Bahamut ZERO
10-15-2002, 03:38 PM
This is going back a bit for me (some fourteen or fifteen years, to be exact.) I was a kid in my first or second year at school (memory's a bit faded, I'm afraid), and one day I arrived home to see somehow... New in the corner of the kitchen.

Unbeknownst to me, my parents had bought a Sinclair ZX81 48K (at least that's what I think it was.) Computers were a new thing to both them and to me, so I gleefully loaded the first cassette in (after a little bit of technical help from my Dad after which I have since become the expert on computers in the family.)

The first game I chose was one called Airwolf. It was a helicopter shoot em up. And being a six year old kid, I was absolutely enthralled in it. We only had a piddly little joystick with one huge red button for fire, but I loved it. I moved up through the scale of computers, from the ZX81 to a Commodore 64, an Amiga 600, a Pentium 150, a Celeron 500 and now my own baby that I built myself, an Athlon XP 2000+. I even remember my consoles. The gameboy, the NES, the Game Gear, the SNES, the Megadrive, and finally the Playstation. But I still remember the ZX81, and the game that got me hooked to games in general.

So what game and what system got you playing games?

Neo Xzhan
10-15-2002, 05:26 PM
Hmm my first computer (sorry my memory has left me) was an Atari but I cannot remember what kind of. I played some very simple games on it and like Bahamut the joystick had only one button. Later we got our actually first pc. It was an Headstart which ran at an amazingly speed of 10Mhz XD. I got a NES a few months later. I cant remember the time in between but we got a 80482 DXII 100Mhz. I started playing more and more games. I also got a SNES and a Megadrive which I sometimes (even now) spend some time playing those old games (nothing can beat the ol' lil' SNES). Later on I got a AMD K6 II 350Mhz. I really enjoyed playing those (for the time being) bulky games. It is there I got more "addicted" to playing games. Now I have an AMD Athlon 1200Mhz and I love playing games like Morrowind and Neverwinter Nights and Warcraft 3. I realise I play to much games but I really enjoy them. Recently I bought a PlayStation 2 and I got Tekken 4 DOA 2 and FFX and gaming still more.

10-15-2002, 07:04 PM
o_O That's like ages ago or something. Even my dad played the NES back then. We were both hooked to Mario Bros and Duck Hunt. Duck Hunt was nice, especially aiming for the dog from really up close XD
That was like in '88 or something or whichever year Nintendo released the NES into Europe/The Netherlands ^__^

Aahhh, yes quite nostalgic and to think that that game would role me into so many others.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-15-2002, 07:50 PM
My VERY frist game was.......Sonic The Hedgehog on Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, and what a game to start off on, can't remember how I was though. I still play on it, that one fucking awesome a game.
Personally though I think that that the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis was/is better than the SNES, I just prefere stuff like 'Streets Of Rage', though the SNES did have stuff like 'Back To The Future II'

10-15-2002, 09:52 PM
My first gaming experience would be when I went to pick up a nintendo at wall-mart and it came with mario and duck hunt. I think I was 3, but I might have been 4. My mom beat th game, but I never have. bought excite bike along with it, that game kicked ass.

10-16-2002, 02:36 PM
The first few video games we ever played were for the NES: Mario Bros. , Tetris, Nintendo World Cup, Battle of Olympos, Snake Rattle & Roll, I guess were the first few.

Later we got an SNES (second hand), plus some games... I don�t remember which games.

The first game I ever got really engaged in was Secret of Mana, one of the few (uhm, three?) Square SNES games released in Europe.

And in... uhm, I think 1995 we got our first PC!!!
The first game we played on this PC was... shudder King�s Quest VII. We trashed it later.

10-16-2002, 03:25 PM
This may seem RATHER disturbing, but the first game that I ever played was on the oldest computer I can ever remember seeing. Its monitor had two colors. Orange and black. (Shudder). And the game that got me hooked on gaming was.....Liesure Suit Larry! That game is odd, crude, and funny as hell!

