Chaos Raiden
06-11-2010, 03:39 PM

06-11-2010, 04:41 PM
Mythos? Wow, what a surprise. Didn't know this was coming out. Thanks for sharing! Shame about the lossy format of the files, though. Hopefully a lossless version comes along soon enough.

Edit: The original upload you're linking to was 128Kbps, while your version is 192Kbps. Is this your own personal rip, or did you take the original 128Kbps version and re-encode it at 192Kbps?

Chaos Raiden
06-11-2010, 04:46 PM
Mythos? Wow, what a surprise. Didn't know this was coming out. Thanks for sharing! Shame about the lossy format of the files, though. Hopefully a lossless version comes along soon enough.

Edit: The original upload you're linking to was 128Kbps. Did you actually take the original 128Kbps upload and convert it to 192Kbps? That's... improper.

I did give them credit, right? If you still think it is improper, then I will delete the link in no time.

06-11-2010, 04:54 PM
I did give them credit, right? If you still think it is improper, then I will delete the link in no time.

By improper, I mean that taking a 128Kbps file and re-encoding at 192Kbps doesn't actually increase sound quality over the original files, making it utterly pointless. Actually, IIRC, it winds up reducing quality.

Chaos Raiden
06-11-2010, 04:56 PM
By improper, I mean that taking a 128Kbps file and re-encoding at 192Kbps doesn't actually increase sound quality over the original files, making it utterly pointless. Actually, IIRC, it winds up reducing quality.

Well, okay. I'll delete the link now. Shouldn't bother uploading soundtracks in higher bitrates in the first place if that is the case.

06-11-2010, 04:58 PM
No I think what he means is like, taking a 128kbps rip and reencoding it at 192kbps doesn't really add quality, you know? Just makes the file bigger for no reason.

Credit isn't much concern for me. My friend is the one who ripped it and he'd prefer not to be known. I'm actually Heat Man from TMMN. I really remember why I registered such an odd name... But anyway, just calling me Fliggamarole is fine for this. =P We'll have a proper rip out eventually, though I dunno when since I'll be super busy next week. But yeah, long story short, credit's not a big deal for this. Just a fun rip for people to enjoy it now.

Edit: haha, sorry, guess I got to this kind of late.

06-11-2010, 05:38 PM
No I think what he means is like, taking a 128kbps rip and reencoding it at 192kbps doesn't really add quality, you know? Just makes the file bigger for no reason.

This exactly. It has nothing to do with higher bitrates somehow being bad, it has everything to do with the fact that taking a lower bitrate file and re-encoding in a higher bitrate does nothing for its quality. It merely increases the size of the file. The encoder doesn't magically improve the file's sound quality. It's an exercise in futility.

And while I'm harping on sound quality, I hope a lossless encode of Mythos is posted soon.

06-11-2010, 07:57 PM
Dual wielder, I was under the impression that you got this file from another thread. If I'm mistaken, and you have the disk, then by all means rip it again, but this time do it to a lossless format, like FLAC. EAC is a great program for stuff like that, and it error checks everything, so audiophiles like me and desides can be happy.