05-13-2010, 05:16 PM
Hi guys. I've searched up and down for copies of albums by the band This Place Is Haunted (specifically their video game remix stuff), but have struck out mostly everywhere. The main albums I'm looking for featuring VGM stuff are 'This Place Is Haunted' (2009) & 'Everything You Know is Wrong'. 'Your Song Will Ecco Throughout the Vast Ocean' would be cool to have, too. I have 'This Game is Fucking Bullshit' already & Ghost In The Graveyard. I know I'm not the only one interested in these guys, they've played at MagFest a lot and are pretty rad.

Help a brother out? I'll start the sharing:

This Place Is Haunted - This Game Is Fucking Bullshit

This Place Is Haunted - Ghost In The Graveyard (couple of tracks are messed up, but that's how I got them)

08-28-2010, 11:58 PM
Anybody help a bitch?