete or corrupt data.

it takes skill to deliver a listenable gamerip to a score that has gotten no official release or a release with not all music present, i don't know what your trying to imply here?
Yes, but not much, especially when you're doing digital conversions using tools others have made, and having them do all the reverse engineering of the formats.

If you think my works are just stealing everyone elses then you don't have to download them.
If I took what you uploaded, your information, and uploaded it somewhere else, would you just "ignore" it? Or would you be pissed that someone took your work? Seeing what you've said in this thread, you take pride in your work, so I'm guessing you'd be pissed because you'd not be getting as many thanks and MU points.

09-20-2010, 04:59 AM
Of course i take credits here because its MY RIP i have made this RIPS. if i took the files from another user who has extracted them and made it as my own then that would of been stealing.

How do you know that my manual extraction rips are incomplete or corrupted? please stop talking out of your ass next time because you obviously don't know what goes on in a gamerip,

Whats wrong with doing rips with Tools others have made? isn't that what they made them for? so other people can use them to make there own rips?

09-20-2010, 05:17 AM
Of course i take credits here because its MY RIP i have made this RIPS. if i took the files from another user who has extracted them and made it as my own then that would of been stealing.
So if you reverse engineered a VFS, and some shmoe took the information you found, and ripped the game in the same manner, you wouldn't mind if you weren't credited?

How do you know that my manual extraction rips are incomplete or corrupted? please stop talking out of your ass next time because you obviously don't know what goes on in a gamerip,
Talking out my ass? Don't know what goes on in a gamerip? Read my post again, a few times if it helps, I didn't say your rips were incomplete or corrupted, because I honestly don't know. What I do know is ripping games the way you said often does result in missing data. How are you going to say I don't know what goes on in a gamerip? You think ADPCM is lossless, you really figure you know better with that lack of understanding?

Whats wrong with doing rips with Tools others have made? isn't that what they made them for? so other people can use them to make there own rips?
Yes, but that's besides the point that you use them, proliferate rips on sites like ffshrine, and want ALL the credit, when ALL the work isn't yours and being an asshole to the "leeches" here for not saying thanks.

09-20-2010, 05:31 AM
So if you reverse engineered a VFS, and some shmoe took the information you found, and ripped the game in the same manner, you wouldn't mind if you weren't credited?

No i wouldn't because i would have made a tool for the public to use and documented my findings along with an open source :)

Talking out my ass? Don't know what goes on in a gamerip? Read my post again, a few times if it helps, I didn't say your rips were incomplete or corrupted, because I honestly don't know. What I do know is ripping games the way you said often does result in missing data. How are you going to say I don't know what goes on in a gamerip? You think ADPCM is lossless, you really figure you know better with that lack of understanding?

Prove it that the way i rip results in corrupted or incomplete data?

Yes, but that's besides the point that you use them, proliferate rips on sites like ffshrine, and want ALL the credit, when ALL the work isn't yours and being an asshole to the "leeches" here for not saying thanks.

The tools that i use may not be my work the music may not be my work but My rip is my work and i take time out of my life to make these rips listenable and enjoyable to the community, if your gonna keep berating me about my work then get out of my thread.

I don't need assholes like this person ruining it for the rest of us.

09-20-2010, 06:05 AM
No i wouldn't because i would have made a tool for the public to use and documented my findings along with an open source :)
Sure you would. That's why you're so opposed to people not saying thanks, trying to gain something out of the rip (MU points).

Prove it that the way i rip results in corrupted or incomplete data?
Why do I need to do that? Again, I didn't say that your rips were corrupted or incomplete.

The tools that i use may not be my work the music may not be my work but My rip is my work and i take time out of my life to make these rips listenable and enjoyable to the community, if your gonna keep berating me about my work then get out of my thread.
You know, I think I will, seeing as you can't seem to read or understand what I've said.

I don't need assholes like this person ruining it for the rest of us.
Yes, I'm the asshole because I'm being a hypocritical leecher, taking full credit for rips, being a douche when I don't get thanks, trying to profit from warez, and consistently ask for help with REing file formats and then do all the aforementioned bullshit with the information I am so graciously given.

Good luck getting help with your rips in the future.

09-20-2010, 06:16 AM
bye :D

09-20-2010, 08:44 AM
OangeC, thank you for time and effort ripping all this music. Can't wait to hear it.

09-20-2010, 11:33 PM
best I can do for you...


09-25-2010, 02:52 AM
I was waiting for this a long time, really i almost looking for this every day if anybody rip it... Thanks a lottttttt....

09-30-2010, 04:42 AM
Thank you ever so kindly!
Though it appears the links are down.

09-30-2010, 11:40 AM
Thats really professional rip, thats exactly what i looking for, keep up the good work....

11-03-2010, 03:14 AM
these links are down as well

05-05-2011, 04:47 PM
The links are still down. Are you going to be uploading new ones, OrangeC? I can't thank you for the awesome ripping+editing of this awesome music, 'cause I can't download it :(
But the way you ripped+edited it is awesome and very proffesional :D

02-09-2012, 08:30 PM
please new link
help !

02-10-2012, 12:57 AM

I'd very much like to take a listen to this. If possible, could you PM me a link?

Thanks much :)


02-10-2012, 01:07 AM
Im actually have another version on hold that is gonna be a cd boxset of the whole entire score plus the songs and additional extras. :) its gonna be the ultimate darkness music experience. I was disappointing on tim Wynn's darkness II score that it re motivated me to work on darkness 1. :)

EDIT: I will post CD 1 as a preview :)

02-10-2012, 03:27 AM
Orange C

but I liked your custom covers!

lol... ok, I'll wait for the next version :)


Tony Trey
02-10-2012, 09:56 PM

02-11-2012, 02:55 PM
Im actually have another version on hold that is gonna be a cd boxset of the whole entire score plus the songs and additional extras. :) its gonna be the ultimate darkness music experience. I was disappointing on tim Wynn's darkness II score that it re motivated me to work on darkness 1. :)

EDIT: I will post CD 1 as a preview :)

Dude, you're awesome! Lefty and Righty would be pround of you

03-02-2012, 11:01 AM
If possible, could someone PM me a link to this full Darkness soundtrack - i will be very grateful :)

05-09-2012, 05:15 PM
With mediafire down forever, is there any way for someone to try and get this? I'm two years late to discover this awesomeness, apparently :(

12-21-2012, 11:26 PM
Hey, could someone ressurect this post and give me this soundtrack to download?

07-08-2013, 02:53 PM
Can someone please re-upload this soundtrack rip of The Darkness? Since MEGAUPLOAD is gone forever, the links are obsolete.