10-18-2002, 08:25 PM
I know this has been posted millions of times, but I just gave my thoughts on the ff8 ending and and I wanted to on the ff7 ending, cause I dissagreed with someones enterpretation :-P, and I really didn't feel like searching back for an old ff7 ending thread.

I think that Aries wouldn't have been smileing if they were gonna wipe out the human race.......unless she get's pleasure from destorying all her friends :-P. The meteor never hit, because after the credits it shoed Midgar completely intanct, but it looked old and abandoned. If the meteor hit, there would be nothing left in that spot, but a gigantic crator. Also, Red 13 obiously reproduced. How would he reproduce without another of his race left? I think that the humans found some way of geneticly creating a female red as kind of a thank you for helping save the world and all. I believe that Midgar was abanoned because maybe left as a memmorial? something from the past left in tact or I dunno.....Maybe the mako reactors released too much radiation, as the resault of a fallout of the factories dearing the whole mess at the end. That's my 2 cents :)

10-18-2002, 09:26 PM
please, elaborate on what you think, but do so using stuff you can take IN the game.

thank you

have a nice day

10-18-2002, 11:49 PM
o_O what? If I understand what you just said, then you are telling me to only enterperate the ending based on stuff that happens within the game and not the ending, but I don't see how I can do that.

10-20-2002, 07:47 PM
The answer to the ending are given in dialogues.

Of course you have to read them carefully to understand them...

The only thing that is not clearly mentionned in the game is if the human race survived.
But i you pay close attention to what Buggenhagen says... well, you can say that the human race got wiped out.

In FF VII, it is not a bad thing to die, cause you're revived as a new life form...

I think that if you're selfish, you'll want the human race to survive.

I think the planet got wiped out of humans because they are the reason the planet was dying. logically, you can't say that Sephiroth was the only one bad for the planet. Sephiroth was created by greedy humans. Of course, Cloud and his team were good guys, but they were part of this 'whole' that is the human race, and this race, as a "whole" were sucking the life of the planet with their enslaving technologies.

Now, to be specific with your last reply, you have to understand what happens BEFORE the ending to understand it.

I think it is only logical that what you see in the ending of the game is the result of what happened during the game itself.
So the answers to the ending are found in the events that occur before it.

10-23-2002, 02:50 AM
HOJO, tried to mate aeris with red xii anyway.......

so he doesnt need another red species etc

10-27-2002, 02:08 AM
Ive always thought that the whole planet was the promised land. It was said in the game that only the ancients could bring the promised yet they never did. why? well this is just speculation but: the promised land was supposed to be paradise so the only way it could possibly exist would be when there is nothing there to corrupt it. so that meens no humans. Holy and The dark materia were both materia from the ancients. soooo i think that bot had to be used at the same time to bring on the promised land and thats what happened and thats why all humanity got wiped out. i hope that made sense:)

11-06-2002, 12:37 AM
Erhm, you DO watch endings until it says "the end"?

I remember a short scene shown after credits titled "500 years later"... Enough to prove that humanity lived on even centuries after the events of FFVII

And that Red XIII is shown on it too, hes got kids and hes got old :)

11-07-2002, 01:04 AM
It has been a little while since i beat it but i do know the scene you speek of. If i remember correctly it didnt show any humans. Redxiii isnt human so i dont really consider him a part of humanity. if there is another scene that i missed that show that humanity lived on please tell me cause id love to see it.

01-28-2004, 02:14 PM
Not only has Red gotten old, he's gotten pretty damn fat to O_o.....and Meteor didn't hit because from as much as we can gather, since Holy wasn't all it was cracked up to be, Lifestream came and blew Meteor to bits. Thats as much as I got from that video. And the Aeris thing is a flash from the begining.

Sephiroth 1st Class
01-28-2004, 08:08 PM
well, remember bugenhagen(sp?) hinted that there was another animal of Red XIII's species. i forget the exact quote, but its in there. anyway, i think that metor only did partial damage, but did not completely hit the planet. midgar is in ruins 500 years after, not fully intact.

01-31-2004, 12:16 PM
you never get to see the humans in the scene at the end i think they are either dead or live as the ancients do holy flipped though didnt it and started trying to attack midgar and the meteor (coz midgar was sucking up all the mako) and aeries would be smiling coz now the planet is safe and everyone is at the promised land (you know life of hardship then return to the planet the promised land)

02-01-2004, 02:35 AM
Um, what about Advent Children? I've pretty much stayed away from trailers for it entirely, but doesn' t it mean that humanity wasn't wiped out?

02-01-2004, 02:55 PM
yeh well................i forgot about that............but maybe they are GOING to be wiped out through the disease.......hmm my entire idea about the ending has been blown out of the water.......

