10-02-2002, 09:41 PM
ok, this may seem like a dumb question, but what were some of the things that you people used to defeat the weapons (Emerald and Ruby)? I would like to take a note and want to compare the stats of each team. Tell me what level you were and what items you used. Later on I'll let you know my methods when I start getting replies...

Neo Xzhan
10-03-2002, 04:09 PM
First of use as least!!! materia as possible when fighting emerald. Link Final Attack Materia with Pheonix and Knights of the round summon and the mime materia that is all you gonna need.

For Ruby make sure you kill 2 party members before going into battle. Then revive them once you can harm weapon. When he uses his tentacles (when they rise behind you) then use the Hades summon. Link Ultima or Bahamut Zero to Quadra magic and then use the w-summon/magic command to cast the spell/summon 8 times.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-03-2002, 06:39 PM
Cloud Lvl99 - Ultima Weapon/Wizard Braclet
Red XIII Lvl99 - Limited Moon/Wizard Braclet
Cid Lvl99 - Venus Gospel/Wizard Braclet

Like Neo Xzhan explained, also have a Mastered Counter+ Mastered Mime on Red XIII and Cid (It starts to get confusing, if you don't watch the whole battle carefully....I still love it :D :D :D )

Like the Emerald strategy, also have a Master Restore and Revive on Cloud. Have the Revive linked to a Mastered All.
Mastered KOtR+MP Turbo
Bahamut ZERO+Qudra Magic

10-03-2002, 11:29 PM
ok guys, I see that basically you all have the same methods of stradegy. Well I happen to have the same as well. All of my characters well leveled out to 99 and the most important materia mastered as well. I had the final attack pheonix on Cloud, with the w-summon KOTR- mp turbo, and quadra magic- ultima, oh of course the hp and mp boost. The others (cid and yuffie) both had the mime and healing spells, with the enemy- skill materia but that didn't make much of a difference except the fact that I could use big guard on my team. I had the time materia on yuffie as well, along with the minor (but stronger) spells in the materia library. It took me a while to get to the point of mastering the right materia, I think about 50-60 hours I can't really tell. but basically that was it...

I'm replaying the game to max out everything I can at the moment and aquire the master materia before I fight Emerald and Ruby again, I am previously on disk two and am already at level 75 with cloud and like 63-65 for the others, I feel happy, I feel happy...umph...................................... ..............

10-04-2002, 09:37 AM
I don't remember my levels, but I do know that I never wait until Level 99 to beat them because they give a lot of EXP and I want that EXP to level up.

10-04-2002, 10:35 AM
same here...i used omnislash first for emerald...then w-summon KOTR with MPTurbo then 3 mimes.....then weee...emeralds dead with only about 2000Hp off each character

as for ruby...i tried this morning before school...and failed miserably...need some more ribbons....i inputted a w-item command for revive cid with a phoenix down and then use a megaelixir on the whole party for then ruby did the ruby ray...with confusd him and then he proceeded to use a phoenix down on the claws....and then give ruby's torso a it full recovery!!!

after hitting it with a massive chain of KOTR.....causing over 1,000,000HP...


i was on cloud:lvl88
cid:lvl 87

and all my materia were either mastered...or the actual master materia

10-04-2002, 07:13 PM
You need to summon Hades on Ruby. Then he can't do Ruby Ray or any of that garbage. Just W-Summon Phoenix and Hades at the beginning of the battle, have one of the two revived characters cast Big Guard and maybe the other Regen-All and then W-Summon Hades and Knights and Mime. Ruby is helpless if you use Hades on him.

10-04-2002, 08:17 PM
Well, for me I mostly used the almighty power of KOTR, to defeat the cakewalk, emerald. As for Ruby, well I used the w-summon, hades then KOTR trick to wipe him out with ease...My levels were around 75. I've beaten Emerald without KOR, but it was hard, and quite time consuming.

10-04-2002, 10:44 PM
you must have used some sort of code then...? soo why is that easy, the others say ruby is hard, then you say you wiped him out with ease? LOL haahaa if not don't take any offense I'm being childish but if you did you shouldn't have responded...

10-05-2002, 12:02 AM
As I keep saying, Ruby is easy. No code is needed, just Hades. Hades immobilizes Ruby and if you just keep miming it with Knights, you take him out just like that.

10-05-2002, 10:17 AM

10-05-2002, 04:05 PM
I know a method that requires no major fast button work when fighting the WEAPONs, BUT... it's the cheap and fast way out and shouldn't really be considered as actually "beating" them. (And no, I didn't do this the first time I beat the WEAPONs.) This does require a bit of time (getting some materia and stuff, mastering them, etc)

First off, you'll need the following things.

