06-04-2010, 07:08 PM
I wanted all the sountrack from light trax - WiiWare - , I followed the Wii Music Ripping guide but couldn't do it.
I downloaded the .wad from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?23ty3dlnfyi
Can anyone help?

06-05-2010, 06:20 PM
Oh man, no one wants to try? The soundtrack is really good, you know. =/

06-11-2010, 08:02 PM
I did most of the stuff already, the problem is that Light Trax does NOT use brstm files, but rather brsar files, which are proprietary sound archives. There are two utilities which deal with brsar files, one being brsar_unpack (for brsars v 1.3 and below) and "ripping mama" (for brsars version 1.4) but these tools are pretty flaky (hey, it's reverse engineering) and they can't extract even a single file from Light Trax's brsar.

If we could unpack the brsar, we'd be able to process the rwav files contained through vgmstream and get plain Microsoft Wav files, which we would then be able to convert to any other format (MP3, OGG and so on).

It's a shame that this brsar is impossible to unpack, because Light Trax's OST is glorious, probably one of the best we'll get to hear this year, especially because of it's eerie bitpop feel. The music which is there beats the crap out of most of the non-VGM music of the same genre lately.

06-12-2010, 03:01 AM
That's some bad news! =[
Well, what if we contact Nintendo?
Other games like Eduardo Samurai Toaster had its soundtrack released by the developers, right?

06-12-2010, 07:35 PM
That's up to the content holder, though. Eduardo was developed and published on WiiWare by Semnat Studios, a small, indie, arthouse outfit of less than 5 persons. They do what they want, like 2D Boy with World Of Goo (and damn, what a soundtrack that was).

Light Trax, however, is another beast altogether. It's been developed by Skip Ltd., a company with strong Nintendo support which was started by Square employees some time ago. It's a pretty small (but very efficient) outfit, but they're pretty mysterious. They made the bit.Generation games, the ArtStyle series, Chibi-Robo, GiftPia and, more recently, Captain Rainbow. All their games, with the exception of LOL on DS, have been published by Nintendo.

With both companies having a thing for secrecy and not being that well-versed in byproducts (OSTs or others), the chances that they would release the soundtrack are pretty dang slim. Our safest bet is for someone to update a brsar extractor in such a way that it would become compatible with Light Trax's brsar.

01-10-2011, 09:16 PM
Done and done, I was bored.

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01-15-2012, 06:57 PM
thank you so much! <3

08-21-2012, 07:36 PM
Please can someone re-up the tracks. the links are dead.
thks anyway