04-30-2004, 08:07 AM
Final Fantasy VII has a very open ending as it is. This is my attempt to explain it. This is pobably the hardest question toanswr as much of my theory is based on suppoition rather than facts. Even combin the script doesnt give yeild much of a definite explantion. but based on what has gone before, i think this is a reasonable interpretation.

So understanding the ending regards really on how you regard the significance of death of Aeris and the extent of the pwoers she and Sephiroth possesed. It requires some thought as to the symbolism of the game and the true meanng on Midgar.

In my opinon Aeris only died in a physical sense when sephiroth stabbed her. She was an ancient and possed of tremendous powers. It is arguable that she actually wanted to die physically so her spiriual self could merge with the lifesteam and heal the planet. In fact Bugenhagen basically says this when they take him to the Shrine where she was killed.

Bugenhagen: "Holy... the ultimaye white magic that might stand against Meteor. Perhap our last hope to save the planet from Meteor. If a soul seeking Holy reaches the planet it will appear"

Sephiroth's physical body spend the WHOLE game in the great North Cave. It is only his physical self our heroes encouner until the end. Sephiroth's plan was to use Meteor to inflict a wound upon the planet, the life stream ill rush to that spot, he would absord it and beaome Godlike.

Once Sephiroth dies at the end, Meteor heads for Midgar. Midgar is arguably the "wound" of the planet all along. Characters all throughout the game talk of the cries of the planet growing stronger in the years Midgar/Shinra have been sucking Mako out of the planet. Remember early in the only place that flowers grow in Midgar is Aeris church. Witht he glipse of Aeris we see in the final momnt it is implied that her consciousness had merged with the life stream and the combined power of Holy and Meteor generates enough force for the corruption of Midger to be healed.

This is maybe what the ancients meant by the Promised land, a place where the lifestream and the physical world meet and crate paradise. So arguably Aeris does "reincarnate" at the end as we see Midgar ablaze with flowers. She undoubtedly had the power to live on in a non-physical form, and maybe thats what Cloud meant when he says, "I thik we can See her again" in the final cinema.

I hope you all understanded that.

04-30-2004, 10:16 AM
ya but that was the bad ending there are like 2 other endings that u can get so dont forget about those

girls call me pogi
04-30-2004, 07:51 PM
Did you type that up yourself, 1_W1nged_Angel?

I think the ending of Final Fantasy VII sucked. They should make a sequel, so we'd really know what happens.

Landlord of Sector 7
04-30-2004, 08:38 PM
Wow this is an old thread who in the world restarted it???? :S And girlscallmepogi, you must be really uninformed if you don't know about AC.

05-01-2004, 10:29 PM
um i had a little help from my m8 its someting we wrote ages ago

05-02-2004, 05:53 AM
The ending is simple, and clear. You just have to realize the storyline is based on the Bible, and then it isn't too hard to go from there.

Holy stopping the meteor was Jesus returning to save the world, and so it turned into Heaven (promised land). Humans aren't neccisarily wiped out, that fact remains unknown, but Midgar (which is the core of all corruption and evil) has passed on.

I'd have to say that this is one of the most clear Final Fantasy endings.

05-04-2004, 01:48 AM
well its way easier to understand than mine and quite logicl as well

02-08-2007, 06:22 AM
Not knowing if humans survived or not doesnt make it the most clear. FF I through 6 and 9 had much clearer endings.

BTW, Advent Children was produced without Sakaguchi (he had left to form his own company 'Mist Walker') who created the original FF7 story. Nomura took the lead then and like he always do, did a spin-off to make more money (just like Dirge of Cerberus is, and the whole Compilation crap that mostly ruins the original game). Nomura is into saturation and it shows with all the projects he's been at the helm so far. So in the end, we might never know what the real ending to the game was. Unless someone goes to Sakaguchi and ask him.

02-08-2007, 08:55 AM
This thread was dead... why would somebody revive it?

Kids, say no to necroposting.

02-08-2007, 08:59 AM
So people can come up with things INTERESTING to say about something that is still part of our passion. A FINAL FANTASY game. Obviously, you don't share the same intentions. That was totally uncalled for.

02-08-2007, 06:51 PM
Actually, it was called for. Necroposting / reviving old threads is not allowed on here. Don't do it.

02-08-2007, 08:17 PM
Die, Bitch!

02-08-2007, 08:38 PM
Wow. This is really bizarre. I just looked and Hynad has been here since October 2002, but only has nine posts. So it's like he showed up, disappeared for a really long time, came back and then revived an ancient thread that he posted in.

02-08-2007, 11:00 PM
Can you tell me where I can find that it is not allowed to revive an old tread?

Because if it isnt allowed, that's totally ridiculous. All I'll do is create a new tread and start discussing the same thing.

Swedish Fish
02-08-2007, 11:20 PM
Can you tell me where I can find that it is not allowed to revive an old tread?

I can direct you to grammar lessons.

Because if it isnt allowed, that's totally ridiculous. All I'll do is create a new tread and start discussing the same thing.

