the one
10-17-2002, 11:14 PM
read this from

Lots of game sites are spreading rumors about what Square's impending announcement will be. We're hearing Vagrant Story 2, or a sequel to Kingdom Hearts.
After the mysterious poster depicting Final Fantasy X's heroine Yuna in a new getup appeared at the Tokyo Game Show in September, there could be little doubt. We've heard about it for months: Final Fantasy X is getting a side story, sequel -- whatever you want to call it. Square's new game is FFX2, pure and simple. Moreover, there won't be two versions -- the Yuna and Rikku scenarios are contained within a single game.

According to reputable Japanese website Quiter, the game takes place 2 years after the battle with Sin. Yuna, as expected, is the main character of the game. Dash and Jump actions are being added to the field segments to add an element of action, although the game is still an RPG -- not an adventure or action game as many theorized after looking at the new gun-totin' look of the summoner. There is reportedly a new "Active Mode" in the battles, although no one quite understands what that means yet. The threat Yuna and her comrades will face is an altogether new one.

We expect many more details to become clear when Square has its unveiling in the coming weeks.

omg!i dont bout you but this is bloody amazing news!
post your thoughts and opions

10-18-2002, 02:30 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">If that's true, then I'm looking foward to it... FF10 is probably my favorite FF game.

Although if Lulu doesn't have a somewhat important role, I'll be a little frustrated.

10-18-2002, 07:07 AM
Well if any of you saw the 15 minute long FMV from the International version, it looks to be a VERY good side-story. The whole Tidus shit really got to me anyways, so hopefully we'll see him return.

10-18-2002, 07:19 AM
Well, Lulu is having a baby... I doubt she'll be doing anything major... o_O

Though the WEIRDEST thing I've heard..... Yuna carrying guns around......................

this can't be right.

10-18-2002, 07:29 AM
Where are these pictures. Yuna with guns Lulu pregnent(Wakka you old dog) man I gotta see this

And you say that there's a preview on the international version I gotta check this thing out again

10-18-2002, 08:11 AM
Wasn't this confirmed a while ago? o.o

It's good from Squaresoft they finally try something more innovative (althought that depends on how the games will come out) but a side story is a good step in the 'new' direction.

10-18-2002, 09:14 AM
I ripped the 15 minute FMV from the International version. If someone would be willing to host it, I'd glady put it up for the rest of you to see. It's about 100 megs zipped, and you can see everything. I even subtitled it in English so you can understand what they're saying.

It's very good, and makes you really excited about the upcoming quest the group will be going on.

10-19-2002, 06:03 AM
Weird, Lulu's pregnant...That outta be interesting....

10-19-2002, 07:11 PM
If you didn't see it yet and such other reasons. From the new Yuna game. She got a drastic attitude chance.

Pm me if you want to see more piccies then this *is not gonna overadvertise* or you can figure out the rest of the pictures url :B
edit: Since the pictures won't appear *har har*.. links o.o

Yuna with guns ()

Yuna again o.o (

suprise! It's Yuna (

10-19-2002, 11:58 PM
Lulu being Pregnant was mentioned during "Final Fantasy X: Another Story", the infamous extra scene which is in the Japanese International 2nd Disc.

Go down to "Another Story FAQ" for more details on this.

So there you have it...

10-20-2002, 12:45 AM
What's got Square considereing sequels now?,obviously this isn't the only FF worthy of one......are they still a little hard up for money, or are they actually just going to try something new for it's own sake,as long as it's good.

10-20-2002, 03:33 AM
Looks great :) I really wanna see the extended ending of FFX :-P Maybe it will be in the begginning of the new game? What I really wanna see though, is a sequal to FF7. FF7 deserves one above all the others, and needs one more then them too! We may finaly find out what happens after the most ambiguas ending in FF history :-P Yes I thought it left more unanswered then ff8.

10-20-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Tekno
Yuna with guns ()

Yuna again o.o (

suprise! It's Yuna (

Haha, Yuna.. with guns? ^^; She looks pretty cool though, ne? And I like the outfit. I'd love to cosplay as her with that outfit.. @_@;;

10-20-2002, 10:01 PM
Wow....I wanna see Lulu's bellyyyyyy~!!!! I'm also interested into what her new costume will be, because she obviously won't wear her old one...^^;;;

I am looking forward to this yummylicious game.

