04-09-2010, 05:28 PM
an experiment by me

i like to rock out to vg music.
i'm not as much of a collector and dont have an emphasis on original sound preservation.

i love this soundtrack.

but the ost sux because the default arcade mix, for some reason, had the drums turned way down.
also there is a general lack of fidelity. i'm guessing thats a playback sample rate thing. the drums obviously lose high peaks when they are downsampled to fit in the rom.
this little song pack is attempt to remedy this.

i didnt bother to add fades or eliminate the weird sounds u get when m1 changes tracks. these things dont matter to me. i just wanted to churn out something rocking.

i have also eliminated boring songs!
this mix is for kick butt driving around or headbanging. no room for filler music and coin sounds.

dL here (http://www.mediafire.com/?jnonwddmzmt)