10-07-2002, 04:14 PM
who here watches InuYasha? i love it! XD almost as i do Cowboy Bebop and DBZ ;)

10-08-2002, 12:05 AM
*points at avatar and sig* yeah, i think i've heard of this anime somewhere.:rolleyes:

I've watched all the episodes up to 82 or something. I think it's quite good. Still waiting for new fansubs to come out.

10-08-2002, 01:19 AM
yea, well, i havent seen too many, cause i have no money to but the subtitled tapes, im on the episode where they get the shadow sword :: doesnt know how to spell it and dares not disgrace its name ^.~::

10-08-2002, 02:26 AM
You mean the tessaiga?

Oh, I didn't know InuYasha was licensed. XD Damn, then the fansubs are actually illegal now. >_< *shrugs and download anyway*

10-08-2002, 04:36 PM
lol, oh well, the subs are gonna be better anyway, so it'll prolly be worth it ;)

10-19-2002, 04:18 AM
I think Inuyasha is O.K. Actually, I like anything by the great and talented Rumiko Takahashi. However, I prefer the Inuyasha manga over the anime. Kagome looks prettier ^_^;;; Sometimes though, it seems like the story lags and seems to drag on forever. I still like it though ^^;;;

Side Note:
Doesn't the flea (forgot name) look like Happosai from Ranma 1/2? I enjoy finding links between different works from the same artist ^_~

10-23-2002, 07:23 PM
I have bought the first volume of the manga today. Actually, I bought it because I was frustrated and wanted to buy any manga.
So I just grabbed the last volume left in the shelves and bought it.

At home, I realized I had totally forgotten to check whether it was the first volume...!!!
Well, thank god it was.

I like it very much, yay! It is funny... I like the fact that the main character (Well, Inu Yasha) is not a real hero at all... (at least in the beginning, what do I know about Inu Yasha...!!)

Rizumu Yasha
10-24-2002, 12:37 AM
Yeah, Inu Yasha is great! I have the movie, and it's great! I've also seen some episodes on CN's Adult Swim. I love InuYasha.
Dog Demon. HA!:D

10-30-2002, 06:40 AM
I have read the manga and watched a little of the anime. My friend has volumes 1-11 of the manga and she's the one that made me read EVERY SINGLE VOLUME :notgood: (not that I mind... XD). But I do like Inu Yasha, and Inu Yasha is my favorite character.

The Wandering Knight
11-10-2002, 11:02 AM
I watched the first 7 episodes....WAY COOL:D
I really liked it and I'm trying to get the rest of the episodes...

11-18-2002, 10:44 PM
i absolutly LOVE Inuyasha ( as u can see). so far ive seen the first twelve episodes on adultswim and i think it has a great plot. my friend said he had all of the episodes on DVD ( im so jealous)

12-03-2002, 04:18 AM
I've seen two episodes so far, and think it is great! I look forward to further episodes...!

12-03-2002, 07:35 AM
i think inu yasha is cool.. they need more sites for inu yasha tho =/ i want a site with lots of spoilers cause i doubt adult swim is gonna keep inu yasha on long enough to finish all episodes anyone know any? ^.^

12-03-2002, 09:21 AM
Even though I haven't seen much of it, I really liked what I've seen of it so far! For Christmas, I actually want a lot of Rumiko Takahashi's manga's and such. InuYasha's definitely at the top of mai wish list ^_^ I need to see more!

12-04-2002, 12:25 AM
The first time i watched it on Adult Swim i was hooked! ^_^ It's so funny and you just have to love a half-demon with dog ears. :) I asked my mum for the first season of it for Christmas so i'm very happy.

12-04-2002, 12:40 AM
o i know, the whole series is hilarious! my mom and dad constantly yell at me for laughing so loud. i just cant wait till christmas cuz i begged my parents to get me the collection.

Only two more saterdays until Miroku-sama shows up! wOOt!!

12-10-2002, 02:50 AM
Well, I just started watching Inuyasha this weekend and I'm already on episode 14. I haven't been able to stop watching it for it is a great anime, and Inuyasha is quite a hard ass. Although I very much liked the two episodes of Sessumarou ( Isn't that how you spell his name?) where Inuyasha has to fight his brother for his father's sword...woo00oo!

12-11-2002, 03:29 AM
waaaaaaaaaa...............!!!! My parents refuse to buy me the collection and i can't download them cuz i dun have enuf memory on my comp!!! *sniff sniff* do you have any idea how long it is taken me to read the translated versions off the internet???!! *sigh* Well, anyways, even though I am moving through the series at an incredibley slow rate, I just love InuYasha! haha, it cracks me up every time when Kagome says "sit"

12-28-2002, 12:17 AM
I got the first season and it totally blew me away....there were some spots i had to pause and yell at the T.V....i think i scared my mom ;) But anyway, i really want to see the rest of the seasons it was so cool!!!

Ms. Shimizu
12-29-2002, 07:51 PM
^_^ Inuyasha made me remember how fun watching anime can be. And my sister is an inuyasha junkie...*pokes melfina* so I can borrow her dvds hehe :lol

01-16-2003, 07:37 PM
I personally like the manga better than the series =)

02-03-2003, 09:31 PM
Well on my quest of trying to find Fushigi Yuugi manga, *smiles at Misao* I noticed this on the shelves and also remembered the many many sigs and avy's and posts that have mentioned this particular anime/manga.

So my question is...

Should I buy it? There was the last copy of Vol. 1 I hope it's still there, otherwise I'll have to wait a looooong time, for the next batch. Will it be worth my time? Is it as great as you fans say it is? I did read the blurb (description on the back) and it looked rather interesting. So I want to hear from the fans. Can you help me out?

02-04-2003, 01:04 AM
i hate how adult swim changes things around too much. Inu-Yasha is now on at 12 a.m on weekdays only. I wish they'd just jam a bunch of episodes together , like four eps. per day. They don't even have all of the manga translations finished yet @_@ dangit. I believe that the MAnga is better than the series, cause mangas usually are better than the series, just like books are better than movies. I think you should buy the manga, it's well worth it ;) I just started watching Fushigi Yuugi... it's pretty good... but pretty much a soap opera @_@