andy mercer
10-07-2002, 02:42 AM
what character do you think had the hardest time from all of the ff games

10-07-2002, 03:33 AM
Ramza......Betrayed by his brother, cast out of your country, forced to live under an alias,most of his family died, and he had to kill both of his brothers,he was a friend to delita...(o_O).....he witnessed more evil than anyone in his world........saved it, never told anyone and now roams with his sister,Alma....and he drinks milk when he's in a bar,how tough is that.

10-07-2002, 06:07 AM
Maybe Squall from FF8 cos of his depressing past but luckily it got better for him at the end of the game. Yeah, I don't tend to look in to the plot of a video game though as it's just an illusion really :p

zero one
10-08-2002, 06:03 PM
im gonna have to agree with kenshin on this. ramza did have it really hard...

Neo Xzhan
10-08-2002, 06:55 PM
I think Squall. He is very turned to himslef, he never tells how he feels and then all of the sudden he blurres it out which the other dont understand.

Bahamut ZERO
10-08-2002, 07:40 PM
Which FF game is Ramza from??? Maybe I should get around to actually FINISHING Final Fantasy V and loading up Final Fantasy IV.

*** Final Fantasy VII Spoilers.***

My pick for the most hard done by character is probably Sephiroth. Your mentor is killed and then you start to discover things about yourself that you don't really want to know, like your "mother" is actually a big blob. Of course, Sephiroth didn't know half the truth, otherwise things in the game may have turned out differently. (Namely, if Sephiroth had known his parents were Hojo and Lucrecia, and had a normal existence, then things wouldn't have been as bad... Probably.)

Yeah, but that Ramza guy sounds like he's cursed aswell...

10-08-2002, 10:05 PM
oh, Ramza is from Final Fantasy Tactics,a game most either Love or hate.

10-09-2002, 04:01 PM
aeris... cause she, after all...

is the only playable character in an FF thats killed off, for good, unless im missin some...

Neo Xzhan
10-09-2002, 04:40 PM
If you put it that way, almost every char has a hard time.


Aeris is the last of the Cetra, she doesnt know her parents. Squall as I explained earlier. Cloud becouse his exposieure to Mako, Sephiroth as explained by Bahamut, Terra becouse he is half human/esper and so on..........

10-09-2002, 05:09 PM
what about terra from final fantasy VI?

used and abused by the empire, doesnt know her past untill later. and one of the only people with the gift of magic.

I think terra deserves credit

10-10-2002, 02:12 AM

Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
My pick for the most hard done by character is probably Sephiroth. Your mentor is killed and then you start to discover things about yourself that you don't really want to know, like your "mother" is actually a big blob. Of course, Sephiroth didn't know half the truth, otherwise things in the game may have turned out differently. (Namely, if Sephiroth had known his parents were Hojo and Lucrecia, and had a normal existence, then things wouldn't have been as bad... Probably.)

Yeah, the "big blob" thing has got to be hard on Sephiroth. "Yo mama so ugly..." :D But I thought he knew Hojo was his father. (Remember when he told Cloud about his parents? "My mother was Jenova. My father.... *cynical laugh*") And I really doubt thinking of Hojo and Lucrecia as his parents could have made his life any better. (And I thought my family was weird...)

Originally posted by Synile
aeris... cause she, after all...
is the only playable character in an FF thats killed off, for good, unless im missin some...

Mind if I spoil some games for you? :D

General Leo
Biggs (twice)
Wedge (twice)

Anyhow, I've only played 1-8 and 10, and so many characters had it rough, but if I had to choose... this is really tough but I'm thinking probably Seifer or Squall. I would say up until the events of FFVIII Squall had it worse, since at least Seifer wasn't completely alone, but throughout the game Squall at least had a reason to feel that he was doing something important, whereas Seifer was probably well aware of the fact that he was on the "bad guy's" side, but that he had to fight on because he needed something to fight for, now that he couldn't be a SeeD. And of course, Squall gets a "happily ever after" ending while Seifer has almost nothing left. I mean, he has his friends and that's the most important thing, but he's lost his chance at being a SeeD, basically lost every goal he has in life, and now he has to start over.

But then, Terra also had it really bad. And so did a lot of other characters. And I haven't played FFIX or Tactics yet. I'm not sure who I'd say was the worst off.

andy mercer
10-10-2002, 02:35 AM
this may be a spoiler you for!!!!!

Zidane and Cloud to me had the worst time cuz finding out that you are not even a human -cloud is a failed experment of
Sephiroth and your memories are not even yours until you find out when most of the game is done -Zidane going from the slums to the top and then finding out that you are a creation from some guy and your family are not even real people either, come on now, we all no that if your not human and you don't have no memories has to be fairly hard to take in. And Ramza went to hell as well.Who comes up with these plots :confused: . Has to be good at it:p

David F
10-10-2002, 05:31 AM
Originally posted by Kenshin

Ramza......Betrayed by his brother, cast out of your country, forced to live under an alias,most of his family died, and he had to kill both of his brothers,he was a friend to delita...(o_O).....he witnessed more evil than anyone in his world........saved it, never told anyone and now roams with his sister,Alma....and he drinks milk when he's in a bar,how tough is that.

