06-11-2010, 01:29 AM
The Goonies (1985)
25th Anniversary Edition (Limited Collector's edition of 5000 copys)
Dave Grusin

EAC | FLAC | CUE | Full hi-res cover art
VCL 0310 1104

01. Fratelli Chase (02:49)
02. Map and Willie (02:16)
03. The Goondocks (Goonies Theme) (02:04)
04. Doubloon (01:47)
05. Lighthouse (01:19)
06. Cellar and Sloth (01:41)
07. Restaurant Trash (00:55)
08. The "It," Fifty Dollar Bills and a Stiff (04:36)
09. It All Starts Here (01:30)
10. Plumbing (01:25)
11. Skull and Signature (03:25)
12. Boulders, Bats and a Blender (02:33)
13. Wishing Well and the Fratellis Find Coin (02:49)
14. Mikey's Vision (01:52)
15. Oath and Bobby Traps (01:06)
16. Triple Stones and a Ball (02:11)
17. Pee Break and Kissing Tunnel (02:06)
18. They're Here and Skull Cave Chase (03:03)
19. Playing the Bones (04:19)
20. Water Slide and Galleon (01:38)
21. Octopus (01:02)
22. The Inferno (01:14)
23. One Eyed Willie (03:05)
24. Treasure, Data & Mouth, and Walk the Plank (03:18)
25. Sloth & Chunk (01:58)
26. Mama & Sloth (01:58)
27. The Fighting Fratellis, Sloth's Choice and Ultimate Booby Trap (03:24)
28. The Reunion and Fratellis on Beach (03:39)
29. No Firme and Pirate Ship (02:42)
30. End Titles (Goonies Theme) (03:06)

Bonus Tracks:
31. Fratelli Chase (original version) (03:35)
32. Triple Stones and a Ball (original version) (01:54)
33. They're Here and Skull Cave Chase (original version) (01:55)
34. Octopus (original version) (01:03)

Total duration: 79:26:37

prohibited links

trivia pass: �What is the name of best dance in the world?
truffle shuffle

Hi im new here... i know this place searching the "Willy wonka & The Chocolate Factory" soundtrack in lossless format, but the links are down (if someone can reaupload it will be awesome). Anyway, i wanna share, and there is one of my fav soundtracks (and movie) of all times. I know you hate megaupload but i noticed this after i upload the album, sorry.

Ah! and i put this here because the thread of lossless soundtracks is closed.

06-11-2010, 04:56 AM
This is awesome, and I hate to break it to you, but you can't post Varese Sarabande scores on this forum. Against the rules. Sucks, but oh well. In the future, if it's a huge score release like this one, maybe just hint that you have it and have people PM you for it in private. Just a thought because no one wants this place to be shut down.

06-11-2010, 05:35 AM
This is awesome, and I hate to break it to you, but you can't post Varese Sarabande scores on this forum. Against the rules. Sucks, but oh well. In the future, if it's a huge score release like this one, maybe just hint that you have it and have people PM you for it in private. Just a thought because no one wants this place to be shut down.

Oh... fuck i don't read this. Yeah, anyway who wants it can pm or something. Thanks for the advise.

I uplaod because i have it, and cause a user have in his sign "wishlist in lossless. The goonies", anyway there is 2 more versions of this soundtrack, but for me this is the most complete one, and in audio quality kick the others ass.

Thanks, and sorry.

06-11-2010, 01:22 PM
Hello Sasukingu, please could you send me the link private message, thank you very much friend.

Darth Neo
06-11-2010, 02:51 PM
Wow, this is awesome. Still one of my favorite 80's movies :)
Could I please have the links to this?


Darth Neo

06-11-2010, 03:19 PM
Sigh... And so it begins. Guys, this issue has been discussed ENDLESSLY. The whole point of a PM (Private Message) is that you DON'T ask for the link publicly on the forum. You send sasukingu a PM and ask for the link privately. Varese is monitoring, just so you know.

07-08-2010, 05:03 PM
this film is one of my all time favs

07-29-2011, 02:28 PM
I can't find option to pm him for the links. I looked everywhere on his profile. Please can someone help?

Also, couldn't someone just re-upload the Score themselves so that we're not accused of stealing the Varese link? Everywhere I go to find this Score there is a problem. Either it's weird Emule links (I swear nobody uses Emule anymore) or links dead, or quality is crappy 192kbps. What a mission!

07-29-2011, 02:36 PM
click name -> view profile -> send private msg

07-29-2011, 02:38 PM
I can't find option to pm him for the links. I looked everywhere on his profile. Please can someone help?

Also, couldn't someone just re-upload the Score themselves so that we're not accused of stealing the Varese link? Everywhere I go to find this Score there is a problem. Either it's weird Emule links (I swear nobody uses Emule anymore) or links dead, or quality is crappy 192kbps. What a mission!

NO, and you won't find the option until your post count is 5 or more. After that there is a time-delay of up to a couple of hours before the messaging facility is accesible for you.

02-14-2012, 04:42 AM
soundtrack is great. one of my all time favs

02-14-2012, 05:06 AM
No PM facility probably disabled by the user does not matter if you have 5 or more posts still no go joe!

11-17-2012, 05:16 PM
Mil gracias por el aporte

11-17-2012, 06:16 PM
i'd love a link! thanks!

11-22-2013, 05:09 PM
Still available??

11-22-2013, 08:33 PM
the guy made just 2 posts more than 3 years ago, so obviously he is no longer around and this is not available.