05-13-2010, 01:36 PM
Hey. I have air combat and ace combat 3 for the PS, and they're pretty good. The only problem is, IT'S NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO TURN THE PLANE. When you turn it with the shoulder buttons, it turns very slowly and the targets get away. I've tried a lot of other buttons and combinations, but I can't get it to turn fast enough to catch the targets. Is there a different mode in the games where "quick turning" is possible? thanks.

05-13-2010, 04:03 PM
I used to have this problem in F-22 Interceptor for the Genesis back in the day, which forced me(I believed at the time) to set the options which made the plane behave like a car. But I digress...

It's actually pretty simple. ROLL your plane in the direction you wish to go(so the cockpit is pointing in that direction), and then press down on the D-pad. You'll turn a LOT faster than 'Yawing'(which is what the shoulder buttons did...that's more for precise flying).

Practice with that until it becomes second nature. If you intend to play future Ace Combat games, you won't last long without being able to fly like that.

05-13-2010, 06:34 PM
Dang, I never thought of that! The answer to all my problems was to...

Anyways, thanks a lot! Now I can finally beat the first level.

I used to have this problem in F-22 Interceptor for the Genesis back in the day, which forced me(I believed at the time) to set the options which made the plane behave like a car. But I digress...

It's actually pretty simple. ROLL your plane in the direction you wish to go(so the cockpit is pointing in that direction), and then press down on the D-pad. You'll turn a LOT faster than 'Yawing'(which is what the shoulder buttons did...that's more for precise flying).

Practice with that until it becomes second nature. If you intend to play future Ace Combat games, you won't last long without being able to fly like that.

Pisces Knight
05-14-2010, 04:25 AM
this is probably one of the most HILARIOUS "problem" ive ever read.
you made my day OP

05-14-2010, 07:02 AM
Dang, I never thought of that! The answer to all my problems was to...

Curly Howard: Oh, a wise guy! Ruff, ruff, RUFF!

06-11-2010, 12:28 PM
BTW,there are 2 Control Themes,ARCADE & SIMULATION.
Take SIMULATION and all your Problems are over,because you can then fly Manouver with L2/R2 and yaw with L1/R1.

I cant rememver if it was possible in the first Air/Ace Combat,but after the the 2nd it was under the Options.

06-12-2010, 05:06 PM
Yeah I was going to say, make sure your control scheme is set for simulation. I was wondering why my plane wouldn't roll in Ace Combat 2 until I realized it was on arcade by default.

The only game I had a problem with in sim-mode was Blazing Angels: SWoWW2, sim-mode was horrible and arcade mode didn't fair much better either.