06-26-2010, 08:41 PM
Hey all,

Just was wondering if anyone could, or has, ripped all six YDKJ soundtracks? Reason is because I want them and used to play it a while ago. Can't now because I'm on a mac.

However it's been confirmed for the Wii apparently, YDKJ Seven perhaps, though I really hope it's not exclusively for that platform, as I wonder if they brought it over to the 360/PS what achievements/trophies it'd have.

Would definitely love those soundtracks if possible. I searched and saw the ride here, but that was about it I think.


06-30-2010, 02:51 PM
You can rip them if you have any YDKJ game for PC.

- Go to http://srfextra.sourceforge.net/
- Extract from the SRF files
- Go to http://sed.free.fr/aifc2wav.html
- Convert the aifc files to wav files (though SRFExtra does it, it creates noise when converting, so do it yourself)

You have the music then, the speech files and the sound effects.

12-18-2010, 04:41 AM

Okay, so I did this. Question: is this why people don't rip the music, because there's so much splicing to do? I mean, I can't find the entire game theme, it's kind of split into different wave files.

05-18-2013, 12:48 AM
Could you possibly pull up a tutorial on how to use SRFExtra on Windows 7?