04-23-2010, 09:21 AM
Well, not yet. That's why I'm spreading the word!
There is currently a group and a page on FaceBook advertising a concert of Final Fantasy music in Melbourne, Australia. The guy seems genuine.

Quoted from the group:
"Hello all, Just letting you know that I am attempting to put together a 1 and a half to 2 hour concert of Final Fantasy music in Melbourne, Australia. But I need to get at least 3000 people saying they would come so I can confirm things. If you would attend a concert of Final Fantasy music, join this group."

Unfortunately, the group and page have been up for a few months, and barely anyone has joined. Perhaps because of the difficulty of finding the page in a multitude of other final fantasy related pages.


We need to build up numbers quickly! I invite anyone with a FaceBook account who's interested to join up, and see what happens :D