10-01-2002, 02:44 AM
dungeons and dragons is definetly fiction. i really enjoy sitting down, taking a (small) break from my pc and playstation, and playing a fair game of dungeons and dragons. Its cool to use image whats happening and how characters look,..ect .
anyone who doesn't have a good imagination shouldn't play this game.

nowadays not many people like dugeons and dragons, but still i'd like to here what u have to say, so please post ur thoughts and/or feelings about D&D. Also post ur favorite race, mine is the elves.

10-01-2002, 09:03 AM
D&D is an RPG.. Please post things in the correct forum. ^_^

Moving this now..

10-01-2002, 10:36 PM
I really want to try D&D, but I don't know anyone who plays it. :(

10-02-2002, 07:18 PM
I have'nt played the D&D board game, only the video game versions (Baldurs Gate, Planescape, Neverwinter Nights). I would really like to try it but i don't know anyone who plays it.

10-03-2002, 07:05 PM
All I play is DSA... That�s another pen & paper rpg system. I don�t really know D&D, so I don�t know the differences... however, I simply suppose that all pen& paper rpgs are somewhat cool. :D ;)

I found out that my brother is too dumb to understand the game, I mean, attempting to beat up a big drunken barbarian when he is a little weak thief is definitely not the brightest thing that you can do. You�re right, these games require imagination, and patience. You have to play it seriously...

10-03-2002, 07:17 PM
I love D&D...only problem is, I cannot find ANYONE who will play it. My brother tried...but its no fun with two people, plus he isnt too serious about it. I love the chance to get away from my life and my cares...but no one else seems to care...

10-25-2002, 08:02 PM
I play D&D every week......:D I love the game. My favorite race to play is human, because of the extra skill point and extra feat at first level....that and the fact you dont have any minuses to stats(pluses dont always help). I play 3rd edition D&D every friday night if i can (no game tonite, as 3 ppl cant make it).

Rabid Monkey
10-25-2002, 10:42 PM
I never really played D&D much but I remember playing Hero's Quest all the time with my cousin... It is an incredible board game/RPG, and the best part is that you can make your own quests. Also, you start off with a set of characters and they become stronger as you complete each successive quest. Everyone playing continues to boost up their character's powers.

I could go on for a bit about this game but I won't bother cause I'm sure not too many people want to hear about it, but if you're interested send me a PM or something...

Bahamut ZERO
10-26-2002, 02:52 AM
I used to play Advanced D&D during last year. My house mate ws the dungeon master, and used to have a sadistic side involving some pretty tough quests. Surprisingly, my character was the highest levelled after I attended each session. What's even more surprising is that I used to play the "idiot" character (mucking about as much as being serious) and I survived.

This year, we're planning to play Fading Suns. I can't wait. Should be fun to mess up in new and original ways.

11-01-2002, 02:26 AM
I got stuck with some realy boring people so i dont play anymore but it was fun if i had some cool people to play with.

I always seem to find people with no imagination you're right about needing it

11-02-2002, 04:58 AM
I've never played Dungeons and Dragons, but I've always wanted to try it at least once. It's actually on my checklist of things to do before I die ^^;;;;; It looks fun and seems like a creative pastime.