Knights of the Round Materia
HP Absorb Materia
Mime Materia
Command Counter (Mastered) Materia
W-Summon (though not really needed)
Master Summon (though not really needed, it can take a long ass time)
MP Turbo (goes along with Master Summon)

And a Ribbon of course =P

First off, using a person with a lot of HP, Def, and Magic. Equip them and link the materias in this way.

Knights of the Round = HP Absorb
Mime = Command Counter
Master Summon = MP Turbo (if you have it)
W-Summon by itself.

After setting that up, go to fight one of the WEAPONs with the other two characters dead (leaving you with the one that has the Materias). Right after your first turn comes, Summon (or W-Summon) Knights of the Round and leave the controller alone after that. If done right, Knights of the Round with absorb a lot of HP per hit and will recast it (without any MP lost) when you get hit. After about 20 or so minutes (maybe more without MP Turbo), he'll be dead. =P

Not the great way to kill him, just do this for fun. XD

10-05-2002, 05:34 PM
Valhalla im glad you use cloud cid and yuffie, anyway, ages ago i made a document on how to beat emerald and i wanted some more strategies but no one submitted me any. The website has suddenly dissapeared. Anyway the general strategies were to kill emerald using limit breaks which is the funnest, to morph emeral, kill her in under 5minutes and with using only grenades to win.

Just ask me how to win with these strategies and ill go into more detail

Originally posted by SSJ
Well, for me I mostly used the almighty power of KOTR, to defeat the cakewalk, emerald. As for Ruby, well I used the w-summon, hades then KOTR trick to wipe him out with ease...My levels were around 75. I've beaten Emerald without KOR, but it was hard, and quite time consuming.

Using kotr is one of the slowest ways actually, you can beat emerald much faster without kotr (e.g. Gravity quadra and w magic, combined with hp absorb)

10-06-2002, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Valhalla
you must have used some sort of code then...? soo why is that easy, the others say ruby is hard, then you say you wiped him out with ease? LOL haahaa if not don't take any offense I'm being childish but if you did you shouldn't have responded...

Ruby isn't hard, as using my technique he can't hit you, the process is just long and boring....And tayste, yes I know faster ways of beating emerald, but the KOR mime tech is pretty much full proof if you have two mimes.

10-06-2002, 05:02 PM
If your boring go ahead with the classic counter-mime and use kor over + over, but make sure you save before the battle, you will want to fight weaps again later on and you cant when u make my mistake of saving over it so u have to begin again.

Anyway i can kill emerald not so hard if i fight her completely un planned with my usual materia combinations. Just go in there and take her out. Ruby i found harder because when i beat her about 3 years ago i didnt know about hades. My tips for ruby is use KOTR, dont ever use that crappy tech of quadra B-Zero, it takes not only fkin ages, but you will eternally hate B-Zero, plus, why not just use KOR? Who cares about rubys counter of Ultima, its weak and most of teh time will miss, not to mention that if you have enough mimes and counter mimes, ruby doesnt have much of a chance of getting a hit in, when she does your hp absorb from KOTR will heal u.

The most damage ive hit against Ruby with a physical attack was around 950. I was using 255 stngth, ultima weapon, 9999hp while using omnislash. So its pointless trying to win with physical, looks like your only way is with KOR, other ways too time consuming.

Neo Xzhan
10-07-2002, 04:38 PM
Even simpler for Emerald: on a sudden point he has 4 points to hit. Make sure you have mega all and use Demi (later on you want to use demi3). Make sure Gravity is linked to Quadra magic and then use W-Magic. Now a simple equasion: 4 targets which all get hit for 9999 times 4 becouse of quadra magic and another 4 times for the W-Magic=79992 damage and just keep miming XD.

10-08-2002, 12:52 PM
Yea, the secret to beating emerald with speed is Gravity.. heres what you do

Link gravity to all and gravity to hp absorb and also one with quadra magic, dont bother with underwater materia u wont need it :P

Then you will want counter command with mime on all characters if possible. You will want W-Magic. Then at the beginning cast demo1 and it will hit 4 times and 8 times with w magic, 9999 each hit, healibng you completely, keep miming this its alot quicker than KOR. When demi starts taking off less than 9999 you will certainly have full limits all round, use them and it should finish off emerald, if not, just use 4xcut of anything powerful she will die. Its the fastest u should beat her just over 5 mins, i won in 4mins something

Neo Xzhan
10-08-2002, 01:48 PM
I prefer my method cuz it does more damage and is very usefull when miming. I actually can beat it just under 4 minutes (just check the time lost when you have no underwater materia). And when his hp is under 130000 just use KOTR. It also helps alot when you go into battle with Cloud's Omnishash charged and ready to use.

