06-19-2010, 05:04 PM
Hey guys!

Me and my friend just finished our new project. This film is a tribute to our videogame obsession and well..we're both Nintendo fanboys so I thought it might be rellevant to this boards, special easter eggs for Nintendo gamers and all..check it out and if you like it...spread the word! :P it is:


07-06-2010, 10:08 PM
tnx man! :)

Chocolate Misu
07-06-2010, 11:27 PM
ROFL @ Stalin's 2nd form and the secretary throwing Leonidas' head XD Good job, I like it.

Dark Lord, Armoroso
07-12-2010, 08:59 AM
Yo dude, that was pretty good, I mean I can't think of anyone else who works in thatkind of work place (With the killer cleaning ladys, zombies, huge robots that sound like R2-D2 (Yes I caught that, I'm that big of a nerd), what ever the hell the thing in the hoodie is, and you fight Joseph Stalin who turns into a platapus like duck thing on a daily basis). Very funny dude, great job.