Damn right damn right, life basically called up two of its friends waited for Ramza to come out the bar and jumped the him into the ally and then repeatedly kicked him on the nuts. This guy has worse luck than Al Bundy.

10-10-2002, 06:28 AM
Wow, that was funny......but true,poor Ramza......he's ok though, he's still alive!Live Ramza!,Live!!!!

10-10-2002, 07:22 PM
I would have to agree with Ramza too, he really did have a hard life.

10-12-2002, 04:39 PM
I'd probably go with Terra...or Squall. Both of them didn't have too much going for them....and the path ahead was definitally a heck of a rough one.

10-12-2002, 07:48 PM
I was thinking Terra or Garnet. Their childhoods were really shadowed and I felt so much sympathy for them.

10-13-2002, 12:44 AM
yeah almost all of the main characters have had it bad, but no one mention Barret from FF7. Not only did his three friends die and aeris. He has to kill his best friend and worry about his kid. Also he has to be one of the only black guys in the main line up in all the Final Fantasies.

10-14-2002, 05:17 AM
I would say Terra. One of the nicest girls ever made into a mass murderer and constantly used as a tool. She had that slave crown so she wouldn't resist wanting to kill all those people. Also, you can just imagine what other stuff Kefka and the Empire did to her with the slave crown on that wouldn't be appropriate to put into the game.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-14-2002, 06:35 PM
I don't think Terra had it to bad, because she didn't have the slave band on for very long, so you really forgot about it nearer the end of the game.

I think that either Barret (explained by MasamuneofSephiroth, thankyou MoS for your post)


Sephiroth (explained by Bahamut ZERO, thankyou Bahamut for you post.....I'm such a lazy bastard)

10-16-2002, 02:52 PM
Don't forget Yuna. Knowing that the entire purpose of your existance is to die very very soon would suck.

That's ontop of all the others already mentioned of course =).

The Wandering Knight
11-08-2002, 03:48 AM
I don't think any of them had it worse than me:p...
But anyways...I think Cloud and Zidane really had had it bad as what Andy stated...Terra as what Jedi and Dan said...
And ofcourse Ramza as Kenshin told it's hard just to drink milk at bars:lol

11-24-2002, 05:49 AM
I'd say ramza from FFT. Why? Well it was pretty much explained in the last posts.

I'd also give credit to Terra from FF6. Being used by the empire for their personal gain...tisk tisk

11-30-2002, 02:28 AM
How 'bout Yuna in FFX.....?

She had to smile all the time when she is sad, she had to witness sin bringing destruction all over Spira


she found out dat maester mika and all the other maesters were unsent and all the teachings were a fake, she is risking her life to defeat sin, she was "the traitor" because they killed seymouronly too help lord jyscal,to find out dat sin is jecht, she had to destroy all her aeons, and find out tidus was a dream

End Spoilers*

Overall, i think she had a very hard time

12-10-2002, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
*** Final Fantasy VII Spoilers.***

My pick for the most hard done by character is probably Sephiroth. Your mentor is killed and then you start to discover things about yourself that you don't really want to know, like your "mother" is actually a big blob. Of course, Sephiroth didn't know half the truth, otherwise things in the game may have turned out differently. (Namely, if Sephiroth had known his parents were Hojo and Lucrecia, and had a normal existence, then things wouldn't have been as bad... Probably.)

I agree with you...he did have it bad, along with a lot of other characters.

12-12-2002, 04:16 AM
I have to agree with all the people that said Yuna.....


I dont know maybe i am a wussy but i was tearie eyed at the end of ten when tidus went to hug yuna and he dissappeared.......Sniff :( you have to have it rough when that happens.......Sniff Sniff :(

12-12-2002, 06:46 AM
I'd have to agree about the FF10 ending. The expression on Tidus' face was truly heartbreaking when he made his decision. That ending gets to me every time. *sniffle*

I always thought Kuja had a hard time.... which would explain the unorthodox attire, perhaps. C'mon, you know the guy has issues.

And Yuna, yes, I'd agree with what's been said about Yuna. I felt bad for Tidus when he found out about the final summoning, when he said, "Was I the only one who didn't know??" Poor thing. But I also felt sympathetic to Yuna. She knows what her mission is, but she kept going on.

And Sephiroth. He's just tormented by everything about his existence. How can you NOT feel for him?

And Dagger. I just feel bad for her knowing that she had to live for 10 years under the care of that... thing... that was Queen Brahne. Truly, truly freaky. Heehee. ^_^

12-26-2002, 01:05 AM
aeris... Because she dies and Is playable and everyone loves her

02-08-2010, 02:01 AM
Aeris does die an undeserving death and that is so sad! (I cried a lot.)
Squall is walking battle machine with no feelings and that is sad too.

02-13-2010, 02:45 AM
TheGiftedOne, seriously, can you not be bothered to post in relevant threads? Ones that haven't been dead for 5+ years? This is really annoying.

jewess crabcake
02-13-2010, 02:49 AM
She's gotta be reading the forums backwards.

02-13-2010, 02:50 AM
I think she must be :O