Seven Dragons
07-02-2010, 06:40 PM
Hello all! (this is my first post)

Love your forums. I am looking for a very rare album because I like Turok 2 music so much. There are three versions of the music from Turok 2 Seeds of Evil. One version is ripped from the N64 version of the game, another version is ripped from the "arranged" and higher quality PC music versions, and then there is an ultra rare soundtrack that actually came out in Japan where they didn't call the game Turok 2 etc. but rather Violence Killer New Generation Turok. Strange I know. Here is a link to the album I'm looking for:

And for anybody who is wondering if there is a significant difference in the music there is! It's surprisingly different and better on the soundtrack I'm looking for. I already have one song from it and compared to the other 2 versions it's the best.

Any help is much appreciated!


Here I will try to compile all three track listings to help

PC Version:

Intro 0:32
Title 0:57
Port of Adia 5:07
Totem 1 2:41
River of Souls 4:56
Totem 2 1:28
Adon-Hub 1:13
Save Game 1:00
Death Marshes 4:59
Sacred Feather 1:05
Lair of the Blind Ones 5:43
Blind One Boss 2:11
Intro to the Hive 0:58
Hive of the Mantids 7:43
Mantid-Primagen Boss 1:39
Oblivion Lair 0:49
Primagen's Lightship 4:53
Mother Boss 1:08
Dinosaur Hunter 0:31

N64 Version:

Intro 0:34
Title 1:15
Port of Adia 5:41
Totem 1 2:51
River of Souls 5:19
Totem 2 1:34
Adon-Hub 1:20
Save Game 0:55
Death Marshes 10:52
Sacred Feather 2:13
Lair of the Blind Ones 7:25
Blind One Boss 2:11
Intro to the Hive 0:53
Hive of the Mantids 11:22
Mantid-Primagen Boss 1:43
Oblivion Lair 1:00
Primagen's Lightship 6:13
Mother Boss 1:25
Oblivion 14:50

[Requested] Soundtrack Version:

01 Mission Objective - Meeting With Adon 1:15
02 T2 Intro - Title Screen 0:34
03 Level 1 - Port of Adia 5:35
04 Level 2 - Slaughter by the River of Souls 5:18
05 Level 3 - The Death Marshes 10:47
06 Level 4 - The Lair of the Blind Ones 7:17
07 Level 5 - The Hive of the Mantids 11:24
08 Level 6 - Primagen's Lightship 6:11
09 Boss 1 2:01
10 Boss 2 1:47
11 Boss 3 1:15
12 Boss 4 2:15
13 Totem Defend - Defending the Energy Totem 1:28

Son of Alma
12-21-2010, 01:42 AM
dude i've been looking for the violence killer soundtrack for the last 3 years. if you can find somewhere where i can buy it online in cd form or just mp3 format from some site (for a resalable price) i'll upload it to this FFSF site