09-30-2002, 04:28 AM
I loved every game in the legacy of kain series.

fav: blood omen 2 for the ps2
2nd fav: Blood omen 1 for the ps1
3rd fav: Soul Reaver 2 for the ps2
4th fav: soul reaver 1 for the ps1

thats what i think, but what do u have to say???

Neo Xzhan
09-30-2002, 11:30 AM
I also have the whole serie and i just love it. The story is really good and The Soul Reaver is the best sword there is :). The graphics rock (well the graphics of BO1 suck compared to now a days). The music is 1 of the best things about these games, it really gets you in the mood.

09-30-2002, 06:11 PM
i could see why Soul Reaver 1 was so good, the way you could switch between the different realms, and how it was just one giant level. but, to me, i found it quite boring. i havnt played any of the others, so i can only really talk about Soul Reaver

09-30-2002, 08:10 PM
The original was not too bad, but felt like nightmare creatures with more options and interactivity.

I think the PC versions are better and while the story stays interesting, the games are getting redundant.


10-01-2002, 06:36 PM
I really liked the soul reaver (1) demo and bought the game. I got roughly 4 hours into the game i guess and got kinda tired of it. Its difficult thats all i can say. Ive never played SR2 or BO2, i played the BO1 demo ages ago and cant even remember what it was like

10-01-2002, 09:05 PM
Blood Omen rawks. I haven't bothered with Soul Reaver though. Raziel is no where near as cool as Kain. Kain made you look past some of the flaws of the series. His attitude and comments made me buy the game.

10-03-2002, 11:46 AM
Actually raziel is extremely cool in appearance. imo

10-03-2002, 07:25 PM
Soul Reaver games are amazing, IMO, but there is a problem. Firstly, both of the games had horrible endings. And second, the second Soul Reaver was entirely too short.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-19-2002, 01:45 AM
Horrible story?!

How can you say that?

Well, wait, the story is written as though the developers assume you have played all the previous installments recently.

My favorites:

1. Soul Reaver 2
2. Blood Omen
3. Blood Omen 2
4. Soul Reaver

I especially like the way they intertwine the storylines from SR2 and BO2.

Kain (near the end of SR2, while dazed): "The Hilden.... My God! We walked right into that trap! Raziel, Janos must stay dead!"

And then the main enemy in BO2 turning out to be the rival race of the vampires alluded to so much in SR2, called "Hilden".

What gets me, though, is how are they going to resolve the whole deal about vengeance between Raziel and Kain?