04-24-2010, 08:24 PM
When i was younger i followed the "Kids from Fame" Tv series. I bought the soundtracks to the series also.

I have uploaded my Vinyl rips of my albums. There is 4 albums in total.

Quality is ranging from very good to ok.

The first one was this.

The kids From Fame.

Of all the 4, this is the best of the best. I enjoy all the songs on this album. The music is from the first season.


A01-Starmaker (The Whole Group)
A02-I Can Do Anything Better Than You Can (Debbie Allen/Erica Gimpel)
A03-I Still Belive In Me (Debbie Allen/Erica Gimpel)
A04-Life Is A Celebration (Erica Gimpel/Carlo Imperato)
A05-Step Up To The Mike (Erica Gimpel/Carlo Imperato/Valerie Landsburg/Gene Anthony Ray)

B01-Hi-Fidelty (Valerie Landsburg)
B02-We Got The Power (Erica Gimpel/Gene Anthony Ray)
B03-It's Gonna Be A Long Night (Lori Singer)
B04-Desdemona (Carlo Imperato/Valerie Landsburg/Gene Anthony Ray)
B05-Be My Music (Lee Curreri/Erica Gimpel/Valerie Landsburg/Gene Anthony Ray)

The Kids From Fame Again.

The second album has still some great songs. Not as good as the first one. Some of the songs feel really cheesy at best.


A01-Mannequinn (Gene Anthony Ray)
A02-Carnival (Debbie Allen)
A03-I Was Only Trying To Help (Valerie Landsburg)
A04-Alone In The Crowd (Lee Curreri)
A05-You're The Real Music (Gene Anthony Ray)
A06-Sho Sho Sho Shorofsky (Lee Curreri)

B01-A Special Place (Debbie Allen)
B02-Do The Gimme That (Valerie Landsburg/P R Paul)
B03-It's Sonata Mozart (Instrumental)
B04-Come What May (Gene Anthony Ray)
B05-The Show Must Go on (Erica Gimpel)

The Kids From Fame Live

Kinda cool hearing them singing in concert really. This is not one of the albums i have listened much to. It does have some highlight. The Medley on side B is really nice.


A01-Body Language (Debbie Allen, Gene Anthony Ray
A02-Could We Be Magic Like You (Lee Curreri)
A03-Friday Night (Carlo Imperato)
A04-Desdemona (Gene Anthony Ray, Carlo Imperato, Erica Gimpel)
A05-Starmaker (Whole Cast)
A06-Hi-Fidelty (Debbie Allen)

B01-Mannequin (Gene Anthony Ray)
A Special Place (Debbie Allen)
It's Gonna Be A Long Night (Lori Singer)
I Still Belive In Me (Erica Gimpel, Debbie Allen)
The Secret (Carlo Imperato, Gene Anthony Ray)
Be My Music (Whole Cast)
B03-Life Is A Celebration (Whole Cast)
B04-We Got The Power (Whole Cast)
B05-Fame (The Waters)

The Kids From Fame Songs

The fourth album i have. I havent listened to this one much. Its just a few songs i like. The quality is best on this one, cause i havent played it much. One annoying thing is that Debbie Allen sings very many songs on this one. I dont like her voice much.


A01-Be Your Own Heo (Erica Gimpel)
A02-Just Like You (Debbie Allen)
A03-There's A Train (Debbie Allen, Albert Hague)
A04-Could We Be Magic Like You (Lee Curreri, Debbie Allen)
A05-Lay Back And Be Cool (Gene Anthony Ray)

B01-Songs (Carlo Imerato, Erica Gimpel)
B02-Body Language (Debbie Allen)
B03-Beatiful Dreamer (Valerie Landsburg)
B04-Dancing Endlessly (Debbie Allen)
B05-Bet Your Life It's Me (Erica Gimpel)