04-21-2010, 05:42 PM
Link (

I know I'm not the only one really into cartoons here. There is so much to be excited about! Greg Weisman is working on the Young Justice cartoon, there's a new Tartakovsky show, and it's just such a large line-up in general. With all this being added to a line-up that includes Adventure Time, Clone Wars, Brave and the Bold, and Flapjack, I think it is a pretty great time for cartoons.

I'm totally psyched for Tower Prep too though, sorry anti-live action on CN guys. PAUL DINI.

Tom Toonami Tunes
04-23-2010, 07:35 AM
Clone Wars, Chowder, & Flapjack were the only shows I watched regularly on CN for a while, Ben 10 is ok and Secret Saturdays was quality programing but I can't watch everything.

Adventure Time is superb and I really hope they push and advertise the hell out of it unlike what happened to chowder. I guess the last regular episode already aired but the creators had the foresight to write and produce an ending special that wraps up the story.

I hope the Mad show has some of the cast from MAD TV.
The Secret Mountain Fort Awesome sounds a lot like Ugly Americans.
The robot sounds like saved by the bell with the futurama bots.
I hope Sym-Bionic Titan is good.
Regular Show is another random bizzaro style show which seems like the next big thing every one's gonna copy.
Generator Rex unsure of.
I'd rather have new Teen Titans episodes than Young Justice I think and what's with making Aqualad black? I mean he's got to be the biggest token character ever, Not only was he not black but he's not even Aquaman but the sidekick.

Overall this looks promising, not reality shows, more toons, several action shows, diverse art styles, most are being made be already proven creators.

This makes me hopeful.

04-23-2010, 02:15 PM
I think they wanted a more diverse cast, and there aren't too many young black heroes to choose from. They could've gone with Empress, but I'm guessing they didn't want another girl. I'd have loved it if they would've made Static a member (I ship him and Miss Martian), but DC didn't even own the character back when Young Justice was being published, and it'd probably be weird since Static had his own cartoon already.

They announced at the upfronts that Adventure Time is the number one show on tv for boys, so I think they're going to do well by it. It's already renewed for a second season.

Tom Toonami Tunes
04-24-2010, 06:07 AM
Yay for Adventure!

I thought Static Shock was the updated version of Black Lightning/Black Vulcan from the super friends.
Do you have any idea if any of the new Marvel & DC toons are in the same universe like the Bruce Timm & Paul Dini or Foxkids marvel shows?

Caught the first Boba Fett episode tonight, good episode this season is a big improvement story wise. unfortunately for me it's still like 1 big anime filler season, the movies are over and the characters are already locked into their personalities so there's very little wiggle room for character development.

04-24-2010, 08:22 PM
There's a chance Young Justice is in the DCAU because I've heard Bruce Timm is involved with it, but Batman Brave and the Bold definitely isn't. I don't think any of the current Marvel cartoons are in the same universe, I think most of them are on different channels so it's probable that different companies have the rights to them. If the upcoming Ulimate Spider-man cartoon is a hit, I can definitely see Marvel doing a whole ultimate toon-verse.

Static was created by Dwayne McDuffie for Milestone comics. His ongoing series was great, if you ever are looking for a comic to read. Much better than the cartoon. Milestone went under, and DC bought a bunch of the characters and brought them into their main universe. Static is in the Teen Titans now.

Black Lightning is still an active hero, and he has two daughters who are heroes too. Thunder is in The Outsiders and Lightning is in the JSA.

Tom Toonami Tunes
04-25-2010, 05:57 AM
There's a chance Young Justice is in the DCAU because I've heard Bruce Timm is involved with it, but Batman Brave and the Bold definitely isn't. I don't think any of the current Marvel cartoons are in the same universe, I think most of them are on different channels so it's probable that different companies have the rights to them. If the upcoming Ulimate Spider-man cartoon is a hit, I can definitely see Marvel doing a whole ultimate toon-verse.

Static was created by Dwayne McDuffie for Milestone comics. His ongoing series was great, if you ever are looking for a comic to read. Much better than the cartoon. Milestone went under, and DC bought a bunch of the characters and brought them into their main universe. Static is in the Teen Titans now.

Black Lightning is still an active hero, and he has two daughters who are heroes too. Thunder is in The Outsiders and Lightning is in the JSA.

That's nice that some one's smaller comic get added into an already established universe, what about that one robot on the run show that spun off of Batman Beyond?

Ultimate Spider-man toon? What about Spectacular?

04-25-2010, 06:31 PM
Spectacular is canceled. :( Guess that's what freed Greg Weisman up for Young Justice, though. Wolverine and the X-Men is canceled too.

The guy who voiced Zeta voices Batman in Brave and the Bold, which makes me lol.