10-11-2002, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
I prefer my method cuz it does more damage and is very usefull when miming. I actually can beat it just under 4 minutes (just check the time lost when you have no underwater materia). And when his hp is under 130000 just use KOTR. It also helps alot when you go into battle with Cloud's Omnishash charged and ready to use.

Huh? Your method was exactly the same as mine.. Lol.. Yours was to use demi with all.. so was mine. 9999 X 8 each time mimed plus healing you. Approx 3/4 mins is the fastest possible. I also morphed emerald this way, it took me about 10 mins because once i got her health low enough with demis i used morph each go til she died

Also, finish emerald off with 3 limit breaks is faster than using KOR

Neo Xzhan
10-11-2002, 04:10 PM
Yeah KOTR takes ages to come out though it looks cool. But there are better ways to make it easier, like the limit breaks (Onmislash, Final Heaven, Highwind). Or you can always go for lucky 7 XD.

10-11-2002, 04:14 PM
Do you get something special for morphing the weapons? I thought I remembered reading somewhere that they don't morph into anything.

The Wandering Knight
11-06-2002, 07:20 PM
For Emerald weapon...I use as least as materia as possible (usually underwater, HP plus, Knights of the round+HP absorb, Restore for Cloud) <<I don't care about the others since they get ko'd as soon as the battle begines:p....I start with using hero drink then I summon knights of the round..I keep mimicing the move till it dies:D..
For Ruby weapon...I kill my freinds before i go in...ofcourse I Equipe all master materia for cloud, usually with this set: M.Magic+all, M.Command, M.Summon+HP absorb, Hp plus, Long range and other normal materia for cloud...i give normal materia to other charecters and not to forget the mime materia)...About the armors I Equipe the charcters with Mystile which has incredible evade% and magic evade%...I start the battle by casting Phoenix after Ruby uses his tanticles...i use a hero drink on Cloud (I really depend on him in all my battles:D) Then I cast knights of the round...and start mimicing it:D untill it dies.. when ever i need recovery I use megalixer(thanks to the w-item trick:D)...
And that's all folks...

12-04-2002, 04:53 PM
To your question Agent 0042, you can't morph the weapons, I wouldn't imagine what they would morph into anyway...besides, that would be pretty hard to do don't you think?

12-04-2002, 08:12 PM
Yeah, I thought so. I only asked because somebody said that they had morphed Emerald.

12-05-2002, 02:20 AM
You kiddin me? That's bull shit, whomever told you that isn't quite sure with the boundries of the game...unless there is a gameshark code for it, which I doubt. but hope you aren't offended by my obscurity over this.

12-05-2002, 05:55 AM
Well, it's right here in this thread:

Posted by Tayste:

Huh? Your method was exactly the same as mine.. Lol.. Yours was to use demi with all.. so was mine. 9999 X 8 each time mimed plus healing you. Approx 3/4 mins is the fastest possible. I also morphed emerald this way, it took me about 10 mins because once i got her health low enough with demis i used morph each go til she died

That's why I asked if you got anything for morphing.

12-06-2002, 08:52 PM
That is pretty wierd and deep, I dunno if that is true or not but ask the person what he/she got after morphing them and see what they said, I'm intrested if it may be true, I don't think it is, but I could be wrong...

Neo Xzhan
12-07-2002, 02:43 AM
According to gamefaqs you cannot morph Emerald Weapon.

12-07-2002, 02:46 AM
As I said before, I didn't thinks so either, although that notice that 0042 got was interesting to read. Don't you think so?

12-07-2002, 03:36 AM
Yeah maybe. I guess probably what happened was that they used morph to kill Emerald, they just didn't get anything for it. Like, even if you don't get anything, morph will still work for the kill. So that's probably what happened.

Tonberri Master
12-15-2002, 03:07 AM
I just did this:
I used.......Cloud, Vincent and Tifa.
I eqiped Cloud with Final Attack and Phoinex
I eqipped Vicent with KOTR and Mime
I eqipped Tifa with Mime and Restore

I just attacked with Cloud normally
I used KOTR and then mimed it over and over again. If lost life, i healed with Tifa to keep my life at 9999 when he used his air thingie it took me down to 7777 then i hit him for 7777 damage 64 times doing about 1000000 damage and that finished him