If you don't like it, GTFO and go to EOFF or something.

02-08-2007, 11:32 PM
Now I'm sure you crossed a line and I'll report. Sorry you have to feel the urge to be a total ass-h*** on me. That is probably to be expected from little kids of your age.

02-08-2007, 11:55 PM
ROTFL. Report away! Obviously you learned nothing when you were here four years ago. Ask anyone else about the rule about not reviving old threads and they'll tell you the same thing --- deal with it or GTFO.

02-09-2007, 12:07 AM
ROTFL. Report away! Obviously you learned nothing when you were here four years ago. Ask anyone else about the rule about not reviving old threads and they'll tell you the same thing --- deal with it or GTFO.

That's basically on the limits of trolling to me. Saying: you Don't like ti so leave is like the lamest excuse someone can get. Keep em coming. I'll still wait to see where that rule is from. Because as I said, if such a rule do exists, then all I need to do is create yet an other tread about the same topic... which would obviously end up becoming a lot of tread talking about the same subject...

Obviously, that rule is the most stupid one I've heard on a message board. You prefer having countless treads talking about the same things, then having people post in the proper treads for the sake of not flooding the boards?

02-09-2007, 12:10 AM
Somebody would tell you where it is and explain the reasoning behind it, except we don't consider it worth it to waste our time explaining the mechanics and logic behind it to a moron like you.

02-09-2007, 12:12 AM
That's what I call being a total ass hole. You dont know me and you call me a moron. All this because I wanted to talk about FFVII's ending? Clearly, I dont need to watch too far to see who's the moron here. You're a rude bastard and any person coming here would clearly see it.

02-09-2007, 12:14 AM
Right. Oh, BTW, you have a bizarre definition of trolling. To "troll" would be do behavior outside what's generally accepted on the boards.

02-09-2007, 12:15 AM
yeah and a quick reasoning would tell me that saying a person to leave and calling him a moron is obviously accepted on these board, right?

02-09-2007, 12:15 AM
Well, generally, if said person is a moron and has been proving it as quickly and succinctly as you have, yes.

02-09-2007, 12:18 AM
tell me where I proved I was such a moron.

I just learned you're an admin... Wow, if such people can be accepted as admin, I guess anybody can. You go against your own set of rules and call yourself an admin? Clearly, this must be a joke.

02-09-2007, 12:18 AM
Make a new thread and quit your bitching bitch.

Swedish Fish
02-09-2007, 12:43 AM
Make a new thread and quit your bitching bitch.

Ooh!! I'm gonna report you!!

02-09-2007, 12:48 AM
You're all getting reported! In fact, that's it! You're all "on report!" I want fifty push-ups, on the double!

02-09-2007, 12:55 AM
Hynad = sain's father?

Swedish Fish
02-09-2007, 12:56 AM
Since I'm such a generous person, I'll give my push-ups to Hynad.

02-09-2007, 01:28 AM
The only reason I don't see Hynad as being connected with sain in anyway is because he registered in late 2002 and then just out-of-the-blue showed up here now.

02-09-2007, 04:59 AM
Actually, I too would be interested to know where this rule about reviving old threads is actually stated. The only times I remember it being brought up with Sarah, she said something along the lines of "Only if you have something that actually contributes to the topic". Hynad's post wasn't exactly an essay but it's not like it was mindless spam either.

If there is actually something in writing though, perhaps it should be added here ( since this does seem to come up an awful lot.

02-09-2007, 05:16 AM
1) posting in old threads is (and has always been) allowed provided something significant is being added and it's not done chronically.

2) I've stated a thousand times that starting flame wars over minor shit like this (or going on about what is or isn't allowed and thus derailing a thread) is a thousand times worse than reviving an old thread. don't do it again. thx.

<font size=+5>FAO EVERYONE:</font>

you are not a mod. it is not your responsibility to tell people (correctly or not-- albeit incorrectly in this instance) what is and isn't allowed. if someone is doing something you believe to be against the rules, use the report post feature.

anyway, sorry you came back to such a rude crowd D: we're not always like this.

leaving this thread open hoping people will at least try to go back to the topic at hand. if you want to respond to anything not related to the original thread topic (ie, about what I brought up), do it in QF&A.

02-21-2007, 05:11 AM
The ending was a bit of a letdown the first time I played it. All those hours for an open-ending? But I suppose that was part of the genius of the game, if people are still talking about it years later.
I never really thought about humanity being wiped out or anything chaotic like that, but I did find it to be a somewhat happy ending. Because from the beginning, you are fighting a losing battle, trying to save the planet. And in the end you find out that 500 years later, the planet is still around. Mission Accomplished.

02-21-2007, 08:38 PM
Hynad = sain's Mother?

02-21-2007, 09:15 PM
gees, there are still some nobody jerks coming here to stir shit...

...get a life?