DC buys characters up- I wouldn't say frequently, but it's not a rare occurrence. They bought a bunch of Timely Comics characters a year or two ago. They launched some really good solo books with some of them, but they never caught on. I hope they can find a place for them in their universe.

Tom Toonami Tunes
04-26-2010, 05:58 AM
What? There cancelled? But, but Spidy aired on kids WB and then it became 4kids TV even though that's already on fox and spider-man got switched to Toon Disney so I figured I'd just buy the season box sets when they come out each year.
Nick only played the first 2 episodes of x-men then I wasn't on anymore.

Is girl martian really this adorable?

04-27-2010, 08:14 PM
She is totally that adorable. Her personality is very similar to cartoon Starfire's, but she doesn't have her temper and she's a little more sensitive and sweet natured. She didn't exist when the Young Justice comic was running, but I'm thrilled they put her in this.

Tom Toonami Tunes
04-28-2010, 07:18 AM
I love toon Starfire, The Silky episode was one of my favorite.
I've heard rumors of some new content for the Teen Titans show but it's probably just this new young justice show and someone got confused and Tokyo Trouble was the ending to TT. One thing I have to say about CN is the fact that they've at least made halfway decent send offs for many of their shows, Teen Titans got Trouble in Tokyo, Foster's Home got a day long marathon with 6 new episodes plus a finale, The Powerpuff Girls also got a marathon with a brand new episode that is one of THE greatest finales I've ever seen, I've heard on 4 chan that Ed, Ed, & Eddy got a finale movie and that Camp Assblow ended with the head camp counselor actually being a psychopath with the real one being tied up for the hole show, and Chowder has a specal that'll finish the story.

Either way I'll definitely watch for Miss Martion.


04-28-2010, 02:18 PM
If you haven't seen the Ed, Edd, and Eddy movie you should for sure. It's really well done and it's nice to think of the show ending like that. Such a good cartoon. They show it on Cartoon Network every now and then, but you'd probably be better off downloading it.

I think Cartoon Network had a rough patch when their new head first took over, but it looks like they're definitely going to make a comeback. I hope Adult Swim improves too.

Tom Toonami Tunes
04-29-2010, 06:38 AM
I don't really care for Ed, Ed, & Eddy so I'll probally just see it on tv some random time.
As for Adult Swim they said that they get 3 new anime shows with the remake of Full Metal Alchemist already airing. Seeing as how Inuyasha is one of their very first shows to air and is still on rotation I'm sure the final season will be 1 of the other 2. As for the 3rd series When the Cicadas Cry would fit with minimal cuts and Haruhi Suzamiya would make sense being fairly new and very popular. Or more likely it's going to be something they got on the cheep and will be boring and crappy or a gamble on something unique.

I'd like to see them go back to having Saturdays just for action and Sundays just for comedy with week days a mix. Aside from the obvious fan plead of bringing back old Toonami, Adult Swim, Fox Kids, Kids WB, Comedy Central, Sci-Fi channel shows they'd be wise to start looking for the next major series like Venture Brothers or Boondocks and maybe get 1 big anime series and some movies.

04-29-2010, 03:58 PM
Yeah, the coming season of The Boondocks is the last one, so I definitely hope they're on the look out for more shows like that. There are plenty of things I'd love for them to bring back- Toonami played a pretty huge role in my young life for a time- but as long as there are good animated shows to watch, I'm happy, really.

Man, it's still so weird to me that Higurashi got brought over here. I am a huge fan of it, so it isn't a bad thing, but it is not something I ever expected! I guess if you cut out Irie's pervin on loli maids and toned down the violence it'd be pretty Adult Swim friendly, though.

Tom Toonami Tunes
04-29-2010, 08:53 PM
I like the idea of horror but most of the time horror movies are to stupid for me, the killers are some low skill monster that's grunting and hulking about yet no one seems to sense it coming let alone do the simplest things that would kill it.

When I was way little my mother used to sit me on her lap while PBS or A&E mystery was on so I also kinda like the idea of mysteries but having seen almost all the Sherlock Holmes movies I kinda know what happened so I have no wish to read any.

That's why I love Higurashi, it's horror that's actually suspenseful, it's a mystery, and the main characters actions make way more sense plus they are pretty young and sweet so when they get killed it's really hard to take.
It's funny that the DVD's for the show look like dollar store box art and for some reason best buy only stocks disc 2 & 5.

Another show they could air is Michiko to Hatchin. Michiko being framed for a crime she didn't commit breaks out of jail but not to clear her name and reek vengeance upon those who have wronged her, at least that's not her main goal, she really just wants to find her Love's daughter (from another women) and then find her love so they can run away and be a family. It's set in Brazil for the most part and feels like Cowboy Bebop light as a blacksploitation anime road trip movie.