06-12-2010, 08:28 AM
wassup I'm looking for 3 high quality gamerips and I don't know if they've already been posted in another thread. I've looked in alot of threads and done some searches and didn't find anything. if they are already posted and I didn't see them than I apologize in advance I just don't have the time to look through them all to find it. if anyone knows or has them please post a link. that would be greatly appreciated.
the three game rips that I'm looking for are:

1. Afro Samurai: (yeah I know that the soundtrack is already out but there is stage music, some boss music, menu music, not to mention a remix to kimono dance that plays at the end credits thats missing from the soundtrack and I'd love to have it all cuz its good stuff

2. Neo Contra: I know that I can download it from Galbadia but the reason I want the game rip is for the sole purpose of getting the intro song that plays during the intro cinematic. The beat is dope and the lyrics are hilarious. I've looked all over the internet and have not had any luck in finding it so if someone would be kind enough to do a game rip....

3. Saints Row 2: I know i can get a track list and just track down the songs individually but I figure it would be better to just get a rip of the game that way it's all right there in a nice convenient package!

Once again if these soundtracks have already been posted I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. if not than I'd be more than willing to monetarily compensate someone for one or all of these games. I know these game rips take time and skill to rip properly and I have no problem paying someone for their troubles. I'm sure we can come to a reasonable $ amount.

06-12-2010, 01:56 PM
Afro Samurai rip can be got here (Thread 74856)

06-13-2010, 12:26 AM
thanks so much! I see some other stuff in that thread that I wouldn't mind listening too :autobots:

06-13-2010, 01:51 AM
I also saw Neo Contra somewhere on here but for the life of me I can't remember where! do a search and it should come up