10-18-2002, 01:20 PM
OK, I am stuck near the end of the first CD by the boss "Materia Keeper". I have alot of money but no items and I dont think I will make it out of the mountains to buy new items. Plz give me some tips!

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Neo Xzhan
10-18-2002, 02:27 PM
Make sure you have the summon Odin, you can get it in the ShinRa mansion though the boss fight to get it might be a bit tricky. Make sure that you have the best weapons availible for every character and the best bracers. Use some curative magic through out the battle and use some usefull limits (like Vincent's beast flare). If you want the enemy skill Trine it might be a bit harder becouse it's a powerfull skill. I hope this helpes some.

10-19-2002, 11:57 AM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">If he's giving you problems, it may be worth putting everyone on the back row. For most of the battle he only use physical attacks, so just make sure that you can stay alive. Don't use Vincent's limit break Galian Beast, in fact, I'd recommend against using Vincent altogether. BEAST FLARE WILL HEAL MATERIA KEEPER, as will any other fire-based attacks. When he uses Cure2 it means he's going to use Trine the turn directly after that, so make sure you've healed for it if you need to. You may want to put an elemental materia linked with either Lightning or Ramuh on your armour to bloack some of the damage from Trine, and also equip enemy skill materias so that you learn it yourself. After you learn it just use it back on him, and of course use limit breaks whenever you get them. Otherwise just use magic and summons while you can, I didn't find him too hard.

10-19-2002, 11:26 PM
If you have Choco/Mog, use it! Use it as many times as you have available, but only while he's moving. Choco/Mog should stop him cold. If it doesn't stop him cold on the first try, then reset and try again, you definitely want that time that he's not moving to hit him with everything you've got without any retal. If you have more than one use on it available, then don't use it again until after he's start moving again. If you're luck, it'll stop him again.

Go into the battle with your limit bars full, that way you can hit him with your limit breaks right away and start filling them back up. I hope you have the Enemy Skill Big Guard, if not, then just forget about it because you'd have to go all the way back to the Gongaga Area to get it. If you don't have it, then use Red XIII's 1/2 limit to get haste for all of your characters (or cast haste if you have it) and cast Barrier and MBarrier if you have it. Summon everything you have on him and then use your most powerful magic (hopefully you have second level by now.) Once magic runs low use ethers or start pounding with physical attacks/limits, anything to get him down.

If you want to try it anyway, then try to get out of the mountains. Escape from all battles and use curative magic to heal your characters until you're out.

These are my best tips for Materia Keeper. Don't forget to grab the materia he was guarding after the battle.

10-20-2002, 06:36 PM
Well....try and get out of the mountains. Get back to Cosmo, and get some HP plus materia, and do some leveling up in the mountains. After that you should be able to cursh him like an ant.

10-26-2002, 07:52 AM
Wow, if anyone's in need, everyone helps. Hmmmmm, the Materia Keeper is no where near the end of Disk 1. It is hard (8000 HP) i believe but that's how much HP the dude you vs to get Odin is so if you can beat that guy, the Materia Keeper shouldn't be a problem. The problem i found in Mt Nibel was those dragons that kept using flamethrower. I suggest for the materia keeper, any accessory/armour that reflects/absorbs electric attacks works.

10-26-2002, 11:28 PM
Yeah I had problems with that one, I wouldn't put vincent in your party because if I remember corectly it cures the materia keeper. Apart from that everyone else has said everything.

God of HellFIRE
10-26-2002, 11:37 PM
I never had problems with bosses until I had to face the weapons because I used to LEVEL UP A LOT!!! So that's my greatest advice! I had Meteorain and Sattelite Beam by the time I had to fight Materia Keeper and I kicked his BIG RED ASS!!

10-27-2002, 12:30 AM
Thanks guys im way past this part now though, so I might as well start somthing else, help me with FF8 with the first boss.

