10-15-2002, 04:24 AM
Just something I whipped up in Study Hall today!!
www.geocities.com/almindale/swordman.txt Enjoy ^_^

Bus Driver
10-15-2002, 08:10 PM
If he's SwordMan, why does he have a gun? :eye: lol

Looks pretty decent though, maybe something you could work with

10-15-2002, 09:11 PM
that's cool Faramir ^-^

brave of you drawing in profile, I find profiles really hard to draw. the hair is nice, good shading and the facial features are good, the general body proportions are a little out but overall that's a natty pic XD

10-15-2002, 10:35 PM
Thanks! I never actually intended it to be that good! I don't have much time on my hands lately, so everything is kinda dodgy :D Swordman has a gun cos he does XD I honestly don't know! Here's something else I drew quickly, after eading my Star Wars books! It's a creature not from this planet (or the book I might add, that served as inspiration!!) http://www.geocities.com/almindale/creature.txt Thar ya go!