10-16-2002, 02:37 AM
I have two friends coming over this weekend (woohoo, I have friends in real life! :D Don't worry, I won't let them take me away from FFShrine) and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good multiplayer PS2 game for us to rent. We're definitely renting Kingdom Hearts because we all want to see what it's like, but we don't want to spend all our time on a single-player game and none of us own any multiplayer games. The only requirements are that it should be playable on one machine (no PS2 online or anything like that, but I don't care if it requires more than one controller. BTW, anyone know if you can rent accessories at Blockbuster, like that thing that lets you have more than two controllers plugged in at a time?), that it should be the kind of thing that doesn't take more than couple of hours to play, that it isn't difficult to learn how to play and that it isn't impossible for someone with an unbelievably slow reaction time to play. (I have nothing against trying a first-person shooter or anything like that, but I have to have at least a little chance at actually being able to play it.)

Thanks. :)

10-16-2002, 05:28 AM
I'll list some...


Time Splitters 2(A game with lots of fun multiplayer features)

Tribes Aerial Assault(Practically nothing but Multi player,team based stuff,with people having somewhat different role,like attacking our gaurding,and you fly!)

007:Agent Under Fire has some nice option,you can set what weapons appear, pick-ups and other things,like a jet pack and hook cable can be turned on or off.


I've always liked Bust-a-Move,so you could try Super Bust-a-Move 2,if you like it,it's only a 2 player game....puzzle kinda game

I would recommend any Armored Core game, but only if you've played them before and have saved data,ect......in which case, I didn't really need to mention this.....

Tony Hawk 3 maybe?

Guilty Gear X(cool characters and fluid battles)

Tekken 4(pretty good......but..)

Wipe out Fusion is ok, but could have been better.

Kengo(one of my favorites

........I don't really play multi-player games against other people often,don't get the chance,my friends don't play often,so when they do, they get beaten and then discouraged......oh well....

They do have some accessories, but my BB sucks....they never have anything...so good luck...

Neo Xzhan
10-16-2002, 09:44 AM
I'd go for games like Tekken 4 and Timesplitters. These games are fun to play with friends. I enjoy them playing so it's really worth it,

Vivi FF
10-16-2002, 10:16 PM
Tekken 4 is a great rent... If you like fighting games then this is the best bet for you.

If not, Tony Hawk 3 is OK but you start out w/limited stats and levels. And it's kind ahard to get the hang of but it's multiplayer events are pretty fun. Tag :)

SSX Tricky is also a great game to rent. I still play it sometimes and it's pretty cool and fun to play with. You do start out w/limited stats, levels, and characters (gasp!) but the game is still fun and easy to get into...

Oh yeah, you could just use cheat codes to get all characters, levels, and stats. It might go against your will but it's not like you're keeping the game...

10-17-2002, 06:41 PM
NFS Hot pursuit 2
Vice City(when it's out) may not be multi-player, but people will just sit around to watch you blow shit up while they wait their turn too :)
VF4(screw Tekken :OP)
Nhl 2003

I only added ones noone else was contributing :)


10-17-2002, 11:12 PM
Thanks everyone. Tekken 4 it is. :)