06-11-2010, 06:11 PM
How do i get rid of sound effects and character dialogue from a song? there's this song from naruto called sannin theme i want to get rid of the 2. anyone got any recommended progams?

Argus Zephyrus
06-12-2010, 08:09 AM
Good luck! =D

06-14-2010, 06:33 AM
I've heard adjusting a sound file's pitch by using an audio editor like Audacity can reduce vocals to almost nil, but I'm not entirely sure they can be removed completely.

But then, when it comes to audio, I'm a wimp. :p

Infernus Animositas
06-14-2010, 06:55 AM
You can't really mix out (decently) vocals and SFX. You would need the different layers where music, SFX and dialogue is all separate before the master mixdown.

If you have 5.1 surround sound audio you could probably do a half decent rip. But if its 2.0 stereo and you remove the vocals, you will lose a lot of the audio data of the music itself and its sounds quite bad compared to just listening to it with the SFX and dialogue.

06-14-2010, 10:39 AM
I've heard adjusting a sound file's pitch by using an audio editor like Audacity can reduce vocals to almost nil, but I'm not entirely sure they can be removed completely.

But then, when it comes to audio, I'm a wimp. :p

With Audacity the results are very mixed (even if you have low expectations). My wife and I had a party and tried to make karaoke versions of a few songs. Most of the results sounded like they were coming from the end of a tunnel. The best results had the vocals turned down but still noticeable. I've since played around with it a lot and had the same results. People say on occasion they got it to work pretty good with one particular song, but by and large it can't isolate a single feature of the music and simply remove that one thing.

The only way to do this is with...

different layers where music, SFX and dialogue are all separate.

If its 2.0 stereo and you remove the vocals, you will lose a lot of the audio data of the music itself.

In other words, it's probably better for TheAnubisLord to expend his energy searching for the song without the dialogue and effects.