Heavens Cloud
10-21-2002, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by chronoserge
Looks great :) I really wanna see the extended ending of FFX :-P Maybe it will be in the begginning of the new game? What I really wanna see though, is a sequal to FF7. FF7 deserves one above all the others, and needs one more then them too! We may finaly find out what happens after the most ambiguas ending in FF history :-P Yes I thought it left more unanswered then ff8.

First i total agree with you on the idea that there should be a sequal for FF7 because i think it is the most deserving
And second for the whole FFX2 thing all i can say is :D :D :D

10-21-2002, 04:06 PM
Yuna looks better then ever...
I hope you will see more of Lulu, they cannot make a sequal to X without Lulu!! I hope Sakaguchi returns!

the one
10-22-2002, 04:57 PM
about 14 new screens shots of FFx-2 out on the web now!:D :D :D :D:D:D:D: looks amazing

i went to

10-22-2002, 11:18 PM
LET ME AT IT!!!!!!
thats all i can say

10-27-2002, 07:55 PM
I've heard a rumour that the woman with the sword is supposed to be Lulu. Sounds a bit strange though. Can anyone confirm this?

Vivi FF
10-27-2002, 10:00 PM
IGN, Gamers, and Gamespot has some more pics as well... They also talk about it some and you can get a good idea what's gonna be new in the game...

I don't think Lulu is the person w/the sword, probably a whole new character...

Oh and all FFs do deserve a sequel but for FF7, didn't the game kinda really end...?

10-30-2002, 04:18 AM
I know Yuna,Rikku, and Wakka aresome of the characters but who else are there?

And also, isn't Tidus a dream?

10-30-2002, 01:12 PM
Remember the VERY end of 10, where he wakes back up in water and swims exitedly to the surface? Well apparently he gets kidnapped and they're on a quest to find him. They also said during the movie that when they defeat Sin, they will no longer need to dream a hero into existance, but one day they will dream a new dream and make it permanent, and that's why he is re-created. We'll have to wait for the game to come out to make certain of this though.

10-31-2002, 01:43 AM
Just saw the picture of Yuna in a game magazine that I was reading. My first reaction was the thought that Square was specifically trying to annoy me (first Kingdom Hearts... then FFXI... now Yuna Croft!!!) but after a while I realized that this might not be a bad thing... after all, it might mean Yuna has a new voice actor. :)

Anyhow, I just hope they don't change the battle system. I like the CTB system.

Originally posted by Skysaber
I ripped the 15 minute FMV from the International version. If someone would be willing to host it, I'd glady put it up for the rest of you to see. It's about 100 megs zipped, and you can see everything. I even subtitled it in English so you can understand what they're saying.

It's very good, and makes you really excited about the upcoming quest the group will be going on.

If you get it hosted, PLEASE let me know!!!!! I want to see it!

the one
11-02-2002, 06:39 PM
some place have reported that the sphere grid is gettin dun away with and is bein put bak to gettin exp points and stuff.Also


due to the aeons in the end of FFX being destroyed aeons may not be included in FFx-2


and the finally part is they could be goin bak to ATB battles n doin away with swappin characters in too,also you will only be able to use 3 guys per battle:(

11-02-2002, 07:12 PM
SHIT...the link ain't working ! ! ! !

can somebody please send me the yuna GUN pics to my hotmail adress ! ! ! ! !

[email protected]


the one
11-02-2002, 07:56 PM
a few other bits of info over at theres 4 quite kool wallpapers to d/l and more info on the game as well as giving a link to the japanse FFx-2 site:cool:

11-02-2002, 11:19 PM
Anybody have an idea of who those 2 guys are behind Yuna?

Wakka doesn't go with them?

the one
11-03-2002, 12:43 AM
one of them has been comfirmed as being Rikku,the 3rd being a completely new character,also the outift yuna is wearin is said to have been given to her as a present by Rikku,as you may have guessed there is 3 sort of main characters all bein female ,Yuna,Rikku and the mystery new one

11-09-2002, 09:50 PM
I was reading in OPM about FFX-2 and it said that the character's that are confirmed so far are Wakka, Lulu, Yuna, and Rikku. I don't know who will be what in it, but those character's are suppose to be in it.

11-11-2002, 03:45 PM
I also read some information on the game. I read that there will be a jump and sprint option, and the game is suppose to be more action based.