10-16-2002, 07:37 PM
I started on a TI 99-4/A. Still have it, wondering if I should price it for auction or just hold onto it as a collector's item :)

I cannot for the life of me remember any of the games I had by name, only by experience. A football game consisting of red and blue team(only red and blue hehe) that was non interactive. You could only watch and it had one camera that was a blimp shot way above the field.

There was a tennis game that was addicting for it's rudementary(sP?) nature and an adventure one that was about vampires that I also loved.

The system was one of the first products to come with a black keyboard.


10-17-2002, 12:59 AM first gaming experience was when I was in Japan, playing the Sailor Moon RPG. It was really cooly. I liked it. Oh yeah, and that was about 2 years ago, so I'm kinda a newbie to the whole gaming thing...^^;;;;

10-17-2002, 11:23 PM
When I was about eight or nine, I think, my parents bought a gameboy for my sister and me because we had played Tetris on our cousin's gameboy and loved it. It was kind of cool because my parents wanted me to improve my hand-eye coordination, so I became one of the few children who were actually encouraged to play videogames. :D Then they bought some games for our Apple IIgs because they didn't want me getting eye-strain looking at a small gameboy screen all the time. (I can just imagine, someday I'll have kids and I'll tell them "When I was your age, my gameboy was black and white and my computer didn't have a harddrive." :p)

Then, when I was 11 we got our first "real" computer: A packard bell with 1 gig harddrive, 8mb of ram and a 4x cd-rom drive. Yes, at one time that was considered an excellent computer. For my 12th birthday, I got Myst and from then on I was a computer game addict. I didn't get into actual videogames until a couple of years ago, when someone introduced me to emulators and I downloaded Chrono Trigger and FFVI. Then last Christmas I got a ps2, and I am now a complete video game dork. :)

Heavens Cloud
10-18-2002, 04:08 PM
i remeber when i was younger getting my hands on a atari i cant remember the games but one that i like was a gam where you were in a space ship and you had to shoot comets and stuff that floated by.
I also remember getting hooked on mario and duck hunt for the nintendo when i was very young ahh good times:rolleyes:

10-26-2002, 10:48 PM
It may have been 6 or 7 years ago, but watching my bro fight the tropicallo in Secret of Mana. I stopped in my tracks and watched him beat that whole underground level.

10-27-2002, 04:53 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I was about 4-5 years old, and I just really wanted to start playing games, so I asked for a computer for christmas. I got a Commodore 64 with a few games, and I just played all the time. I can't remember what my first game was, but I couldn't stop playing games for ages. :o

I think the first thing I played was some platforming game, and some football (soccer :p) game that was really quite crap. Then I just built up a huge collection of games which I played a lot, in fact, I still have them all, I just haven't played them for years now. ;)

the one
11-02-2002, 08:16 PM
mine was about 10 years ago when i was five,it was christmas i opened up my presents and i found a Atari 1500 sumthin or other,my fave game at the time was a really kool and addictive game called 'The Cool Croc Twins' that ruled:D

11-05-2002, 02:31 PM
first gaming experience? Donkey Kong Game and Watch, lol!

my first console was an Atari 2600...hee hee hee, Pac-Man, Super Brake Out, Space Invaders, Asteroids...

Crazy Chocobo
11-07-2002, 04:02 AM
Jumpman, the variation where you had to jump to the top of a burning building, collecting power-ups or something...

However, the oldest gaming experience that I had that I still own has to be the original Mario Bros, the one that came with Duck Hunt. My NES still works to top it off, so I can play Metroid! :-D

11-07-2002, 09:01 PM
Well, my family got our PS1 pretty late or maybe early (I'm not quite sure) but that's the gaming console that introduced me to the gaming world. Sure, I had layed computer games on our home pC but I found I liked playing PS1 games more like the Final Fantasy series and I went from there ^_^

God of HellFIRE
11-08-2002, 12:04 AM
My first gaming experience was when I made six years old... My parents gave me a Master System for birthday and I LOVED playing Alex Kidd !!!!!