10-11-2002, 11:44 AM
whats the fastest chocobo speed you've ever got

and the fastest lap time for the short course in the chocobo race

10-11-2002, 12:25 PM
I have chocs running at 176, but my best choc, vampyr(173), can do a lap of the short course in 27.9 seconds!!! (w/out sprinting)

BEAT THAT hahahaha!!

10-11-2002, 07:19 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I think I had a gold chocobo with speed 146 once, and of course 999 stamina. I don't know what my fastest time is as I've never timed it, but I've managed to win the C class races by over a minute before. On the short course. :D

10-11-2002, 07:36 PM
after reading this i tried to beat that one guys stats (nostromo) and i feed one of my gold chocobos the best kind of gashu (i cant think of that either right now) and i got his speed up to 180 (haaa
0 and my time on the long run was 25.2 sec. hahahahaha


10-12-2002, 12:14 AM
Yknow, it's REAL easy for you guys to just say you beat a record.."um i tryd for liek a minuet and liek i got 2 sekondz lolololol!!1 i beet u!!1!!"...

...Why don't you put up a screen shot? =P Or atleast go into better detail...e.e;

Anyway, My record was probably around 40 somthing seconds, if I remember right..whippeeee.

My chocobo was kinda'..fast..I don't really remember...sorry...

10-12-2002, 09:52 AM
For the dude who got 180 speed.. erm, the highest you can get is 176 - sorry, your wrong man!

Even with 'sprint' speed 176 (top possible speed) it takes about 35-40 seconds to complete a lap of the short course..
It's the jogging speed that needs to be bred up.. that takes tiiiimmmme.
(see chole's choc check to see which has fastest jogging speed)

10-12-2002, 04:20 PM
Well....If my memory serves me well, Im pretty sure my higest speed was around 140. As for a lap time, I can't really remember. I didn't like racing, and I can say I was terrible at it.

10-13-2002, 02:19 PM
Man, i was sooo bored that i actually bothered to get all the way outta the North Crater to do this. Chocobos can only go up to 176 speed, it's true. I dunno how i could get picture verification for times and that though. Mine is 176 speed, 999 stamina. The best it can be in other words. It runs the short course in 32 seconds (with the stamina cheat) and 41 secs without. It runs 44 secs on the long course with the cheat and 1:03 without. Enjoy.

10-13-2002, 04:19 PM

10-17-2002, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by nostromo
For the dude who got 180 speed.. erm, the highest you can get is 176 - sorry, your wrong man!

Even with 'sprint' speed 176 (top possible speed) it takes about 35-40 seconds to complete a lap of the short course..
It's the jogging speed that needs to be bred up.. that takes tiiiimmmme.
(see chole's choc check to see which has fastest jogging speed)

Well moron, if u we're a true gamer (like myself) than u would no that were ever u heard that from is wrong, that one guy is right, all we can do is say that we beat eachother, thats probably what u did, i have no prof that i beat u, or that my chocobo has 180 speed, but if u have played for more than 250 hours (like myself) than u would know that it is possible. all i can do is say. ur wrong, u can get up to 180 speed, and u can beat the race in under 30 sec. (or whatever u said). im right. and if the people that edit the web site wuld let me swear at u like crazy i would. hahahahaha


Heavens Cloud
10-18-2002, 04:11 PM
i think ssj10Goku is right on this one i allways would play with my chocobos for hours breeding them and breeding 2 super hast gold chocobos together and then getting the new chocobos stats way up and all that fun stuff and im pretty sure i got my chocobos speed up to 180 also but im not sure how fast i finished the race :)

10-19-2002, 12:22 AM
*cough* no *cough* I've been training my chocobos up for 4 and a half years, and none have ever gone past 176...ever. No matter how many Sylkis greens they get, never past 176. That's a rumour made by people who want to be better than others.

10-25-2002, 04:23 PM
thats not that long cloud, im on five years now, ever sense it came ut. u can get passed 176, i swear it.


10-27-2002, 10:10 PM
top speed was about... 175 i did reach 176 though and my best time is 45 secs

10-28-2002, 07:42 PM
I Don't remember my speed but I do remember I had to wait forever to have the others finish in time It's so boring :o

The Wandering Knight
11-06-2002, 05:12 PM
I don't remember how fast my chocobo was....but I'm sure that i couldn't get past 176:D...
And as Locke255 said....i had to wait forever for the others to get to the finishing line..