Rapid Fire
11-12-2002, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by Besaid_Aurochs
Anybody have an idea of who those 2 guys are behind Yuna?

Wakka doesn't go with them?

Hey guys it's Lara!!

This game is gonna suck. I can already see it now:

*Insert DDR Max 2 announcers voice*

Final Fantasy 10..........2!

*press start*

Let's F F 10

11-12-2002, 08:30 AM
Now you're asking for a beating rapid fire FF10 was 1 of the best RPG's to date and I for 1 think there should be a sequal too much stuff was left unfinished for exaple


The Tidus mater is he daed or not(obviously not but anyways)

The whole temple of yevon is it dead or not

Im sure theres more I just cant be bothered thinking about it


But I guess you can think what you like and nothing I say can stop you but don't diss the game till you've got all the facts

11-13-2002, 01:31 AM
Hm...Well dont be to hard on rapid fire, I'm a little sceptical about the whole thing, I dont think it will suck as much ass as 11 will. FFX was pretty damn good and I think that square knows this, I dont think that their going to blindly slap around the characters , i think they'll state reasons for their changes in Yuna's outfit, maybe she has a perpus for the change in clothes she might be proving something or in desguise or maybe she just has a new thing for ass crack pants. Who knows, though I'm sure it follows the story line but how her hair got so long...thats a mystery . as for the the two people in the back the one with the big peice of hair sticking out, thats Rikku (proof: ) and I think that the other one is lulu, she has the same hair style except you can't see any hair in the back so I'm not sure on that one. I dont see her as a sword person, she's more of a cactaur person. Love the cactus!

11-20-2002, 05:03 AM
I can't say I really like the new character designs. Yuna...that's not right. But I guess it grows on you. But Rikku? ACK! What is that garbage?! She's basically wearing a swimsuit, and rags or whatever. Geez, it reminds me of the new and nasty (and seriously gross gross gross) Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.
Okay, if you want to dress fashionable, that's fine with me. But if you want to dress like a slut, I think that's going way too far. First I thought this game would appeal to both guys and girls (because now the three main people are all female) but after looking at those costumes to get sicko guys buying FF X-2...ugh.
That game's already got a bunch of controversial issues with it, must it add another?!

And I liked the battle system from FF X... (Yeah, I know, whine whine...)

11-20-2002, 02:59 PM
Well her hair could grow that long it has been a couple of years. As for the new Yuna costume, I think that Rikku gave it to her, and for Rikku's new dress.......maybe she's smoking crack and dating an Ex-backstreet boy (gotta dress like the other teenie boppers to make him feel comfortable)?

11-20-2002, 08:54 PM
PoStEd SoMe KoO PiCs iN tHe NeW tHrEaD.

Vivi FF
11-20-2002, 11:08 PM

Pics of FFX-2 in general as well as Rikku (w/her COOL scarf) AND in one of the Rikku pics (actually the larger one) it shows the other character with some color and more close uped. The other character is female, hopefully, dunno how a guy can be so...

11-27-2002, 12:47 AM
Hmm...well, I'm actually starting to like Rikku's new look. Nomura's drawings are definitely better than their CGI counterparts. I love the character artwork for Yuna and Rikku! And look! Rikku's carrying some daggers! Maybe it's a weapon for one of her classes or something. I'd love to see more emphasis on classes - FF X did a nice job of establishing different jobs with abilities, but eventually allowed characters to mix it up and customize - a bunch! Good gameplay - that's what I want in this sequel.

PS - Argh, Nomura's done it again with the nasty designs - it's Edea and Ultimecia's trademark cleavage slit on that rival Sphere Hunter woman.

11-27-2002, 02:13 AM
i'm not scepitcal about ff10-2. its gonna rock, cuz its ff. but ever since that ff movie, i've had doubts over the series.....

11-27-2002, 07:43 AM
I completly agree with Rapid Fire, this new FFX-2 game is going to suck big time, first off for the poor Character choice and
2nd for the new Charcter design.
And this is the first FF game ever with a Girl as the Main character and almost all Girl characters.
And this Game doesn't even deserve a Sequal, there are only 2 games that do and those are FF7 and FF8,
i agree FFX is the Best Rpg game in the world today, but so were FF7 and FF8 when they were released, the only diff is that FFX has better Graphic but the 2 other have better story and plot.

