10-02-2002, 01:03 PM
I'd like to know when was the earliest you got the Lionheart (without Gameshark). I got it on disk 2. It was an pain in the butt, but I got it that early.

tom the bomb
10-02-2002, 01:11 PM
You should be able to get it the moment you can get hold of the nessesary items. Pulse ammo, admantine (You have to have the flying balamb to get there) and the last so I reckon disc2 probab;y is the earliest I think I got it then.

10-02-2002, 06:46 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">You can actually get the Lionheart on disc 1. :)

For Dragon Fangs, get to L20-30 and fight in the Training Center in Balamb Garden. The T-Rexaurs can drop 6 Dragon Fangs after battle at this level.

The Adamantines can either be refined from the cards dropped after the Brotehrs battle; or you can just level up to L30+ and fight the Adamantoises on the beach near Dollet, which you can get to before going to Galbadia Garden for the first time.

You can get the Pulse Ammo by either getting 20 Elnoyle cards and refine them into Energy Crystals for 10 Pulse Ammo each; or fight Elastoids (again L30+) in the second Laguna sequence to get Laser Cannons which refine into 5 Pulkse Ammo each (you get the most Elastoids in the screen with steps just past the detonator).

So, yeah. ;)

Neo Xzhan
10-02-2002, 06:49 PM
I've read your descreption before Meltigemini and yes it worked :p. But it takes alot of time to do it and it makes the game to easy but it is fun to just slice and dice em :rolleyes:.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-02-2002, 08:14 PM
If you don't mind Odin985, I would just like to ask, if you skip from Revolver to Lionheart, you would only get Rough Divide and Lionheart, or you would get the others as well?

Neo Xzhan
10-02-2002, 09:21 PM
I believe you do but does it matter?

10-03-2002, 08:00 AM
<table><tr><td><img src=http://www.imahosting.com/sigs/kenshingif01.gif></td><td> <font size="-1"/>Revolver-Rough divide

Shear trigger-rough divide,fated circle

Cutting trigger-^same as previous

Flame Saber-Rough divide,Fated Circle,Blasting Zone

Twin Lance-^same


Lion Heart---all of them

That's the layout, as I remember, and I have skipped from first to last, so I know you get them all,it's basically set for each weapon,meaning, if you go back to a Cutting Trigger from a Flame Saber, you'll lose Blasting Zone.

Personally, I think you should have gotten Fated Circle with the Cutting trigger,and Blasting Zone with the Twin Lance,it would have made more sense.


10-04-2002, 09:29 AM
Yup. Get the Lionheart first thing and you get all of the limits up to and including Lionheart. It's interesting this should be brought up because I'm replaying right now and I got it before going to Galbadia Garden for my very first time ever. I actually discovered that you can fight Adamantoises on that beach near Dollet by accident. It seems there are a lot of guides floating around online that say that you need to wait until defeating the Brothers and then modify Sacred's (Minotaur's?) card in order to get an Adamantine. Guess they didn't know about the Adamantoises on the beach near Dollet. I went ahead and got Zell's Ehrgeiz too. So that makes at least 2 out of the 6 best weapons that you can get on Disc 1.

10-05-2002, 06:10 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I think you can also get Quistis and Selphie's best weapons on disc 1, and maybe even Rinoa's. You can get Energy Crystals from refining Elnoyle cards (You'll need a lot of them but still, it is possible ;)) and Malboro Tentacles from Malboro Cards. You can get an Adamantine for the Strange Vision while also getting the Lionheart on disc 1. I can't remember all the other necesary items, but Rinoa also needs a Force Armlet. The only way you could get one of those on disc 1 is to defeat X-ATM092 on the bridge in Dollet (and even so, it may drop a different item). Otherwise you'll have to wait until disc 3; as the next chance you'll have to get one is after fighting Edea at the end of disc 2.

Irvine's is the only one you won't be able to get until disc 3, because there is no way of getting the Moon Stones before going to Esthar. :)