10-27-2002, 02:00 AM
Hmmmmmmm, that's Ifrit right (getting a bit off game subject here, but what the hell, saves making another thread) If yer gonna beat Ifrit, i suggest you set the timer to 20mins, get to Ifrit with at least 13 mins left, use Shiva a lot (not as much Quezacotl) and don't use Fire on him (cause it heals him) Use blizzard instead. If you don't know how to get Shiva and Quezacotl, when you start the game, just check the desk you sat at and you will get them.

10-27-2002, 02:28 AM
I guess this is really off-topic, since this should have gone in the FFVIII area, but if you're fighting Ifrit, I really don't recommend going in with 13 minutes left. I found out online that if you're trying to do well on the SeeD exam, that you need to beat Ifrit with betwen 10 and 0 seconds left on the clock in order to get 100 points. Higher amounts than that will result in less points, on a sliding scale. Of course, if you couldn't care less about your SeeD score, then just ignore me.

Oh, and BTW, even if you don't get Quetzacotl and Shiva from the desk, you can't leave Garden without them, so if you don't have them when you leave, Quistis will give you some sort of lecture about it and then you'll get them.

10-27-2002, 02:56 AM
loll its not Ifrit its the spider robot aftr the demon dude.:)

10-27-2002, 03:08 AM
Oops, sorry. Ifrit is considered the first boss of FFVIII, so that's what we thought you were talking about. And Biggs/Wedge/the Elvoret are also considered bosses.

Okay, XATM-092 (that's the mechanical spider) :

The general rule is to slam him with Quezacotl, lightning attacks and your best physical attacks and as soon as Zell asks you to, run. Keep running from him, if you do it right, then you should be able to avoid him and make it back to the docks at which point he will be destroyed for you. If he catches up to you, repeat the same strategy, just slam him down as quicly as possible and then run. Don't forget to save the dog in the town square from him in order to pick up points for the SeeD exam and do not duck in the Pub to avoid him unless you want to lose points.

It is possible to defeat him, but it takes a lot of preparation. I'd recommend doing all this preparation before taking on the bosses in the Comm Tower. If you've already defeated them, then it's too late because of the ticking clock. You need to boost Quetzacotl as high as possible, get all of the SumMag bonuses plus Boost. Try to get at least one character up to level 30 so you can draw Thundara spells. Then just keep pounding the X-ATM092 with Quetzacotl, Thundara and physical attacks and he'll eventually go down. He has about 3-5 lives and after that he'll no longer be able to repair himself. It's possible to defeat him any time except the very first battle with him. (Which you are required to escape.) Your reward is 50 AP and a reasonably decent GF ability item. Defeating the XATM092 gives you a 100 point bonus on your SeeD exam. (Although you miss the cool FMV of its destruction, so it's your choice.)

10-27-2002, 04:19 PM
<Font color=red face="comic sans ms">If you're good enough, you should only have to fight it once. After it jumps off the communication tower, just summon Quezacotl (you should learn Boost before this battle so that you can use it to increase damage), then attack physically, it won't take long.

The next time you're likely to get caught is two screens on from there. Just quickly run left as soon as the screen appears and you'll get through without it jumping on you. You may usually get caught on the screen after that where you go down the slope, but if you WALK through this screen it won't be able to catch you. The last place should be the bridge, but if you start running backwards after it jumps over you, it should jump back the other way again. Then you will be able to get through. :)

If you do decide to take him on, you can't kill him in that first initial battle that you can't avoid, you have to do it later. I think you need to reduce it's HP to 0 4-5 times. :)

10-28-2002, 10:18 AM
Man, the song there kicks ass. The cutscene after that boss also kicks ass. Need any help with FF9 or shall we stay just minor off-topic?

11-03-2002, 01:31 AM
K, back to FF VII Im in Watua, or somthin like that, Yuffies hometown.Ive beeten every1 in the 5-story tower and gotten the summon monster. NOw wadda I do?lol

11-03-2002, 02:27 AM
Well, if you're on Disk 1 (which i'm assuming) then after Wutai, go back to the Tiny Bronco and head to Gold Saucer. Go to Battle arena and into Dio's Showroom and search the main statue to find the keystone. After fighting, try to leave gold saucer. Enjoy:D. (i'm trying not to give anything away)