But after FF7 it has been down the hill for FF, as the series grew more popular Square stared making the games more easier and shorter, FF7 was 120 hours and FF9 and FFX are 35-40 hours. And how can you make a sequal for FFX without Auron and Tidus without them the game would have been boring and unintresting.

But i dont think they will ever make FF series the way they it was again.

11-27-2002, 08:49 AM
ok now this may cause some flaming but FF8 does not diserve a sequal in my opinion iut had the worst story line of any FF to date FF7 yes that should have a sequal but the problem would be finding a story to fit.

And as for FF8 what story would there be I have finished the game and


they more or less wraped up everything (they better have for 30 mins) what is ther left

11-28-2002, 04:28 AM
I agree FF VIII doesn't deserve a sequel...well, it needs one but doesn't deserve one. FF VIII's story is so whacky it doesn't make sense how it all ends...the whole plot is "Boy meets girl, TIME KOMPRESSSSION!!!!, yay all of existance is saved"
The writers were seriously lazy and brain dead to explain away everyone's past by some stupid orphanage. Gee whiz, what a coincidence...

Vivi FF
11-29-2002, 12:58 AM
The unknown third female character w/the sword is, according to Japanese translation, named Pain or Pine... Weird...

A 4th playable character has also been released. But it's a male (finally after 3 females; though, it wasn't bad having all females). He's easily reconizable as he was a major help in FFX. It's Brother!!! (the pilot, awesoem early BB player, and Rikku's brother). He learned to speak English, I think...

Also there's gonna be atleast 8 playable characters. We know 4 and who knows who the other 4 are... Except Squaresoft :). Wakka and Lulu are good bets though...

Here's an awesome site for FFX-2 news:

Cya all!

11-29-2002, 02:48 AM
So is there anymore blitzball?

11-29-2002, 05:04 AM
i wouldnt say so. maybe, but i dont think so. without tidus its nothing.....

11-29-2002, 06:46 AM
we are all forgeting 1 importent thing....

who the hell said Tidus wasn't in the game sure he


is ment to be dead but so what thats a minor handicap as many previous FF games have taught us, so whos to say he wont come back earlier in the game and kick the butt of whatever evil is threatening spira(again)


by the way what do u all have against Tidus I liked him he had a sword

11-30-2002, 12:33 AM
the reason i said that is cuz theres no actually "sureity" (made that word up. lol) that tidus is gonna be a main character. the only for sure main characters i know of are yuna, rikku, brother, and that new girl.

i didnt want to say anything about tidus incase someone held that against me....

if you know what i mean

12-01-2002, 01:54 AM
Hehheh, it should be obvious by now, Tidus is the one who's going to get rescued at the very end of the game, no? And don't tell me that's a spoiler :P

12-01-2002, 04:53 AM
dammit.........I've been hoping 4 another rpg like game......but i found out its more like action/adventure, sorta like Dark Cloud or sumthin

Better be good

12-01-2002, 10:37 PM
its still a menu driven rpg, but its more action outside of battles. you can jump, and dash and stuff. i dont know if dashing is just like in the other games.....

but theres no sphere grid anymore. xD

Vivi FF
12-01-2002, 11:41 PM
It's basically that when you walk, it'll be somewhat like a TR game... So you can jump and such... it's better since it used to be that you either walked or ran...

12-03-2002, 12:54 AM
I'm guessing FF X-2 will be more like Kingdom hearts in terms of gameplay. It's be nice to use first-person perspective in an FF world, too. ^^

12-09-2002, 06:59 PM
i hate how they call him teedus in kingdom hearts. pissez me off
got used to sayin tidus. as in 'taidus'

ultima weapon
12-11-2002, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight
Well, Though the WEIRDEST thing I've heard..... Yuna carrying guns around......................

this can't be right. ........What if Yuna becomes Squares Lara croft........that would be.............hurtful :eye:

12-14-2002, 01:14 AM has finally uncovered the third character! I guess this confirms that Lulu isn't the last person...sigh.

Vivi FF
12-14-2002, 06:18 PM
Is the new character a boy or a girl? Lol...

Neo Xzhan
12-14-2002, 06:22 PM

I think it is a girl by the looks of it.

Vivi FF
12-14-2002, 06:59 PM
Yeah it's a girl... Be horrible if it wasn't... :)

Her name could also be Paine...

Rikku looks cool in that new pic...