View Full Version : Thread 75936">Ad�le Blanc-Sec OST (Eric Serra - 2010 Columbia)

05-03-2010, 12:49 AM
I bring you:

Ad�le Banc-Sec OST

Composer: Eric Serra (Movie directed by Luc Besson)
Duration: 68 minutes
320 kbts/mp3 (157mo)

01 - L'Ad�le - Album Version *
02 - Hi�roglyphes
03 - Ferdinand Titubant
04 - Un Pt�rodactyle Est N�
05 - Inspecteur Caponi
06 - P�trodak Attaque
07 - Les Lettres De Zborowsky
08 - J COmme Jardin
09 - Mehara
10 - Le Tombeau De Patmosis
11 - La Mal�diction De Wadjet
12 - Dieuleveut Le Mal�fique
13 - Souvenir D'Ad�le
14 - Que Fait La Police
15 - Appelez Moi L'Interieur
16 - L'Oeuf Et Les Scientifiques
17 - La Becqu�e
18 - La Valse D'Ad�le
19 - Agathe
20 - Un Etrange Invit�
21 - La Cellule
22 - Crapodak A La Tour Eiffel
23 - Nonna
24 - L'Ogre De Garbarie
25 - Marijo En Prison
26 - Ad�le Et Le Pr�sident
27 - Crapodak Nelson Et La Baballe
28 - L'Art Du Camouflage
29 - Pt�rolovshak
30 - Temps Mort
31 - Trukenplum
32 - Le Chemin De La Guillotine
33 - Un Petit Tour De Pt�rodactyle
34 - Justin A La Chasse
35 - Pr�paration Au Rituel
36 - Rituel De R�surrection
37 - Patmosis et Coryza
38 - Ma Soeur Ma Jumelle
39 - Axidan - Album Version
40 - Jeanne Et Ferdinand
41 - Une Nuit Au Louvre
42 - Le Pharaon Et Le Sac En Toile
43 - Le Bal Des Momies
44 - Les Soeurs Blanc-Sec
45 - Momies En Goguette
46 - Le Bouquet
47 - La Dame Au Chapeau Vert
48 - Bon Voyage Mademoiselle Blanc-Sec
49 - Ad�le Blanc-Sec - Album Version *

Download Link:
Megaupload / No password

The track titles are in French because it's a french movie, i think it's better to let it in the original way!

Don't hesitate to comment on the quality of the soundtrack. It's different opinions which are interesting!!!! :)

05-03-2010, 01:15 AM
Thank You!!!
Merci Beaucoup!!!

05-03-2010, 08:51 PM
thanks but the file isnt working-- it says the file you are trying to acess is unavailable :S Thanks

05-03-2010, 09:05 PM
Not working for me either :(

Either way, thank you. I always like Serra/Besson efforts

05-03-2010, 09:26 PM
thanks but the file isnt working-- it says the file you are trying to acess is unavailable :S Thanks

I don't understand... The megaupload link is working, no? I've just tried and i have no problem so when do you have a problem?

05-03-2010, 11:19 PM
Working now!! Who knows what happened. :) Thank you again

05-04-2010, 03:02 PM
thanks but the file isnt working-- it says the file you are trying to acess is unavailable :S Thanks
This error means check back later and it will work. Does not mean the link is bad.

lone wolf and cub
09-10-2010, 02:49 PM
ill check it out, arigato

04-06-2011, 10:48 AM
Either way, thank you. I always like Serra/Besson efforts